How would you like to help keep this nonprofit (501c3) organization growing?
You/Your Business/Your Employer/Your Friend's Business (etc) can become a sponsor.
Sponsorship dollars help offset the cost of practice/game fields, league equipment, insurance, refs, trophies, concession and most importantly children who can't afford registration or equipment!
Sponsorship letter: 2020 Sponsorship Letter
Sponsorship Levels
Bronze - $100-$249
• Social Media Shout Out
• Letter of Acknowledgment/Appreciation
• Listed on the sponsorship section of our website
Silver - $250-$499
• In addition to everything included in the Bronze package
• Announced at each home game
Gold - $500-$999
• In addition to everything included in the Silver package
• Official logo on the sponsorship section of our website
• Plaque with team photo
Platinum - $1000+
• In addition to everything included in the Gold Package
• Featured on our home page with an active link to your site
• Logo on a Banner displayed at all home games