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Notes on Rules
Regulation VI – Baseball Pitchers
Threshold now applies to number of pitches thrown then move to catcher (40 pitches)
Threshold now applies to number of pitches thrown then pitch in a 2nd game that day for Jr. and Sr. (30 pitches)
Regulation VI – Softball Pitchers
A pitcher can return to pitch once per inning as long as they stay in the game
Minors can use as many pitchers as they want - Majors can only use 5 pitchers per game
Rule 1 – Objectives of the Game
Add-on devices to bats are Prohibited
No pine tar or any other adhesive anywhere on the bat
Rule 2 - Definitions
Appeals 7.10
Balk 8.05
Base Coach 4.05
Base on Balls 8.04 and Regulation VI
Majors and Minors are the only divisions you don’t have to throw the pitch
Battery – Pitcher and Catcher
Batting Order 6.07
Bench or Dugout 3.17
Bunt – Make the right call – a Bunt is NOT a swing. We use the term “Slap Bunt” in softball which is a swing and not a Bunt. Bunting foul with 2 strikes is considered an out. In softball, a slap bunt foul with 2 strikes is a foul ball.
Baseball you must move the bat towards the ball to be called an attempt. If the bat stays stationary, it’s not considered an attempt.
Softball you must move the bat back or it’s considered an attempt. If the bat stays stationary, it’s considered an attempt.
Catch – You must have possession, control, and then transfer (voluntary release).
Dead Ball Area 5.09
Foul Tip 6.06 – this is not a foul ball
Illegal Batted Ball 6.06
Infield Fly 7.08
Must have a force out at 3rd
Must have less than 2 outs
Must have an apex to the batted ball
Can (not could, not will) be caught with ordinary effort
Inning 4.04 and 5.07
Minors must have 5-run limit, 3 outs, or once thru the batting order for a half inning
Locally you can use more runs but not less runs per inning
Interference 7.09
Obstruction 7.06
Retouch 7.10
Strike Zone 2.0
Runner 7.01
7.06 – When a runner is stealing home and the catcher jumps out in from of the plate to catch the ball, call a balk on the pitcher and award the batter 1st base on catcher interference
7.08 Hurdling is legal if it’s not malicious
Softball – There is no “Look Back” rule. Runners are entitled to 1 stop, then they must decide to go back or go forward. They get 3 seconds once the pitcher has the ball and enters the circle if a play is not being made on them.
Rule 3 – Game Preliminaries
Substitutions – Regular season is now the same as Tournament Play. Starter must go back in the same position in the batting order.
UIC is responsible for the condition of the field during regular season. Tournament Director is responsible during Tournament Play.
Rule 4 – Starting and Ending the Game
4.10 - 15 run rule is optional during regular season
If a time limit is used for Major and above divisions, you must have a minimum number of innings played – even if it goes past the time limit
4.15 - Game may be forfeited by the UIC (UIC must be 18 or older) if:
Team refuses to start play within 10 minutes
Team refuses to play at all
Team fails to resume play within 1 minute
Team fails to obey umpire to remove a player from the game
Team willfully and persistently violates the rules
Team is using tactics to delay, shorten, or make a travesty of the game
4.19 – Protest
Only violation or interpretation of the rules
Cannot protest Umpire judgement
Manager or acting manager is the only one who can protest
Must be done before the next play
Both the manager and umpire must submit a report within 24 hrs. to the DA
Minor Division – league may adopt to resolve before the next play
Rule 5 – Putting the ball in play
Rule 6 – The Batter
6.07 – B O O (Batting Out of Order)
Who batted
Who was supposed to bat
When was it appealed
Who’s up next
6.08 – Entitled to 1st base
Intentional Walk (Majors and Minors only) – must announce before 1 pitch is thrown to the batter
6.09 – Batter becomes a runner
Uncaught 3rd strike
Rule 7 – The Runner
Rule 8 – The Pitcher – Softball
8.06 – Visits (1 per inning, 2 per game) (Minor’s 2 per inning, 3 per game)
Rule 8 – The Pitcher – Baseball
8.02 - Pitcher can come to their mouth or lips while on the mound, just not on the rubber
8.06 – Visits (1 per inning, 2 per game) (Minor’s 2 per inning, 3 per game)
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