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Fox Chapel Area Baseball Softball Association


Game Length
Games are 7 innings (RECOMMEND THAT A 2 HR TIME LIMIT BE APPLIED WHEN APPROPRIATE). The game is an official game and the ten (10) run rule will be in effect after 5 full innings or 4 ½ if the home team is leading, an unofficial game is replayed entirely. If the last completed inning of play ended with a tie score, the game will be recorded as a tie.

Runs per Inning
When SIX (6) runs are scored in the offensive teams half of the inning, the offensive team takes the field regardless of the number of outs. The inning will not end until the umpire has stopped play. All runs resulting from that play will be recorded. The SIX (6) run rule DOES NOT apply in the 7th inning or in any innings played under the INTERNATIONAL TIE BREAKER RULE.

Tie Game
If tied after 7 complete innings, the game will continue under the INTERNATIONAL TIE BREAKER RULE.

A minimum of eight (8) players is required to start and finish a game. In the event that one team does not have the required number of players to start a scheduled game, the teams will share players and the game may be played. The intent is to play the game. The game would be officially scored as a “GAME PLAYED FORFEIT WIN” for the team who supplied the players. Call-up players from the same organization are legal players, call-over players from other teams at the same age level are not legal players. If neither team has a minimum of eight (8) players, and no official game can be played, but a game is played, both teams will be awarded one (1) game point for a GAME PLAYED FORFEIT. The home team manager will be responsible to pay a full umpire fee for a GAME PLAYED FORFEIT or if the umpires were not properly advised of a cancellation.

Weather/Field Conditions
Prior to the start of the game, all judgments regarding weather and field conditions are the responsibility of the Home Team Manager. After the game has started, all judgments regarding weather and field conditions are the responsibility of the umpires. In no event shall a game continue if there is lightning sighted or thunder heard. The umpires will determine if a game is to be stopped for rain conditions. If the game is stopped, both team managers and the umpires will consult regarding continuation of the game. The umpires will have the final decision regarding continuation of play.

Playing Field
Bases are 60 feet apart, pitching distance is 40 feet. A 3 foot running lane is at first base. The home team manager must consult with the umpire regarding ground rules. The umpire has the authority to change a ground rule for safety reasons.

Each team will field NINE (9) players on defense. No player can sit on the bench for two (2)consecutive innings. Free substitution is applicable to all defensive positions.

Infield Fly Rule
The infield fly rule is in effect.

Defensive Conferences
The umpire shall advise both team managers prior to the start of the game. Managers/coaches are permitted 1 defensive conference per inning. If a manager/coach exercises a 2nd defensive conference in the same inning, the pitcher will be removed from the pitching mound for the remainder of the game.

Innings per Game
There is no restriction on the number of innings a pitcher can pitch.

Pitching Distance
The pitching distance is 40’. An eight (8’) foot radius circle will be drawn from the center of the pitcher’s rubber.

Delivery of Pitch
A pitcher can start her delivery with either one (1) or two (2) feet on the rubber.

Batter/Base Runner
A continuous batting order will apply. Players arriving after the game has started can be inserted in the last position on the lineup.

Offensive Conferences
The umpire shall advise both team managers prior to the start of the game. Managers/coaches are permitted 1 Offensive conference per inning. If a manager/coach exercises 2nd Offensive conference in the same inning, the batter will be declared out.

Courtesy Runner
The manager is permitted to substitute a base runner for the catcher or an injured base runner at any time regardless of the number of outs. The substituted runner will be the player who recorded the last out. Pitchers and catchers will run for themselves.

Failure to Take a Turn at Bat
If a player does not take her turn at bat, “FOR WHATEVER REASON”, an out will be recorded. The line-up will close and no additional outs will be recorded. The player may return and bat in the same position in the line-up, if the returning player again does not bat, an out will be recorded and the line-up will close. If a player must leave early and the opposing coach is notified prior to the start of the game, no out will be recorded.

Third Strike
The 3rd strike rule DOES apply.

Base Awarded to Runner
Not applicable

Base Stealing
Base Runners
There are no restrictions on base stealing.

Helmet Rule
Managers must enforce this rule for the safety of the players

Batter/ Base Runner
Each batter and base runner must wear an approved batting helmet. The helmet must be worn securely while at bat and when the batter becomes a base runner. IT IS PARTICULARLY IMPORTANT THAT ALL PLAYERS WEAR THE HELMET WHILE RUNNING THE BASES.

Player or Coach Ejection
Refusal to wear a helmet shall result in the player being ejected from the game. The player shall be declared out. The player shall be removed from the lineup and the batting order shall continue. The ejected player’s batting position will be skipped for the remainder of the game. Any player or coach ejected from a game is also suspended for the next played game, a 2ndejection will result in a suspension for the remainder of the season.

Player Recorded Out
If while running the bases, the helmet comes off any base runner’s head, or a base runner removes the helmet prior to leaving the field of play (unless time has been called and the play is declared dead), the offending base runner will be called out, play will be stopped at the first opportunity and all remaining base runners will be assigned the nearest base. THE OFFENSIVE TEAM IS NOT TO BENEFIT FROM A LOST HELMET BY A BASE RUNNER.

Stopping of Play
If a player’s helmet becomes dislodged during a slide or due to contact with a defensive player, the player will not be called out. Time will be called, and play will be stopped at the first opportunity. All base runners will be awarded the base they were closest to at the time the play is stopped. The intent of the rule is to protect the players from accident or injury from thrown balls. The rule is not intended to penalize a player for premature removal of a batting helmet. NEITHER THE OFFENSIVE OR DEFENSIVE TEAM IS TO UNFAIRLY BENEFIT OR BE UNFAIRLY PENALIZED AS A RESULT OF AN INADVERTANT LOST HELMET BY A BASE RUNNER.

The home team is to provide TWO (2) NEW GPGSL approved WILSON A9060BASA .47 CORK CORE 375 COMPRESSION RATIO OPTIC June 201260YELLOW WITH RAISED RED STITCH 12-inch Fast Pitch softballs for each home game

Softball bats and baseball bats are officially authorized, unless they are more than 21/4 inches in diameter or 34 inches in length. Bat rings& bat warmers are not permitted. Wood bats, Aluminum bats manufactured before 2000, ASA stamped 2000 and 2004 bats are legal.

Catcher's Equipment
Consists of a helmet with a facemask and attached or built in throat protector, chest protector, and shin guards.

Helmet Chin Straps
NOCSAE-approved batting helmets with NOCSAE-approved face guards are required—chin straps are optional but recommended.

Team players are to wear their issued uniform and must also wear a numbered jersey. Additional appropriate clothing is permitted and encouraged during cold weather.

No visible jewelry is permitted either on the player’s body or hat/visor. The only exception is medic alert bracelets and we urge that they be removed also during the game. Taping over piercings is not permitted.

Umpires and Coaches
Umpire Assignments
One (1) umpire will be assigned to a game. In the event an umpire is not available, the home team manager is responsible to appoint an adult to act as an umpire.

Disputes and Inquiries
 All disputes and/or unusual situations that occur during a game are to be reported to your Association Representative. Your Association Representative is to file a report with the 12 Under Fast Pitch Commissioner.

Umpires and Coaches
The umpires and coaches are adults charged with the responsibility of seeing that the girls play the game fairly and safely. You are partners in this effort, not adversaries.

Any coach that removes a team from the field and refuses to complete a game will be banned from the GPGSL.



Fox Chapel Area Baseball & Softball Assoc.

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