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Champaign West Little League

Champaign West Little League


How do I register?

If you have not played in our league before, you will have to create an account here on our website.  Once your account is created, just follow the steps and any programs that are available should be right there!


What does my child need to play?

Your child will need their own glove and baseball pants.  The league provides a hat and jersey with your registration, as well as bats, helmets and catchers gear.  Cleats are not necessary, but are encouraged and must not be metal.  Many players will bring their own bats, but must they have the USA sticker clearly visible.  Softball bats, USSSA bats, and all other bats used for travel baseball/softball are not allowed.  Although the league provides helmets, most players bring their own.  This is highly encouraged, especially since the cost of a helmet is much less than a bat, and is much cleaner.  You may also bring your own catchers gear as long as a throat protector is present on the helmet.


What do the seasons look like?

Our spring season starts with our March assessments and finishes in June.  Older players will compete in district play when the regular season ends.  Our fall season is a brief season that runs for about 5 weeks and is a great opportunity for players who may be moving up a division the following season to try it out in a casual atmosphere.


Where are the games played?

T-Ball- behind Robeson school

Peanut- Sholem Park, just south of the pool

Farm- Sholem Park Farm Field on Kirby and Robeson Farm near Robeson school

Suited- Robeson school


When are the practices?

Once registration is closed, we have a coaches meeting where the basic rules are discussed and the teams are selected via a round robin draft.  Our volunteer coaches then select their teams practice times and dates.  Before games start, each team will have two practices a week; one during the week and one on the weekend.  Once games start, the week day practice goes away and the weekend practice remains until the season is over.


When does the game schedule become available?

Once practices are under way, we will work on getting the schedule out as soon as possible.  We wait until practices start to work on the schedule so that we can arrange umpires for the older divisions and accommodate our volunteers as much as possible.  Once the schedule is complete, it will be distributed by our coaches.  All games will run from 5:45 pm to 7:15 before Memorial Day and until 7:30 after Memorial Day.


Tell me about coaching!

Little League is a volunteer organization.  All of our board members and coaches are volunteers and so our league thrives on people stepping up and helping.  Many hands definitely make lighter work!  There are multiple benefits of coaching, the biggest of which is the impact you can have on a young players life.  The opportunity you have to really make a difference cannot be measured.

That said, there are also some personal benefits to volunteering!  Our volunteer coaches set their own practice schedules, which helps you plan all the other things going on in your life.  If there is a day that you cannot have a game, let us know, and we’ll accommodate as best we can. 

Coaching sounds great, but I’ve never done it before…

We understand, but don’t be nervous!  We have a coaches meeting and draft with every season to provide you all the information you’ll need.  If you’re still nervous, there are other ways we can help.  One thing that helps is knowing you’re not alone!  If you and a friend register to coach together, we will put you down as co-coaches and you’ll always have help.  We are also in the process of finishing a small coach’s clinic to help assist you with ideas for practices and drills.


Can I request to be with another player?

We do not do player requests, simply because we have found that it helps limit teams becoming “stacked”.  If you volunteer to coach, you can request to coach with two other people and all coaches and kids can be together!  All coaches must register to coach.


Are there player assessments?

In the spring, yes.  Players in the Farm/Minor Player Pitch and Suited/Major division go through a brief assessment to assure that players are placed in the proper division.  If you cannot attend assessments on the given date, just let us know.  There is no assessment for our fall season.  No player is ever cut and unable to play.


Are there any tournaments?

We have an inter-West tournament during the last week of the season.  The Peanut and Farm divisions conclude their year with an inter-Champaign tournament and the Suited division concludes with the Twin City Tournament in late June.  There is no travel involved.


Can I help sponsor Champaign West Little League?

Please do!  Email us any time for details at [email protected]


What if I have any other questions?

Please feel free to reach out to us any time at [email protected] and remember to follow us on Facebook and Instagram!!

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Champaign West Little League

Champaign, Illinois  

Email Us: [email protected]
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