Little League operates under strict rules regarding residency boundaries. Each registering player must certify residency within the LPPLL boundaries with three different proofs of residency. LPPLL Boundary Map
North boundary: “P” Street
South boundary: 56th Ave./Freeport Blvd/Fruitridge Rd.
East boundary: Business 80 / Franklin Blvd.
West boundary: Sacramento River / Highway 5, plus the “Little Pocket” bounded on the west by the Sacramento River
A 2014 Little League International rule change allows players who attend school within LPPLL’s boundary to play in our league. A player will be deemed to attend school in the boundaries if the physical location of the school where they attend classes is within the LPPLL boundary. Note: This excludes home schools, cyber schools, sports-related schools, sports academies, or preschool or after school where a student participates outside of the primary school the player is enrolled.
“School attendance” refers to the (place) physical location the player attends school during the traditional academic year. Once established, a location of school attendance will not be considered changed unless the child is enrolled and attends another school or is no longer enrolled in the previous school.
School Enrollment Form