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Marana Little League

Marana Little League


When does registration start/end?
There are two registration periods. 

Spring Season: Registration opens November/December and the season runs beginning of March through mid-May, with evaluations occurring early February.

Fall Season: Registration opens in June/July and the season runs end of August through mid- November.

What if I miss the registration deadline? 
A late fee will be applied. If all the available spots for a division are full you will be put on a waitlist until a spot opens up.

Why are there evaluations? 
Player evaluations are an important part of the team formation/draft process to help us achieve Marana Little League’s objectives of placing players at the appropriate skill level (division), achieving team parity, and compliance with Little League International rules.  It also helps create a memorable, fun, and fair playing environment for all players. Evaluations are not a tryout--all registered players are placed on a team regardless of skill level.

For more info, see Eval FAQ.

What paperwork do I need for registration? 
All players will need:

- Medical Release Form: Medical Release Form (PDF) or Medical Release Form (Jotform)
              - need Insurance info
- Proof of residency either in the form of: 
      - School Verification Form: Little League School Enrollment Form.pdf
      - 3 Documents from the groups outlined on the Residency Checklist: Residency Checklist.pdf

*All Stars - Players that are eligible for and plan to try out for All Stars will need to have their
Original Birth Certificate available for All Stars certification if they make the team.

When do practices/games start? 
Spring Season: Practices typically start the beginning of March. Games anticipated to begin
the last week of March or first week of April.

Fall Season: Practices typically start mid-August. Games are anticipated to begin early

What can I expect for time commitment?
Expect 2 weekday practices per week to start and then 1 weekday practice, 1 weekday game
and 1 Saturday game once games begin. Traditionally the lower divisions (Tee Ball, Coach
Pitch & Mini Minors) have the early practice slots starting at 5pm. With upper divisions (Minors AA
and above) having practices that begin at 6pm or 7pm, depending on field availability. Practice
start times are consistent with game start times that will occur for each division and are also
consistent with other league start times to allow for interleague play.

When will I know practice days?
Practice schedule cannot be made until registration closes and teams are formed so we know
coach availability and how to utilize field space. MLL typically can provide schedules 1-2 weeks before the season
begins. Spring – approximately 3rd week of February. Fall – approximately 3rd week of August.

How long are practices/games?
Practice is the same length as a game: Tee ball 1 hour, Coach Pitch/Mini Minor 1.5 hours, AA 1
hour 45 minutes, AAA and above 2 hours.

When will I know game schedule?
We work to get this out as quickly as we can. A lot of moving parts with interleague games and
trying to minimize schedule issues throughout the season. You can expect game schedules 1-2
weeks before games begin.

Who fills out the Medical Release Form? 
The MRF is filled out by the players' parent/guardian.

Do I need a physical to play?
No, we do NOT require a physical to play.

Where can I find the Age Calculator?
The Age Calculator is located here: Little League Age Calculator

How is League Age determined?
Baseball – player’s league age is their age as of 8/31/202X.
Softball – player’s league age is their age as of 1/1/202X.
The Age Chart is located here: Baseball and Softball

How do I know what division my child should play in? 
Once you have started the registration process, a list of available programs will show for the player. For most players, only one division will show. If two choices are available, you can either play up or down depending on their skill level. In Spring season, players registered for Coach Pitch & Mini Minor divisions and up will participate in the evaluation process in February. Players will then be placed in a division best suited for them.

How do I know if I live in MLL's boundaries?
You can use this link to check: League Finder

Are coach and player requests honored?
While not guaranteed, we do our best to honor as many requests as possible for tee ball, coach
pitch, and Minors AA coach/kid Pitch, while ensuring all the teams are balanced competitively.
We understand that many parents rely on friends and teammates to get to practices/games on
time. For upper divisions where a draft occurs (AAA and above), these requests cannot
be honored.

What schools are in your boundaries? 
Estes Elementary, Gladden Farms Elementary, La Paloma Academy, Picture Rocks Elementary, Roadrunner Elementary, Red Rock Elementary, and Marana Middle School,

What do I need for the first practice?
To begin practices players will need:
Athletic pants/Ballcap/Visor of players choice. Game day uniform colors will be assigned.
Water bottle

Suggested Items: 
Athletic Supporter (for Minors BB and above)

Optional Items: 
Batting Helmet
Batting Gloves
Bat – must meet USA Baseball standard - see FAQ Approved Bats and How to Pick A Bat

The league will have helmets and catchers gear for all teams.

Game Day Uniforms:
After coaches receive jersey assignments they will inform the team of what color pants, socks,
and belts will need to be purchased to complete the uniform. Jersey assignments are
anticipated to be given 2 weeks after practices begin.

 What is included with my registration?
The league will provide a jersey and hat. Registration also covers field time for all game and practices as well as umpires for upper divisions.

Can I get a refund if the schedule does not work for my family? 
Yes. Refunds can be issued up until the 1st scheduled practice. 

Why does MLL use Youth Umps?
MLL is committed to the development of youth in our community. We believe giving youth an opportunity to participate in Little League in a different capacity helps foster community engagement while challenging these youth as they face making on-the-spot and sometimes difficult calls, allowing them to grow their confidence on and off the field. Interested in umping? Contact [email protected]

Do you offer scholarships for player registration?
Yes! Thanks to donations from individuals and businesses in our community, the MLL Scholarship Fund is available to families to cover registration fees. Please contact [email protected] for more information.

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