Please contact [email protected] to proceed with sponsorship
Home Run Sponsor - $1,000
▪ Sponsor Spotlight:
Social Media post to thank your business. Optional: live “thank you” feed in social media Stories.
Your business will also be featured in one monthly e-newsletter or email blast that is sent to all player’s families. If you wish, you can provide a coupon or promo code to be included!
▪ Business Name on one Team’s Uniforms for Spring Season
▪ 3’x5’ Vinyl Banner at two fields of your choice
▪ Logo Displayed on Little League Website
▪ Announcement at Opening Day Ceremony
Triple Play Sponsor - $700
▪ Business Name on one Team’s Uniforms for Spring Season
▪ 3’x5’ Vinyl Banner at two fields of your choice
▪ Logo Displayed on Little League Website
▪ Announcement at Opening Day Ceremony
Double Play Sponsor - $550
▪ Business Name on one Team’s Uniforms for Spring Season
▪ 3’x5’ Vinyl Banner at one field of your choice
▪ Logo Displayed on Little League Website
▪ Announcement at Opening Day Ceremony
Double Banner Sponsor - $500
▪ 3’x5’ Vinyl Banner at two fields of your choice
▪ Announcement at Opening Day Ceremony
Banner Sponsor - $300
▪ 3’x5’ Vinyl Banner at one field of your choice
▪ Announcement at Opening Day Ceremony
Uniform Sponsor - $300
▪ Business Name on one Team’s Uniforms for Spring Season
▪ Announcement at Opening Day Ceremony