Help us to complete the capital campaign to build the new playground at Ambuc Park. This will be a fully assessable playground with the area's only wheelcha...
We're super excited about all the upgrades coming to Brooks Fields. New Field, custom solutions for bathrooms, covered area for concessions, and batting cag...
Ambucs in Savannah donated $50,000 to the renovations at Ambucs park to go towards the new Adaptive playground.
The attached document is for players, coaches and volunteers to read over and educate yourself on best practices, safety plans and important contact information in the event of an emergency.
Get registered today! Divisions for all ages 2-16. See info below for dates.
First round of evaluations will be Saturday Feb 15th. Only kids league age 7 (Farm Club) and older need to attend. A flyer with what to expect will go out prior to event.
Dates to remember Aug 17th 10:00a Evaluations Aug 21st 6:00p Coaches Meeting and Draft (ALL COACHES)
Registration is NOW OPEN!! Ages 2-16
Memorial Stadium at 6:00. ALL those wanting to coach this season need to attend. Draft will follow meeting.
Detailed directions to complete USA Baseball Abuse Awareness training.
Every coach must attend at least one coaches meeting.
This is the first of 2 assessment opportunities. The make up date will be Wednesday Feb 28th at Ambucs Park at 6:00. Every player needs to attend 1 evaluation.
ALL volunteers MUST complete a background check and Abuse Training course before they can participate in any activities that involve the kids.
All kids age 7-13 need to attend the fall ball registrations. 11:00 am at Ambucs Ball Park. Look for more details in your email for what to expect and bring.
Open July 6th 2023
CCLL is excited to offer a new division on play this fall season.
2025 Spring Baseball / Softball Age Chart
Age Chart Determination Link
Higherground Field
Islands High School Baseball Field
JC Cannon Field
Ambuc Park
Charlie Brooks Park
Scott Stell Park
Mother Mathilda Beasley
7230 Sallie Mood Dr Savannah, Georgia 31406