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Meet the Board

Burns Little League operations are directed by it's Active Board Members and Officers.  This group is made up of VOLUNTEERS that dedicate their time to create a safe and fun environment for our youth to PLAY BALL!!!!

All Board of directors can be reached by emailing [email protected]. Please enter position of board member in email subject line to direct it to the appropriate member.

If you are interested in serving as an active member or officer we would love to have you.  Please contact us via email!

President: Terry Malone
Vice President: Katie Hall
Secretary: Cassey Hassell
Treasurer:  Leslie Swafford
Player Agent: Leslie Scott
Information Officer: Michael Parrish
Safety Officer: Meredith Tidwell
T-Ball Director: Katie Hall
Softball Directors: Brandy Trotter and Eddie Holt 
Baseball Directors: Adam Keller and Chris Christian
Fundraiser Director: Nikki Holland
Field Maintenance Director: Steve Pace
Special Events Director: Audra Parrish