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7/8 Coach Pitch Rules

Burns Little League Baseball Coach Pitch

2019 Amended Rules

The following amended rules are to be used in conjunction with the Official Little League Baseball Rule Book.

1.       There will be a straight line extended 4 feet on both sides of the 40-foot pitcher plate.

2.       The defensive team will have 10 players on defense, 6 infielders and 4 outfielders. The outfielders must be positioned on the outfield grass.

3.       The offensive team will have 2 adult base coaches or one adult and one player.

4.       The 15-run rule is in effect. If the home team is ahead by 15 runs or more after 3 innings or the visiting team after 3 innings the team that is ahead is declared the winner. The 10-run rule is in effect. If the home team is ahead by 10 runs or more after 3 ½ innings or the visiting team is ahead by 10 runs or more after 4 complete innings the team ahead is declared the winner.

5.       Teams will play each game with a continuous batting order. The batting order shall be established prior to the start of the game. Any player arriving late shall be added to the bottom of the batting order.

6.       A maximum of 5 runs or 3 outs per inning.

7.       Players may be entered and/or re-entered into the game provided he meets the requirements of mandatory play. Mandatory play is 3 consecutive defensive outs.

8.       Infield fly rule is not in effect.

9.       Each game will be played until 6 innings or 90 minutes has expired. In case of a tie the 7th inning will be played without the 5 run per inning restriction. If still a tie after 7 innings, the batter that made the last out will be placed on second. The game will be continued until a winner is determined.

10.   The ball becomes dead and the umpire will call time when:

a.       A batted ball comes in contact with the pitcher/coach. No pitch is counted and all base runners must return to the base previously occupied.

b.      A player is injured. Any runner(s) who have crossed the halfway mark shall be awarded the next base. (If a base runner is injured the last retired batter will replace the runner).

c.       Any player has control of the ball and forces the lead runner to stop or retreat toward the last touched base.

11.   Defensive time outs will be limited to 2 per game. Offensive time outs are limited to 1 per inning. Time outs due to injury do not count. However, coaching during an injury timeout is not allowed.

12.   Each batter will receive 5 pitches or 3 swinging strikes. If the last pitch is fouled, the batter will receive additional pitches until they strike out or hit the ball.

13.   If the 5th pitch is missed or not swung at, the batter is out.

14.   Bunting is allowed. However, if a batter squares to bunt, they cannot pull their bat back and take a full swing. If this happens, it is a dead ball and the batter is out.

15.   Batter is out if they bunt the ball foul on the 3rd strike or 5th pitch.

16.   Runners shall not lead off or steal bases.

17.   Runners must have one foot in contact with the base until the ball reaches the batter.

18.   One of the infielders must play the position of player/pitcher.

19.   The player/pitcher must start with both feed on the 4 feet extension of the 40-foot pitching plate. He is free to move once the ball is pitched.

20.   The player/pitcher may move before the ball is batted if the batter squares to bunt.

21.   The player/pitcher must wear a helmet with NASCOE approved facemask.

22.   The coach/pitcher may speak to the batter until the pitch is thrown. Once the ball is put in play the coach/pitcher shall leave the playing field in a direction that will not interfere with the play/ball and not return until the umpire has called time. If the coach/pitcher fails to leave or in the judgment of the umpire interferes in any way, the batter is out.

23.   The coach/pitcher will apply the courtesy of making sure the defensive team is in position before making a pitch. The batter will not receive any benefit by the coach/pitcher doing this. The umpire, in his judgment, shall nullify any hit, returns any runners that advance, and call a strike on the batter.

If a manager or coach is ejected from a game, he/she will sit out the next game and have to apologize to the players and fans in a public forum. If a manager or coach is ejected and has to be asked to leave the stands, Burns Little League Board of Directors will determine if they will be allowed to coach the remainder of the season. If a player is ejected from the game, they must sit out the next game.