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Tee Ball Rules


  1. Tee ball teams will consist of 4, 5, & 6 year old.
  2. Team shall be a regular season team. Not an all-star team.
  3. Team must consist of a minimum of 9 players. A team that has only 9 players may play the game. They still must play 4 in the outfield and take an out every time the 10th batter would have come up to bat.
  4. A team may pick up to 3 players from one other team to fill out roster.  Coach must have a regular season roster of the two teams that make up the team. Coach must have parents from his team sign a form stating that they knew of tournament and didn’t want to participate in tournament.
  5.  Uniform shirt must be worn. Uniform pants and stocking optional.
  6. Bases shall be 60 feet apart.
  7. A regulation game will be 6 innings or 90 minutes.
  8. Bat shall be no longer than 28 inches and no more than 2 5/8 inches in diameter with a BPF of 1.15 for baseball and a USA sticker or stamped USA for baseball and a BPF of 1.20 or less for softball.
  9. Ball shall be Flexiball.
  10. Catcher must wear approved equipment. Male catchers must wear a cup.
  11. Batters will stay in the dugout until their turn to bat.
  12. Each team is to furnish opposing team and scorekeeper with a continuous batting order.
  13. Players may not change positions between batters without substitution.
  14. Players coming in late can still be entered in a game after the other team is notified and reported to scorekeeper entered at the end of the batting order.
  15. Any ball landing in a 12-foot radius of home plate will be a foul ball.
  16. Coach’s circle is to be 6 feet in diameter with the 46-foot pitching rubber for baseball and 40-foot pitching rubber for softball being the center of the circle. Coach may pitch at any distance as long as they are lined up between home and second base.
  17. Player/pitcher must be in position with one foot touching the circle.
  18. Bat throwing or slinging will be given a warning on the first offense. One warning per team and then batters will be called out thereafter.
  19.  A fly ball caught the batter is out. Infield fly rule is not in affect.
  20. Each team will get 3 outs or 5 runs per inning, unless extra innings are needed. In this case each team will begin their time at bat with 2 outs. Also, the half inning will end after all players on the roster have batted in that half inning regardless of the number of outs recorded or runs scored.
  21. Defense will field 10 players, 4 in the outfield.
  22. Base runners will stay in contact with base until the ball is hit.
  23. Batter is out if they reach 1st base with bat in hand.
  24.  All teams are allowed 4 coaches, this includes the field coach, base coaches, and the dugout parent.
  25. One defensive coach allow on the playing field, positioned in the outfield behind the 10-foot line.
  26. One offensive coach in the 1st base box, one in the 3rd base box, one to pitch, and the other in the dugout.
  27.  A line 10 feet behind 1st, 2nd, and 3rd bases shall divide the infield and the outfield. Ball must be returned from the outfield to the infield.
  28.  At no time during the play shall an infielder go into the outfield or any outfielder come into the infield. An infielder may cross the line to get ball once an outfielder has attempted to throw the ball or to get a ball that has been thrown in foul territory.
  29. Infielder or outfielder crossing line will result in base runners being awarded an extra base after the play is dead. If throwing motion carries player over the line, base is not awarded.
  30. Offensive coach is to pitch to their batters. Batter will get 5 pitches or 2 swinging strikes, whichever occurs first. Batter will then be allowed 2 attempts to hit ball off of batting tee. Batter is out if they miss on the last swing. If player fouls the ball on their last swing, they will be allowed to try again. Player can opt not to use the tee. Player not using the tee will be allowed 2 more pitches, if they swing at the 1st pitch and miss, the batter is out.  There are no called balls and strikes.
  31.  Coach/pitcher must go to coach’s circle immediately after ball is hit. When a ball is at a base, runners that are in between bases may advance at their own risk to the next base and then stop.
  32. If a ball is batted and hits the coach, ball is dead and will be counted as a no pitch.
  33. To stop play, the ball is to be thrown to the coach/pitcher. Time will be called when the umpire judges the players was attempting to throw the ball to the coach in the circle. Any runner who is beyond the 3-foot line when time is called, shall be awarded the next base. It is the umpire’s judgment where the runner was at the time of the throw.
  34. While the ball is still in the infielder’s possession and runner makes an attempt toward the next base, defense has the option of throwing the runner out, tagging the runner, or throwing the ball to the coach/pitcher. If the ball is thrown to the coach/pitcher the runner must stop at the next base. Runner’s position is where they were when the ball is released.
  35. Ball thrown from outfield must be fielded by an infielder then thrown to the coach/pitcher.
  36. Infielder may not chase runner over 3 feet outside his/her designated base path. Penalty is the runner advances one base.
    1st - home to 2nd base 2nd - 1st base to 2nd base
    3rd - 2nd base to home          SS - 2nd to 3rd base
    Catcher - 1st base to 3rd base          Pitcher - 1st base to home OR home to 3rd base
  37. Players may not change position between batters without a substitution.
  38. Uniform shirt must be worn. Uniform pants and stocking optional.
  39. Players coming in late can still be entered in game after the other team is notified and report to the scorekeeper entered at the end of the batting order.
  40. Game will not be started with less than 8 players. Pick up players must play outfield and bat at the end of the batting order.
  41. Any rule not covered or situation not covered in these rules reverts to the Little League Rule Book.


If a manager or coach is ejected from a game, he/she will sit out the next game and have to apologize to the players and fans in a public forum. If a manager or coach is ejected and has to be asked to leave the stands, Burns Little League Board of Directors will determine if they will be allowed to coach the remainder of the season. If a player is ejected from the game, they must sit out the next game.