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In Memory Of

Steve Schifilliti

Steve served NBLL his entire life. His Father Charlie worked to established the park when Steve was a boy. Steve started as a ball player then became a Coach and a Manager for the NBLL Major League Giants. He also served on the NBLL Board as President for many years. Steve took great pride in maintaining the fields that his father worked so hard to establish. He could always be found at the park painting, fixing, raking, cleaning and doing whatever needed to be done to maintain a safe and appealing park. Although some would argue that the park was his pride and joy, his greatest pride truly came from working with the children and teaching them the fundamentals of the game. Nothing brought him greater joy then seeing the smiling faces of the kids enjoying the park.

George Gamache

George, a very dear friend, coach, and colleague of NBLL and Vermont District One. George volunteered for well over 25 years, where he served as a coach, teacher, and tournament announcer. He also held the publicity officer position on the Board of Directors for North Burlington Little League. George loved baseball and would share his knowledge and stories with everyone either while announcing during a game or up at the snack bar after the game replaying to people the highlights of the game! NBLL is very sad to have lost our friend - we are grateful to the numerous hours he donated to make NBLL the league it is today.

Bill Leavitt

Bill made a commitment in 1966 to helping Charlie Schifilliti, Bob Rosenberg, and other dedicated parents build one of the strongest Little League organizations in the country. Bill spearheaded construction of a new field in the complex off Gosse Court, as he believed that the community's rapidly expanding youth should all have a chance to play. In 1975, Bill and Ed Hesford coached the New England Little League all-star champions from North Burlington, a team that included son Paul. The team fell in the last inning of the Eastern Regional semifinal to the eventual World Series champions from Lakewood, N.J.

Charlie Schifilliti

Charlie, known as "Mr. Schif" was one of the most committed and beloved leaders in the North Burlington Little League community. He is the namesake of the park and was one of its founders over 60 years ago. Mr. Schif wore many hats during his 50 years with NBLL. He was a father, manager of the Giants, All-Star manager, league executive and Dean of the 'Snack Bar Society'. He was a constant in the lives of three generations of youth. Charlie greatly enjoyed seeing boys and girls develop a love for the game of baseball.


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