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California District 61

Little League - West Region - Northern CA Division

Umpire Resources

Have new umpires or looking for a good training tool? Try this: UMPIRE 101 - A Crash Course in Little League Baseball Officiating

A great guide for teaching newbies, refreshing returners, or helping add depth to any group of umpires!

Rules Presentation - John Valverde

A great friend of CA  District 61, John Valverde (a veteran umpire who works primarily with our sister District to the west, CA District 65), put together this presentation and provided to CA 61 in hopes of continually training our coaches, umpires, and league officials on rules. Take a look, glean whatever you can, and grow your knowledge of the Little League game!

Big thank you to John for his service, friendship, and efforts here!

- 2018 Rules & Regulations Presentation (by John Valverde, CA 65) -

2018 Rules Changes - IMPORTANT!

Rule Changes and Clarifications

Approved Changes from 2018 Congress

Below are a list of rule and regulation changes that have been approved by the Little League International Board of Directors during the 27th Little League International Congress in New Orleans on January 19-22, 2018. These changes will be implemented effective immediately.

Please note: These changes are NOT listed in the printed version of the 2018 rulebooks, but have been reflected in the eBook versions.




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Little League CA District 61


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