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Mandarin Athletic Association

Football & Cheer for over 40 years!

How can I start coaching?


 main goal in life is to provide these children with the skills that they require to be successful in life. You must include important life skills throughout the experience. You need to instill in them the importance of sportsmanship, fellowship, how vital education is, and the need to stay fit. They need to learn values such as concentration, teamwork, self-discipline, and leadership.

Children are observant and curios, so you need to lead by example. You will be their role model and have an influence on these kids’ lives, so please remember to always act accordingly. Good luck, and we wish you all the success in your role as a volunteer Pop Warner coach. We are sure that you will do great!

1st Step Email the Athletic Director 

[email protected]

Let them know you are interested and they will take it from there. 

Every year all coaches have to fill out required paperwork to be cleared to coach. The safety of all children is the top priority!
You do not have to be an experienced football coach to be a great youth football coach!!!!

Do you have the desire, drive and want to help make a positive impact in the youth of our community?
Then become a coach!

FYI Dead Line for turning in paperwork is July 15th, 2024 to ensure you will have a badge by Aug 1st for the first day of practice. 

1. Head Coach is responsible for ensuring that your coaches have all required documents for a badge.
2. We will only be accepting paperwork for you and your assistant coaches from you and only at which time that all paperwork is complete. 
3. All documents must use your fill legal name that is on your birth certificate. 
4. Links at the bottom to be printed and filled out legibly. 
5. I need you to send me your list of all people on your team that will be getting a badge (Including Team Mom's)

1. Background Authorization for City of Jacksonville Background 
New Coaches your background is required to be completed by the City Of Jacksonville.

2. Pop Warner Volunteer Application 

3. Pop Warner Coaches Clinic 
Returning coaches are required to renew this certification every three years. 

4. USA Football Heads up Training

5. Copy of Driver’s License

Contact Us

Mandarin Athletic Association

11808 Fayal Dr 
Jacksonville, Florida 32258

Email: [email protected]

Mandarin Athletic Association

11808 Fayal Dr 
Jacksonville, Florida 32258

Email: [email protected]
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