The Little League Parent and Volunteer Pledge
I will teach all children to play fair and do their best
I will positively support all managers, coaches and players
I will respect the decisions of the umpires
I will praise a good effort despite the outcome of the game
Game Changer: The Game Changer app is a seamless way for WLL to push out league practice and game schedules. In order for everything to sync, you MUST use the email address that you use in our registration system when signing into Game Changer. In addition to schedules, the app contains a messaging platform. EVERY team should be using Game Changer.
Player Recommendations: Recommendations for player level changes should be made directly to Level VPs. The player will need to be evaluated to determine if a move is warranted.
Rulebook: We encourage each Manager to download the Free LL Rulebook App.
Incident Reports: If a child is injured at a Warwick Little League practice or game, you MUST complete a LL incident report. The form can be found here:
First Aid: Each team is supplied with a first aid kit and instant ice packs. Each time an injury occurs and ice packs are needed the team’s manager must file an injury report. No new ice packs are given out unless a report is filed. This is a WLL Safety Rule. Consider having parents bring ice-packs from home to have on hand if a young player is injured and just needs comfort. Please do not use team instant ice packs as comfort items.
Field Maintenance: Please make sure your parents are aware that daily field maintenance is the responsibility of the teams playing on that day. The managers and coaches ultimately end up doing this job; however, it is the responsibility of BOTH TEAMS on the field. If we all pitch in and help, the job will go much quicker and the fields will stay in good playing condition. Please go over the following with them:
Field raked | Remove bases from field |
Field lined | Replace plugs on the field |
Bases placed on field | Re-rake field |
Batter box setup |
TEAM PARENT DUTIES: In the Spring, we encourage every Manager to have a designated Team Parent. Their duties are listed below:
Serve as communication link between Managers/Coaches and parents via email, text and/or the team’s Game Changer site
Update/remind parents of upcoming events
Gather volunteers to assist with events throughout the season
Assist with Fundraising Events throughout the Season (this replaces the former responsibility of Concession Stands schedules)
Team Name assistance that incorporates team sponsor: ie: Risser’s Poultry, Inc. sponsored the Rookie Team “Iron Chickens” last season.
Organize team snack for each game
Bats: Little League® International has assembled an online resource page dedicated to baseball bat information, that includes the latest bat information, current Little League Baseball® rules and regulations governing bats, and a series of frequently asked questions. As of January 1, 2018, the new USA Baseball Bat Standard was implemented. USABat Standard bats must be used in the Little League Major Baseball Division and below. Either USABat Standard bats or BBCOR bats must be used at the Intermediate (50/70) Baseball and Junior League Baseball Divisions. At the Senior League Baseball Division, all bats must be meet the BBCOR standard. Little League-approved baseball bats that were approved for use for the 2017 season will no longer be acceptable for use in any Little League game or activity as of January 1, 2018. For more information on the USABat standard and a complete list of bats approved through the USABat Standard, visit Note: These changes only affect baseball divisions and don’t affect any divisions of softball.USABat models are performance tested and certified using USA Baseball’s Performance Test Protocol.*d921rq*_up*MQ..&gclid=CjwKCAjw3oqoBhAjEiwA_UaLtsFXVRyALbCE49U13fn6MKD9pirj1JWQZCMR5Bc5yH9qDjBoso7wJhoC7c8QAvD_BwE