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Warwick Little League (WLL) in Lititz, PA

Warwick Little League


Warwick Little League Mission: 
The mission of WLL shall be to implant firmly, in the children of the community, the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage, and respect for authority, with the hope that they will grow to be good, decent, healthy, and trustworthy citizens.

-What is “league age”?
League age is the player’s age as determined by Little League International. Click for further information to determine your league age:

-How many levels are in WLL?
WLL has many levels:

Tee Ball – Approximately Ages 4-7

Beginning instructional level for ages 5 and new 6s
Fundamentals and rules of the game taught
All players bat each inning
Non-competitive. Scores, standings and stats are not kept
Players hit from adjustable tee. Soft-centered baseball used.
4 innings or 1½ hours, whichever comes first

 Our older player divisions are set by a combination of age and demonstrated skill. The age ranges are just a guide depending on age and skill of the player.

A (Single A) – Approximately Ages 6-8
Instructional level: Players are evaluated prior to being drafted onto teams: some 8s may be included depending on demonstrated skill.
Coach Pitch.
This level includes second season 6 year olds
Fundamentals and rules of the game taught
Roster batting. Tee used if needed by individual players.
Soft-centered baseball used.  (Starr 5)
Non-competitive. Scores, standings and stats not kept.
6 inning or 2 hours, whichever comes first

AA (Double A) – Approximately Ages 7-10
Fundamentals and rules practiced and reinforced
Introduction to competitive baseball. Scores and standings kept but focus remains on player development.
Players are evaluated prior to being drafted onto teams: some 10s may be included depending on demonstrated skill. 
Players pitch with pitch limits. No walks; if a batter receives 4 balls during an at-bat, the coach will finish the at-bat until an out or base is obtained.
Base stealing limits are in place to maintain competitiveness. 
Regular baseballs are used
6 innings. Five run maximum per team per inning (except last inning)
Umpires used (if available)
Players evaluated prior to being drafted onto teams.
All-Star team tryouts for postseason District 23 tournament

AAA (Triple A) – Approximately Ages 9-10
Fundamentals and rules practiced and reinforced
More competitive. Scores and standings kept
Players are evaluated prior to being drafted onto teams: some 11s may be included depending on demonstrated skill.
Players pitch within the guidelines set forth by Little League International. 
Regular baseballs are used
6 innings. Five run maximum per team per inning (except last inning)
Umpires used
Several travel games against other District 23 teams may be on the schedule in this division
All-Star team tryouts for postseason District 23 tournament

Major – Approximately Ages 10-12
Fundamentals and rules practiced and reinforced
Players evaluated prior to being drafted onto teams.
6 innings. 10 run rule is used
Several travel games against other District 23 teams may be on the schedule in this division
All-Star team tryouts for postseason District 23 tournament (11-12 year-old level is the age that plays in the Little League World Series in Williamsport)

Intermediate 50/70 – Approximately Ages 12-13
Players will play on an “intermediate” sized field.
Pitching will be at 50’ with 70’ baselines
Players evaluated prior to being drafted onto teams
7 inning games
Leads, pick-offs, regular rules of the game
Team travels to play other leagues within District 23
All-Star team tryouts for postseason District 23 tournament

Junior– Ages 13-14
Players begin to play full-size field (90’ baselines)
Team travels to play other leagues within District 23
7 inning games
Leads, pick-offs, regular rules of the game
All-Star team tryouts for postseason District 23 tournament

Seniors – Ages 13-16
Team travels to play other leagues within District 23
All-Star team tryouts for postseason District 23 tournament

- Will my player be on a team with friends?
  • T-Ball and Single A: We generally try to accommodate friend and coach requests.
  • Double A and Up: Friend and coach requests cannot be accommodated.  Teams are selected through a skills assessment and draft in order to balance skills across the teams.   Players with siblings in the same division may have the option to be drafted to the same team.

-What is WLL's Refund Policy?
In the event that a player is unable to play after registering for the Spring Season, WLL will buy back up to $100.00 of the player's raffle tickets. 

- Why does WLL have a mandatory fundraiser?
WLL has one mandatory fundraiser and that is the selling of raffle tickets by each player. The fundraising fee of $50 is part of the registration fee. The League provides $150($50 to tball) in raffle tickets to reimburse full registration costs. When you get your $150 in raffle tickets at Meet the Manager in March, the tickets are yours to KEEP. You owe nothing else to the League! Whatever tickets you sell, that money is yours. If you sell all 15, you have your $150 back.

- What is the time commitment?
We aim to have the kids on the field 3 times a week. Preseason practice is scheduled on any day Monday thru Saturday. During the season, Tee Ball and Minor A typically practice once a week with games on Saturdays. In the older divisions, 2 games are often scheduled per week. (One on a weeknight and one on Saturday.) An occasional practice is also placed into the schedule.

- When are teams formed, when are practices/games?

  • All teams are formed in early March after the players are evaluated and teams are drafted. Team information is sent to families approximately one week prior to Meet the Manager. 
  • Practice schedules are released in early to Late March and depend on the number of teams and field availability. Specific days and times are dependent on the number of kids and teams that are registered
  • Game schedules are released in late March and depend on the number of teams and field availability.  You can expect at least one weekday practice and one weekend game during the season.
-Does WLL provide a uniform?
WLL provides a jersey and a hat to each player

-Does my son have to wear an athletic supporter / cup?
Catchers at every level must wear a cup. Athletic supporters / cups are strongly recommended for all other players.

-What equipment do I need?
Glove, baseball pants, cleats (optional depending on level) and a great attitude. WLL provides helmets, bats, and catcher’s gear.

-Can I bring my own bat?
Yes you may. There is a list of Little League International approved bats on their website. Please check the list BEFORE you purchase. We will have bat inspection and bats that pass inspection & are LL approved will receive an official sticker that may be used all season.
-What’s a sponsor?
Sponsors are our local businesses willing to help fund WLL teams during the season and during tournament time. If you have a business and want to help WLL, please contact  - [email protected]

-How can I help?
What is any good organization without volunteers? WLL relies completely on volunteers. However, coaches, managers, umpires and board members are not the only volunteers we depend upon. If you cannot commit to a season of coaching, lend some time during the season to help in one of our many committees, please contact Warwick Little League President Spencer Todd at [email protected].

-What’s District 23?
District 23 is the group of local little leagues that will play against each other during inter-league play. The following leagues are included in District 23:
  • Manheim Central Little League
  • Octorara Little League
  • Reading Little League
  • Warwick Little League
  • ELCO Little League
-What happens during evaluations?
EVERYONE gets assigned to a team! Players league age 7-13 are evaluated prior to being drafted onto teams. Players are evaluated by neutral evaluators and/or current managers of these levels and are given scores in the area of hitting, fielding (both infield and outfield), throwing, arm strength, and running. Players are also given the opportunity to pitch and catch at the evaluation.

-How can I help my child improve their skills?
Encourage your child and others. Reinforce the skills your kids learn by practicing at home; when you do, make sure you’re reinforcing the same skills and techniques that their coaches are teaching them. Take advantage of clinics. Take your child to the batting cages. Buy an instructional book or video. Watch high school, college and big league games in person or TV. Keep things fun and take cues from your child.

If you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. Contact Kristie Beatty Information Officer at [email protected], or Erik Beatty, Player Agent  at [email protected] for more information. 

Contact Us

Warwick Little League (WLL)

PO Box 314 
Lititz, Pennsylvania 17543

Email Us: [email protected]
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