BCGSA Agreement with Team Coaches
Manager/Coaches and anyone helping on the field (team mom, outfield coach, dugout mom, etc.) must obtain a background check and have a copy on file in the BCGSA records file/folder. All information is kept confidential.
Managers/Coaches are responsible for abiding by BCGSA by-laws.
Managers/Coaches are responsible for obtaining all equipment from the Equipment Director.
Each manager/coach must return any and all equipment to the Equipment Director prior to closing ceremonies or the team trophies could be withheld. Does not apply to PRIDE Coaches.
Field preparation is the responsibility of all the managers/coaches for that day.
Scorekeeping duties are the responsibility of both Home and Visiting teams for the 6U - 14U divisions.
1. Home team will be the official book. (MANDATORY) Scorekeeping will be recorded in the League scorebook.
2. Visiting team will operate the scoreboard and keep score for their game.
Scorebook and score box will be in the crate identified by the field name.
HOME TEAM, prior to the first game to be played on the field each day shall:
1. Complete the marking of the field (At least 15 minutes prior to game time). ie. baselines, pitchers circle (6u-14u)
2. Set the bases, raking around any base that requires attention.
3. Set the watercoolers & cups in both home and visitor side dugouts.
4. Turn the field lights on if necessary.
Following EACH game played on the field
1. Each team upon completion of EVERY game should remove their equipment in a timely manner and make sure that the dugout is clean and ready for the next team to play. Trash around the dugout and under and around the bleachers must also be cleaned up.
2. The manager/coach from each team shall visit the umpire and sign the scorekeeping log and/or book (8u and above) and ensure that the final score is recorded.
VISITING TEAM, following the last game to be played on that field that day shall:
1. Pull first, second and third bases, place the plugs in their place and place the bases in the visiting team dugout.
2. Rake around all the bases using the large aluminum rake.
3. Empty and return the water coolers to the ice machine room.
4. Make sure the field lights are turned off for the night.
Following the FINAL game of the day
All managers/coaches ensure the lights are turned off on all the fields. Location of field light switches: Lila Ray field light switches are located under the scoreboard, inside the breaker box. Jack Rice & Palmer Robbins field light switches are on light poles inside the outer fence along Ave. M.