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Rules for Boys 8U, 10U and 12U Baseball

Southern Adirondack Youth League

Baseball Rules – 2018


General Rules: Applicable to ALL divisions

  • Must have at least 8 players on the filed
  • 9th batting position would be an automatic out if there are 8 batters
  •  All fields must be properly lined
  • 1st and 3rd baseline
  •  Batter’s Box
  • Halfway Marks (8u Only)
  • Pitchers Circle – 12ft Diameter (8u Only)
  •  Coaches on the Field
  • 8u - 1 pitch & 2 defensive in outfield grass - 3 total
  • 10u - No coaches on the field
  • 12u - No coaches on the field
  • First Names must be supplied for bookkeeping
  • Mercy Rules are in effect.  The mercy rule is applied when a 15 run lead exists after the completion of 4 innings (3½ if the home team is leading).
  • Any player who is age eligible can participate in youth league athletics, even if they have participated in modified level athletics. Athletes who have participated in any JV/varsity level competition will not be permitted to participate in youth league athletics regardless of age.
  • Players must play at least 50% of the teams games in order to be playoff eligible.
  •  Teams are allowed to borrow other age eligible players from teams within their communities in order to field a team rather than forfeit the game. The team can borrow enough players to fill out their defensive lineup and have 1 substitute: creating s "+1 lineup" EX: 8U permits 10 fielders so a team can borrow enough players to have a lineup of 11 players. 10U and 12U can have up to 10 players (9 + a sub).
  •  The use of borrowed players should be limited unless necessary
  • The management of how the borrowed players are used is at the discretion of the community and the teams involved (IE whether they pitch/catch, play infield, etc)
  • Age Eligibility(May 1st Deadline for all)
  •  8u
  • 10u
  • 12U

Safety Rules:

  • Must keep your helmet on at all times on the field of play
  • Ground Rules: Ground rules are to be discussed before the fame with the game official and the opposing coach


8U Rules:

:  Each game is to be 6 innings long or 2 hours, whatever comes first.  Each inning will consist of 3 outs or 5 runs, whichever comes first.  No new inning is to begin after 7:30pm unless the field has lights.  A complete game is 4 innings, the home team needing 3 ½ innings.  A coach must be present behind the catcher to keep the game moving along

 Each team must contest a home and an away game against every other team in their division. Failure to reschedule a game that is postponed will result in a forfeit. Teams can schedule as many non-division games as they choose. Those games can be against teams from the other division or outside of our league. Overall record will be used for playoff seeding if there is a tie within the division. Playoff seeding will be based on league games only. In the event of a tie, overall record will be used to break the tie.

: 10 players on the field at once.  4 outfielders must start on the outfield grass and all other positions are to be played in a traditional manner.  Infield cannot be positioned in the baseline as this can interfere with the runners and cause injury.  ALL players bat. The batting order must remain constant. Defensive substitutions can be made freely to ensure that all players play in the field. If a player is injured or ill they can be removed from the lineup without penalty as long as it does not drop the batting lineup below 9 players - all other players will slide up a spot. However, once removed from the lineup, the player is done for the game and cannot reenter the lineup or play in the field. If the player cannot take a single at bat the coach can choose to keep them in the game and give up an automatic out for that at bat. Coaches must notify opposing team of any such change.

Ø  Management of large rosters is at the discretion of the coach/community

(IE) A/B teams, A/B/C teams, bringing everyone to every game, etc. 

: No bunting is allowed.  Each batter will receive 7 pitches.  A foul ball on the 7th pitch will result in another pitch.  This will continue as long as the batter continues to foul of the pitches.  If the ball is not put into play after 7 pitches, the batter is out.


  • No stealing / No leading
  • One base is awarded on overthrow of first base
  • One base is awarded on a dead ball
  • If ball remains in play, runners are allowed to advance until ball is thrown to circle or an out is made
  • Hash marks are to be placed between 1st and 2nd, 2nd and 3rd, 3rd and home.  Only the lead runner can advance if past halfway mark.  If not beyond the halfway mark, all runners must go back to the previous base.
  • No advancement when catchers overthrows the pitcher during an at-bat


Game/Player development:

  • 7th inning player development is allowed if coaches/parents are in agreement
  • 7th inning outcomes do not impact games results




  • 2 1/4" diameter
  • Up to -12 bats will be allowed


  • All batters are encouraged to use a facemask
  • Pitcher in the field requires a helmet with a facemask


  • Must wear a cup to play the position
  • Mask must have throat/chin protector
  • Full shin/leg guards and chest protector


10U Rules:

:  Each game is to be 6 innings long or 2 hours, whatever comes first.  Each inning will consist of 3 outs or 5 runs, whichever comes first.  No new inning is to begin after 7:30pm unless the field has lights.  A complete game is 4 innings, the home team needing 3 ½ innings. The play is ruled dead once the pitcher has possession of the ball while on the mound. At that time, runners must commit to a base (either return to their base or commit to stealing the base – no back and forth/delayed stealing).

 Each team must contest a home and an away game against every other team in their division. Failure to reschedule a game that is postponed will result in a forfeit. Teams can schedule as many non-division games as they choose. Those games can be against teams from the other division or outside of our league. Overall record will be used for playoff seeding if there is a tie within the division. Playoff seeding will be based on league games only. In the event of a tie, overall record will be used to break the tie.

: 10 players on the field at once.  4 outfielders must start on the outfield grass and all other positions are to be played in a traditional manner.  Infield cannot be positioned in the baseline as this can interfere with the runners and cause injury.  ALL players bat. The batting order must remain constant. Defensive substitutions can be made freely to ensure that all players play in the field. If a player is injured or ill they can be removed from the lineup without penalty as long as it does not drop the batting lineup below 9 players - all other players will slide up a spot. However, once removed from the lineup, the player is done for the game and cannot reenter the lineup or play in the field. If the player cannot take a single at bat the coach can choose to keep them in the game and give up an automatic out for that at bat. Coaches must notify opposing team of any such change.

  • Management of large rosters is at the discretion of the coach/community

(IE) A/B teams, A/B/C teams, bringing everyone to every game, etc. 

: Bunting is allowed.  Once the offer has been made to bunt, the player cannot pull it back and swing away.  Doing so will result in an out.  The batter will walk on 4 pitches or strike out on 3 pitches if the ball is not put into play.

: Each pitcher can pitch up to 6-innings or 65 pitches per day, whatever comes first.  The pitcher will be allowed to finish the at-bat if they reach a max pitch count mid at-bat.  Below is the required rest per pitch count:

  • 1-20 no rest required
  • 21-30 - 1 calendar days of rest
  • 31-40 - 2 calendar days of rest
  • 41-50 - 3 calendar days of rest
  • 51-65 - 4 calendar days of rest

No intentional walks may be issued.  A pitcher who hits two batters in the same inning must be removed from the game and cannot return.  If the pitcher hits 5 batters during a single game, they must be removed from pitching for the remainder of the game at that time and may not return.  Coaches may make 1 trip to the mound per inning.  A second trip in the same inning requires the pitcher to be removed from the game.  No pitcher can re-enter the game after they have been removed.


Avoiding contact:

  • Sliding is allowed and mandatory when a play is being made on the baserunner.  No hurdling is permitted.
  • Fielding - Interference will be called if fielder is standing on the base when there is not a close play
  • No headfirst slide - exempt when returning from secondary lead.
  • No position player can block the plate without the ball.


  • No leading is allowed.  A secondary lead may be taken after the ball crosses home plate
  • Stealing is allowed once the ball crosses home plate.  Stealing of home is not permitted
  •  Overthrows that do not result in a dead ball are in play and runners may advance and score


  • One Umpire is required but two is preferred

1.       A High school kid who knows the sport

2.       A Parent who knows the sport

3.       Paid Umpire

  • Umpires ruling is final - No arguing in play unless baseball rules are in question
  • Judgement calls are official

Game/Player development

  • 7th inning player development is allowed if coaches/parents are in agreement
  • 7th inning outcomes do not impact games results



  • 2 1/4" diameter
  • Up to -12 bats will be allowed


  • All batters are encouraged to use a facemask


  • Must wear a cup to play the position
  • Mask must have throat/chin protector
  • Full shin/leg guards and chest protector


12U Rules:

:  Each game is to be 6 innings long or 2 hours, whatever comes first.  Each inning will consist of 3 outs or 5 runs, whichever comes first.  No new inning is to begin after 7:30pm unless the field has lights.  A complete game is 4 innings, the home team needing 3 ½ innings.  The play is ruled dead once the pitcher has possession of the ball while on the mound. At that time, runners must commit to a base (either return to their base or commit to stealing the base – no back and forth/delayed stealing).

 Each team must contest a home and an away game against every other team in their division. Failure to reschedule a game that is postponed will result in a forfeit. Teams can schedule as many non-division games as they choose. Those games can be against teams from the other division or outside of our league. Overall record will be used for playoff seeding if there is a tie within the division. Playoff seeding will be based on league games only. In the event of a tie, overall record will be used to break the tie.

: 9 players on the field at once.  3 outfielders must start on the outfield grass. ALL players will bat. ALL players bat. The batting order must remain constant. Defensive substitutions can be made freely to ensure that all players play in the field. If a player is injured or ill they can be removed from the lineup without penalty as long as it does not drop the batting lineup below 9 players - all other players will slide up a spot. However, once removed from the lineup, the player is done for the game and cannot reenter the lineup or play in the field. If the player cannot take a single at bat the coach can choose to keep them in the game and give up an automatic out for that at bat. Coaches must notify opposing team of any such change.

  • Management of large rosters is at the discretion of the coach/community

(IE) A/B teams, A/B/C teams, bringing everyone to every game, etc. 

: Bunting is allowed.  Once the offer has been made to bunt, the player cannot pull it back and swing away.  Doing so will result in an out.  The batter will walk on 4 pitches or strike out on 3 pitches if the ball is not put into play.  A dropped third strike is an out and advancement by the batter is not allowed.

: Each pitcher can pitch up to6-innings or 75 pitches per day, whatever comes first.  The pitcher will be allowed to finish the at-bat if they reach a max pitch count mid at-bat.  Below is the required rest per pitch count:

  • 1-20 no rest required
  • 21-35 - 1 calendar days of rest
  • 36-45 - 2 calendar days of rest
  • 46-55 - 3 calendar days of rest
  • 56-75 - + Finish the batter - 4 calendar days of rest
  • These pitch count restrictions include any pitches that are thrown during modified games for players that are participating in both.

No intentional walks may be issued. A pitcher who hits two batters in the same inning must be removed from the game and cannot return.  If the pitcher hits 5 batters during a single game, they must be removed from pitching for the remainder of the game at that time and may not return.Coaches may make 1 trip to the mound per inning.  A second trip in the same inning requires the pitcher to be removed from the game.  No pitcher can re-enter the game after they have been removed.


Avoiding contact:

  • Sliding is allowed and mandatory when a play is being made on the baserunner. No hurdling is permitted.
  • Fielding - Interference will be called if fielder is standing on the base when there is not a close play
  • No headfirst slide unless returning to the base from secondary lead
  • No position player can block the plate without the ball


  • No leading is allowed.  A secondary lead may be taken after the ball crosses home plate
  • Stealing is allowed once the ball crosses home plate.  Stealing of home is permitted
  •  Once runner returns to the base, delayed steal is not an option
  • Overthrows that do not result in a dead ball are in play and runners may advance and score
  • All ball that remains in play, is in play
  • A balk does not exist, however, an illegal pitch is deemed a ball, no runner shall advance.
  • Infield Fly Rule is in Effect
  • Less than two outs
  • A fieldable ball in the infield area - Umpire Judgement
  • Runners can tag and advanced at their own risk
  • Not applicable to bunts or line drives
  • Must be two runners on base


  • One Umpire is required but two is preferred

1.       A High school kid who knows the sport

2.       A Parent who knows the sport

3.       Paid Umpire

  • Umpires ruling is final - No arguing in play unless baseball rules are in question
  • Judgement calls are official

Game/Player development

  • 7th inning player development is allowed if coaches/parents are in agreement
  • 7th inning outcomes do not impact games results



  • 2 1/4" diameter
  • Up to -12 bats will be allowed


  • All batters are encouraged to use a facemask


  • Must wear a cup to play the position
  • Mask must have throat/chin protector
  • Full shin/leg guards and chest protector
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