Western Little League Board of Directors 2025
Effective December 9th, 2024.
President: Steve MacInerney
Vice President: Carlos Delgado
V.P Challengers: Lisa Culley
V.P Seniors: OPEN
Secretary: Matthew Stricker
Treasurer: Alexander Maldonado
Player Agent: Melissa Salinas
Player Agent: Alexander Maldonado
Coaching Coordinator: OPEN
Safety Officer: Jeremy Caylor
Snack Bar Manager: Lily Delgado
Equipment Manager: Luis Vizcarra
Umpire in Chief: OPEN
Information Officer: Carlos Delgado
Fundraiser Coordinator: Allison McCart
Co-Fundraiser Coordinator: Shandi Chandler
Uniform Coordinator: Mike Mandujan
Field Maintenance: Jess Covarruvias
General Board: Lindsay Aguayo
General Board: Kristi Van Fleet
General Board: Cesar Aguayo
As a State and Federally registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Western Little League is operated by a Board of Directors on a volunteer basis.
Thank you for your hard work and dedication to Western. Each volunteer plays an integral role in our ability to provide a unique and memorable Little League experience to the children in our community. Whether you volunteer in the snack bar, on the Board, or as a team parent, each position is vital to our success as a league. Follow this link to become a volunteer!
If you are interested in our open Board positions: Umpire in Chief, and Coaching Coordinator, please contact us at [email protected] or call Steve at (209) 623-7841.
Click here for information regarding the Umpire In Chief responsibilities.
Click here for more information regarding the role of the coaching coordinator