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Southington North Little League

Southington North Little League


How is the Board of Directors chosen?

The members of the Board of Directors are voted in at the Annual Banquet.  Anyone who has volunteered for the league in any way is eligible to vote for the Board of Directors.  If you are unable to attend the meeting, you are entitled to vote via absentee ballot.  You can obtain this ballot from the League Secretary.  Go to the Board Members page for the name and contact information of the League Secretary.

How do I determine my child's league age?

League Age is determined by the Little League age chart.  Click here for the League Age Chart for the 2019 Season. 

What does my child need to play in the league?

Your child needs a baseball glove and the willingness to have fun and learn.  We also highly recommend the use of a mouth guard as well.  The league will provide hats and t-shirts for all players.  Your child can also use his/her own bat as long as it is approved for Little League use.

How can I help the league?

There are many ways you can help.  You can help with field maintenance, become a team coordinator, join the Booster Club, become a team manager or coach, work in the concession stand or consider a monetary donation to the league.  Any time you can give will be greatly appreciated.  Feel free to speak with any board member about how you can help.  Also, check with the company you work for.  Many businesses offer grants or donations to non-profit organizations in which their employees are involved.

Who is responsible for field maintenance?

All fields are maintained by the volunteers of the League.  It takes many hours of work by many volunteers in order to get the fields ready for the season and to keep them in shape throughout the season.  All League managers are required to attend all field cleanup days.  There are scheduled field cleanup days in late March or early April.  Please consider helping out.

Why do we need to have a fundraiser?

Our league has to pay for items such as insurance, uniforms, equipment and field improvements.  The money raised from registration fees is just not sufficient to operate the league effectively.  The fund raiser provides a large portion of our income to cover these expenses and we could not function without it.  We greatly appreciate the dedication of our players and parents/guardians with fundraiser activities.

Do I need to work in the concession stand?

Your team is responsible for supplying volunteers to work in the concession stand several times throughout the season.  You are expected to work your fair share.  Your team coordinator should be the one that coordinates the times that you will need to work.  Your help is greatly appreciated.  Children under the age of 18 are not allowed in the stand if the grill is operating.  We discourage any child under the age of 16 from handling the sales of concessions.

What is the Sign Sponsorship Program?

The Sign Sponsorship Program is another method of raising money for the league.  The signs are placed on the outfield fence at either Memorial Park or the Babe Ruth field.  This program generates a large portion of the league's income.  If you or someone you know would be interested in proudly displaying a sign, please speak to any board member.

Why does my child have to attend evaluations?

Every child, league age 10 through 12, that did not play in the Major League last year, must attend evaluations.  Children league age 9 do not have to attend evaluations but are highly encouraged to do so.  League age 8 players are strongly encouraged, but not required to attend evaluations for Minor League.  The reason for this is to give every child the opportunity of playing in the Majors or Minors as well as to ensure that there are a sufficient number of players to fill all Major League and Minor League teams.  Evaluations give the managers an opportunity of watching each player perform some basic baseball skills.

What happens at evaluations?

Evaluations take place in the DePaolo Middle School gymnasium and consist of some or all of the following: catching fly balls, fielding ground balls and throwing to first, hitting pitched plastic balls, running, and pitching.  If weather permits, some drills will take place outside.  Each child will be given a number to wear throughout the tryout and managers and coaches will be watching each child perform these drills.

Why can't my child be moved up to the next league even if he/she is not old enough?

The league has been divided into several divisions including T-Ball (ages 5&6), Farm (ages 7&8), Minors (ages 8-11), Majors (ages 9 - 12), Intermediate (11-13), Juniors (age 13 - 14) and Senior  (age 15 - 16).  The age limits for each of these divisions is set by the league, Little League Baseball to ensure consistent, fair and safe play.  The league Vice President, Player Agent and Safety Officer are required to evaluate any child that the parent/guardian feels should be moved up and this will only happen if it is determined to be a safety concern and the Board approves.

How are games played in each division?

Each division is set up to ensure that every child has the opportunity of playing and having fun.  T-Ball games are played so that every player bats and plays in the field each inning.  The ball is hit off a Tee for the first half of the season and then the managers pitch to the player in the second half of the season.  The managers will also decide to either play three outs or let everyone bat during the second half of the season.  Farm games are played with 10 players in the field and all players in the batting lineup and the balls are pitched from by a coach.  The batter is usually given 6 good pitches to try and hit, but the goal is to teach the player to hit a moving ball.  In the second half of the season, some players are given an opportunity to pitch.  Each half inning consists of 3 outs.  Minors games are played with 9 players in the field and all players in the batting lineup.  Each half inning consists of three outs.  Every player must play roughly half of the game.  Majors games are played with 9 players in the field and the batting lineup consists of the 9 players.  Each half inning consists of three outs.  Every player must play 2 innings in the field and have 1 at bat.


Southington North Little League
PO Box 125 
Southington, Connecticut 06489

Phone: 860-917-4096
Email: [email protected]

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