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Burns, TN. 37029

LEAGUE# 198485



Emergency Medical / Fire / Police- 911

President – Terry Malone (615) 476-7064

Vice President – Katie Hall (615) 630-9175

Safety Officer – Meredith Tidwell: (615) 587-0878


Burns (TN) Little League (BLL) meets the minimum requirements for a qualified safety plan. BLL is always looking to improve our program and strives to meet additional safety plan recommendations. It is the ongoing safety mission of BLL to ensure that all little league players play baseball and softball in the safest possible environment by the continuous involvement of the coaches, volunteers, parents, and players. BLL has approximately 125 players registered for the 2019 spring season. BLL offers 5 different divisions in baseball and 4 divisions in softball.

Coaches, board members, and volunteers involved in BLL participate in the league’s Safety Plan. The goals of the Safety Plan are education and injury prevention. The Safety Plan incorporates common sense safety measures, as well as Little League rules and regulations. The Safety Officer (SO) develops and maintains an active Safety Plan with coordination and supervision of activities to assure enforcement of the safety rules and regulations. The SO maintains a BLL board position and is on file with Little League International.

During the past several years it has been a goal to offer CPR training to coaches and this year once again BLL will be offering CPR training for coaches and assistant coaches in March 2016. Individuals completing the course requirements will receive their certification in adult and child CPR. In addition to CPR training, this year BLL has made it a policy that all coaches and assistant coaches are required to complete the on-line concussion awareness program offered by the center for disease control and prevention (

Parents completed Medical Release via the Blue Sombrero application listing the player’s allergies and/or medical conditions and emergency contact information. The SO reviewed allergies and emergency contact information and shared with the players’ coaches. This includes but is not limited to life threatening allergies requiring the use of an Epi-Pen and asthma. Confidentiality is maintained at all times.

In addition to the above, BLL player registration data and coach / manager data will be submitted via the Little League Data Center at each season. This is a mandatory requirement for a Little League International-approved ASAP plan.


Coaches are committed to teaching the fundamentals of baseball and softball while playing games safely.  BLL offers players the opportunity to learn competitive baseball and softball skills that are important in both sports and future endeavors. Not only do the players have fun, but they also learn teamwork, respect, self-discipline and how to win and lose with a positive attitude. It is the responsibility of the coaches and assistant coaches to supervise all games. It is the responsibility of coaches, assistant coaches and umpires to ensure that the facilities and equipment are safe for all players, as they are the front line members of Burns Little League Baseball and Softball.


All BLL volunteers are required to complete the Little League Volunteer Application prior to the start of the season. Volunteers complete the Application at the time of registration. Anyone refusing to complete the Little League Application will be ineligible to participate in BLL. The Little League Application used by BLL is included with the Safety Plan. BLL conducts mandatory background checks on all volunteers using Choice-point. The League President maintains these confidential forms for the year of service.


BLL Fields do not have phones. When practicing or playing on any one of league’s fields, coaches carry cell phones at all times in the event of an emergency. Coaches are advised to call 911 for emergency medical, fire, and police. When 911 is called, a police officer responds to the scene. All officers are equipped with AED’s in their cruiser. Coaches administer basic first aid. Additional responsibilities of the coach and assistant coach (s) include the following:

  • Enlist the help of any parents who are physicians, nurses, and / or emergency medical personnel.
  • Obtain the player’s Medical Release Form from the first-aid bag and provide it to emergency medical personnel so that the player’s medical history is readily available.
  • Coaches or another adult should be prepared to accompany the player to the hospital if parents are not available.
  • Coaches notify the SO of the injury within 48 hours.
  • Coaches complete the Injury Report or the Accident Notification Report and submit to the SO within 48 hours


  • Develop BLL’s Safety Plan annually.
  • Offers basic first aid and CPR training to coaches and assistant coaches.
  • Implement injury prevention & education.
  • Review Medical Release Forms for all players.
  • Notifies coaches of players’ medical needs.
  • Submit Injury Report or Accident Notification Report to Little League International.
  • Maintain a board position.
  • Provide first aid bags to all coaches.       
  • Filed with Little League International as BLL’s Safety Officer.
  • Recommend annual budget needs for safety equipment & supplies.


  • BLL posts their updated Safety Plan each year on the BLL website ( /)
  • Review the Safety Plan with all Board Members and coaches.
  • Maintain players’ Medical Release Forms in first aid bags.
  • Safety Plan Manuals are located at the Concession Stand.
  • Coaches complete the Injury Report or Accident Notification Report and submit to the SO within 48 hours.
  • SO notifies the League’s President within 48 hours.
  • The SO notifies Little League International within 48 hours.
  • Coaches identify near miss injuries and report them to the SO attention.
  • SO discusses near miss injuries at Board Meetings
  • SO shares information on injuries and near miss injuries with the District Administrator.
  • The SO submits BLL’s Safety Plan to the District Administrator and Little League International annually.


  • Coaches are required to carry first aid bags to all games and practices.
  • Assistant coaches carry the first aid bag to all games and practices in the coach’s absence.
  • First aid bags contain the following items:
    • Basic first aid supplies (instant disposal cold compresses, gloves, gauze, antiseptic wash, ace wrap, tape, finger splints).
  • Coach’s packet of information with Players’ Medical Release Forms.
  • SO phone number for questions or requests for additional first aid supplies.           
  • Ice packs are the most commonly used first aid item. Additional ice packs are kept in the Concession Stand (the SO periodically checks ice pack supplies and restocks accordingly).



  • No practices and games should be played when weather or field conditions are unsafe for the players.
  • Home team coaches and umpires inspect the fields before use for any hazards, i.e. holes, damage, stones, glass, sharp objects or any other foreign objects.
  • The Field Maintenance Director inspects the fields during weekly field maintenance for any hazards.



  • Coaches are issued their own basic playing equipment (bats, helmets, balls, and catcher’s equipment) which is inspected by the Equipment Director and routinely inspected during the season by the coaches and assistant coaches.
  • All equipment is inspected regularly for defects and proper fit.
  • Coaches notify the parent for equipment needing to be repaired or replaced.
  • The coach documents equipment needs and presents them to the board as needed.
  • Coaches will inspect bats for damages or defects.
  • Players must wear rubber cleats. Metal cleats are prohibited
  • Batting helmets must be worn by all players while in the batter’s box or on deck.
  • Altering helmets in any way is prohibited.
  • Helmets should have face guards, but parental discretion is allowed in regard to face masks. Parents are educated at registration and on the website about injuries from baseball and softball without face guards.
  • Break away bases have been implemented in all BLL fields.
  • Soft low-impact balls are used for T-ball and intermediate levels of play.
  • Helmets are inspected for cracks. Helmets with cracks are not used in play and replaced by parent.  
  • Information on safety and use of face and mouth protection is on the BLL website for parents and coaches.


  • Coaches are required to inspect all equipment before each use for safety.               
  • Catchers must wear all catchers’ equipment during practices and games. Catching with partial equipment is prohibited. Throat protection is required.
  • All players, regardless of position played must wear a protective cup regardless of gender in baseball.
  • Mouth guards are recommended, although not mandatory for all players in the infield in baseball.
  • Parents of players who wear glasses should provide safety glasses for the player.
  • Head first sliding is prohibited, except when a runner is returning to first base.
  • “Horseplay” is not permitted.
  • Swinging bats is only allowed in the field of play. Swinging in the on-deck circle is prohibited.


BLL implements the Little League Pitch Count Regulation for baseball. The Little League Pitch Count limits the number of pitches thrown in a day and the rest required before pitching again. Listed below are the pitch count and the rest count for players. Refer to the Little League Pitch Count Regulation Guide for complete information. The Regulation Guide is available to all board members and coaches and has been discussed at length at BLL board meetings.

   Pitch Count Regulations:

  • 3-16 year olds...........................................95 pitches per day
  • 11-12 year olds...........................................85 pitches per day
  • 9-10 year olds...........................................75 pitches per day
  • 7-8   year olds...........................................50 pitches per day

Exception: if a pitcher reaches the limit of pitches thrown while facing a batter, the pitcher may continue to pitch until the batter reaches base or is put out.

Rest Count Regulations:

  • 51-65 or more pitches in a day......................3 days rest
  • 36-50 pitches in a day....................................2 days rest
  • 21-35 pitches in a day....................................1 day rest
  • 1-20 pitches in a day......................................0 day of rest



  • Coaches and assistant coaches supervise players at all times.
  • Only coaches, players, umpires, and designated volunteers are allowed on the field.
  • Any violation of these rules can result in the removal of the coach or player from the playing field. Further sanctions may be imposed after conduct review meeting of the BLL Board of Directors.
  • Coaches will not allow parents and siblings not involved with the team on the playing field.
  • Parents may be asked to coach first and third base and therefore may be in the first and third base coach’s box.
  • Coaches ensure that the players warm-up and stretch before playing to prevent injuries.
  • Coaches ensure that players do not play through an injury that may be aggravated by continuance of playing.
  • Coaches encourage parents and players to bring water bottles for adequate hydration.
  • Coaches encourage parents and players to use sun-block.
  • If lightning is seen and/or thunder is heard, game (or practice) must be suspended and all players, coaches, and parents will seek shelter in cars. Play (or practice) may be resumed 30 minutes after the last lightning is seen or thunder is heard.
  • Coaches are mandated to umpire at least two games during the regular season not involving their team.


Coaches are required to teach the fundamental of baseball at all levels. All Coaches are able to access on-line tips for coaching available on the BLL website.


Injury Reports are completed to report safety hazards, unsafe practices and to contribute to positive ideas for safety improvement. The SO tracks near miss injuries to evaluate practices and avoid future injuries. The SO shares near miss injuries at board meetings. In 2019, BLL coaches are reminded of rules: no on deck swinging, no alterations to helmets, and parents and coaches remind all players to pay attention to play and wear head protection when out of the dugout. Our present safety plan and website reminders reflect rules to protect against injury. Forms for accident reporting are available on line.