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BLL Safety Information for Coaches

  • Coaches and assistant coaches supervise all games.  It is the responsibility of coaches, assistant coaches and umpires to ensure that the facilities and equipment are safe for all players, as they are the front line members of Burns Little League Baseball and Softball.
  • Prior to each game the field should be walked and inspected for potential hazards.
  • Prior to each game equipment should be inspected.
  • Catcher equipment and neck guards should be properly worn.
  • Umpires should have face/neck and chest protection behind the plate.
  • Remind players to drink prior to play and during games on hot days.
  • Helmets must be worn if players are out of the dugout on offense.

Coaches please carry cell phones at all times.

  • Coaches are advised to call 911 for emergency medical, fire, and police.


For Player injuries:

  • Coaches administer basic first aid.
  • Parents notified ASAP.
  • Enlist the help of any parents who are physicians, nurses, and or emergency medical personnel. 
  • Obtain the player’s Medical Release Form from the first-aid bag and provide it to emergency medical personnel so that the player’s medical history is readily available.
  • Coaches or another adult should be prepared to accompany the player to the hospital if parents are not available.
  • Coaches notify the Safety Officer of the injury within 24 hours and submit accident claim form.
  • Near miss potential injuries should also be reported to the Safety Officer within 24 hours.


Head Injuries:

BLL Safety on line information reviews head injury information; some points to remember:

  • All players with minor head injuries should be observed for 15 minutes and removed from play.
  • Parents should be involved in the decision to return to play in minor injuries, and the player should have no physical or mental status changes
  • Any amnesia, slurring or confusion or loss of consciousness requires removal from play until a note from a medical provider to return to play is provided.
  • You are not required to be a medical expert, but you should recognize the need to ask for help.
  • Please refresh your medical bags with ice packs from the concession stand.



  • Familiarize yourself with the team’s listed allergies and if you have concerns, discuss with parents.
  • If there is, for instance a severe nut allergy, you may have to ban peanuts from dugout snacks.
  • Home and away, bees are a problem, so if there is a player with an allergy, you should be aware.



If Lightning, excessive Heat; reschedule.

Unfamiliar Adults

Limit adults to coaches and managers during games. Consider two adults if player needs a ride.

Finally, please notify Safety Officer of injury or near- miss potential injury

 Meredith Tidwell

(615) 587-0878 (Cell)