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Board Meeting Minutes

Burns Little League                                       

District 9

Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors            
January 31, 2019 at 6:30 PM
192 Bobcat Court, Burns TN

President Terry Malone Softball Co-DirectorBrandy Trotter
 Vice President Katie Hall Softball Co-Director Eddie Holt
 Secretary Cassey Hassell Fundraiser Director Nikki Holland
 Information Officer Michael Parrish Field and Maintenance Director Steve Pace
 Treasurer Leslie Swafford Special Events Director Audra Parrish
 Players Agent Leslie Scott Baseball Co-Director Chris Christian
 Safety Officer Meredith Tidwell Baseball Co-Director Adam Keller
 Tee-ball Director Katie Hall  



  1. User Agreement with City of Burns
    1. Discussion of Meeting with City
    2. City needs financials and list of board members prior to signing


  2. Constitution Status
    1. Submitted to Little League, awaiting approval


  3. Safety Manual
    1. Submitted to Little League, awaiting approval
    2. Will need to reformatted and updated prior to 2020


  4. Bylaws
    1. Currently redrafting those, but must wait until Constitution has been approved
    2. Needed contents of the Bylaws


  5. Treasurer Report
    1. 2018 Financials
    2. 2019 Budget Outline
    3. Discuss opening new account based on PayPal connection of past (several years past) president.
    4. If we decide to open new account, creating a PayPal account to go along with the Venmo option
    5. Online Banking


  6. Uniform Packages
    1. Jerseys
      1. Team choice of shirt color and 1 color print
    2. Pants/Shorts
      1. Must be used for All-Stars too
    3. Coaches
      1. 6 panel cap or visor, 3 per team
    4. $20 Limit—3 and 4 year old instructional
      1. MMT shirt with name, number, and sponsor
      2. Caps for boys and visors for girls
    5. $31 - Tee Ball Boys
      1. MMT shirt with name, number, and sponsor
      2. Pull-up Pants
      3. Socks
      4. Cap
    6. $26 - Tee Ball Girls
      1. MMT shirt or sleeveless V-neck with name, number, and sponsor
      2. Shorts or pull-up pants
      3. Socks
    7. $40 - Baseball (7 years and up)
      1. MMT shirt with name, number, and sponsor
      2.  Open bottom pants
      3. Belt
      4. Cap
    8. $40 - Softball (7 years and up)
      1. MMT shirt or sleeveless V-neck with name, number, and sponsor
      2. Pants with belt loops
      3. Belt
      4. Socks
    9. Upgrades Allowed
      1. Goal Post will require the difference in cost upfront prior to fulfilling order
      2. Best to ask sponsor to cover due to added cost for those that may not be able to pay


  7. Sponsorship's
    1. Nikki is working on updating forms
    2. Need list of last year’s sponsors so we can ask for renewal
    3. Deliver sponsor trophies in the field house
    4. List of new sponsors we can ask
    5. Need volunteers to help
    6. A-1 signs—if we have them as a sponsor, what are your thoughts on them creating them for our sign sponsors?


  8. Events/Fundraiser Ideas
    1. May 11th Jamboree
    2.  Team Baskets for Silent Auction at Jamboree
    3. Flip Give
    4. Bat-A-Thon
    5. Cookie Dough
    6. Kettle Korn
    7. Others


  9. Registration
    1. What is needed for in person registration
    2. Who can help on Feb. 2nd and 10th
    3.  Does the website check boundaries or do we do that
    4. Does the website house uploaded documents when parents register their child(ren)
    5. Does the parents complete the school form and upload when they register or do we do that after they register
    6. Are there reports that we can pull to determine what has been uploaded and what we are missing for each child


  10. Umpires
    1. Left a message with Hank Freeman to be our head umpire
    2. Reached out to Coach Parker at DCHS for any players wanting to umpire—4 have responded
    3. Nick Sullivan plans to return, Joe Driver may not be able to do many due to new work requirements


  11. Other Items
    1. 50/70 Conversion
    2. Parent Meeting on March 3rd at the Old Burns gym, need a time
    3.  Removed $40 non-volunteer fee
    4. Lowered 3/4  instructional tee-ball to $40, if child plays up it’s $90


Important Dates:

  • February 24th - Draft
  • March 3rd - Parent Meeting
  • March 4th - Practices Begin
  • April 1st - Games Begin
  • May 4th - White Bluff Festival
  • May 7th - Stuart Burns Kickball (no access to fields)
  • May 11th - Burns and Pegram Jamboree
  • May 18th - Charlotte Festival

Need to set up Board Meetings and Umpire Clinic for new umpires