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Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting Participants:     Rusty Groves, City of Burns

                                       Eddie Holt, City of Burns and Softball Director of Burns Little League

                                       Terry Malone, President of Burns Little League

                                       Michael Parrish, Information Officer of Burns Little League

Date:                               1/21/19

On January 21, 2019, a meeting took place between Burns Little League and the City of Burns to discuss the contract for the use of the new Burns Ballpark. I wanted to share with everyone the highlights of the meeting and to share with you the next steps:

  • City will charge Burns LL $10 per paying player, no additional fees will be required.
  • The City has contracted the concession stand out and promised to have it open at ALL of our games throughout the season. He did indicate that it would be ideal to have 8:00 PM games during the week so that the concession stand can become more successful. I told him that I understood that perspective and that I would make mention of this when we have Selen Reed determine our schedules. Tee-ball games will be excluded from 8:00 PM games.
  •  The City has agreed to mow every Friday and Burns LL would mow as needed in addition to that. We can come up with a rotation of volunteers to handle this so I want to place this on our agenda at the next meeting.
  • Burns LL will be responsible for lining the fields on game days and dragging/raking the fields as needed. The City has offered to allow us to use their equipment to drag the fields, we just need to communicate with them.
  • The City is responsible for the cleaning of the bathrooms and stocking supplies.
  • Burns LL will dispose of the trash daily in the dumpster onsite.
  • Burns LL will communicate with the City once the schedules have been established. The City needs this information to share with their Council and to set up the lighting schedule throughout the season. If anything changes from the schedule submitted to the City, Burns LL will let the City know so they can adjust accordingly.
  • The City will determine rain-outs between 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM.
  • Burns LL has access to 3 out of the 4 fields (same fields we had access to last year)
  • Burns LL is responsible for scheduling and paying umpires. I want to add to our agenda the possibility of asking Hank Freeman to be our Head Umpire to handle all umpiring duties, excluding paying the umpires. We can create a process if we decide to go this route.
  • We have the following Saturdays available for Burns LL use:


  • March 9th
  • March 23rd
  • May 11th
  • May 25th (potential Jamboree day?)
  • June 8th
  • June 22nd
  • July 13th
  • July 20th


  • The City will notify us if any of the other Saturdays that are currently not available to us becomes available for our use.
  • The City wants Burns LL to advertise if they pay taxes in the City of Burns (must have tax card), they will waive Burns LL paying the $10 for those players.
  • I asked if Burns LL could use the old gym to have a Parent Meeting on March 3rd. Rusty stated he didn’t see an issue with that and get with them to get that on the books. I want to add this to the agenda at our next meeting for discussion.
  •  Burns LL will provide to the City, in addition to the final schedules, rosters of all teams, coaches, listing of our board members, proof of insurance, and financials.
  • Rusty provided us with a list of potential additional sponsors to reach out to:

  • Hickory Steel
  • Sammy Spann
  • Sir Pizza
  • New Mexican Restaurant in Burns
  • Dollar General
  • McCormack (Insurance company in Burns)
  • Russ Barger
  • A-1 Signs-Mark Burns
  • R&C Electric-Doug Reynolds
  • Bell Construction
  • Landon Mathis
  • Vince Hargrove
  • Pendergrass & Son
  • Rogers Group
  • Spencer Mill-Tina
  • Burr Orthopedic


  • The City needs all 4 sets of keys that were previously signed out to be returned so they can reissue them when the contract is signed. I am happy to gather these and take to Rusty.
  • The City is working on getting the foul poles put up, but having to wait based on weather.
  • The City is working on getting scoreboards, more information will come when I know more on that.

Things for us to think about before our next meeting (TBD):

  • Storage building for Burns LL equipment
  • Sponsorship process
  • Checking account/PayPal discussion
  • Uniform packages for coaches to work within certain monetary constraints
  • Issuing the sponsorship trophies from 2017 and 2018 that was found in concession stand