Players, Coaches, Spectators and all Families Must Adhere to the Caldwell Little League Code of Conduct


As a Player, I will:

• Not use unsportsmanlike gestures, language, or profanity.
• Players will not taunt or tease players on the opposing team.
• Show respect towards the umpires and their decisions. All decisions made by the umpires are to be accepted as final.
• No player will argue a call or judgment. Only coaches will question calls and judgments.
• Not throw my bat, helmet, glove or any object in disgust on or off the playing field at any time.
• Accept the coaches’ decision regarding playing positions and the amount of playing time. It is understood there are no guarantees for equal playing time or positions.
• Understand that CWELL All-Star Teams play the game with professionalism and class. As a result, we will show class with how we dress. Hats will be worn properly (forward and straight), clothing will be tucked in and worn like a baseball player.
• Understand that CWELL All-Star Team players are expected to be model baseball players. Play the game right and leave the field making others impressed with how we play the game.

I will…

• Hustle
• Focus
• Run on and off the field
• Support my teammates
• Give it my ALL everyday
• Smile and Have Fun


As a Coach, I will:

• Treat all players fairly. 
• Continue to teach when there is a teachable moment.
• Get the most out of each player, encourage a positive attitude. 
• Teach the kids the importance of developing a competitive spirit and an understanding of sportsmanship.
• Strive to make every activity serve as a training ground for life, and as a basis for good mental and physical health.
• Be responsible for building the confidence of the participants and teach the fundamentals of the sport they are coaching.
• Emphasize that good athletes are good students, and both are physically and mentally alert.
• Emphasize that winning a game or competition is the result of teamwork.
• Not criticize the officials, the opposing team, the coaches, fans or parents, through language or gesture.
• Accept the decisions of officials.


As a Parent, I will:

• Obey all rules and regulations of CWELL All-Star Teams.
• Set a good example.
• Get their players to workouts, practices, and games on-time.
• Accept the umpire’s decision as final.
• Accept the coaches’ decision regarding playing positions and the amount of playing time.
• Understand that this is an All-Star Team and there are no guarantees for equal playing time or positions.
• Understand that any ejection of a player and/or a family member from a game will result in at least a one-game suspension for the player.
• Understand that if a player is dismissed from practice, the coach has the discretion to suspend the player for a minimum of one game.
• Not give the players instructions during the game.
• Not enter the dugout or other team specific areas unless asked by the coaching staff.
• Understand that coaches may impose additional rules, guidelines and/or policies that I am required to follow and failure to comply with the rules, guidelines and/or policies is a violation of your commitment.
• Understand that if there is a problem/conflict with the coaches, parents will not approach coaches during or after a game.
• I agree to help make youth sports fun and help teach our players good sportsmanship.

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