Website Manager


General Membership - August 2024
Josh DeMasi - President 
Fall Registration closes August 10
Aidens Helping Hands event will take place Sept 7th
Ellen Hughes is available for fall

Joel Papcunik - VP of Fields
Catchers equipment - 4 years into current equipment we have. 3000$ for new equipment 
Looking into fundraisers for field improvements

Dan Silanoff - VP of Operations
Registration is open
Softball feels light
Have Meadow Field every day but Tuesday

Jason Barbiaux - Rules and Umpires
Scheduling will take place when we have how many teams are playing in the fall

Mike Moser - Upper Age Baseball
No Colt for fall
Pony has 17 enrolled 

Dave Lichina - VP of Lower Baseball
Numbers are good for enrollment
Will need volunteers
Fall equipment swap - potentially weekend of the 24th of August
Tournament season is wrapped up - looking at fall tournaments 
Season to wrap up on the 19th and have the last week for make ups

Greg Holtz - Lower Softball
Good numbers for fall
Looking to pull possibly some young girls from Foul
Tournament went well

Mitch Kampmeyer - Treasurer 
We have money

General Membership Meeting - June 2024

Greg Holtz - VP of Lower Softball
Registration for fall opening 7/15
Summer tournaments taking place now

Mitch Kampmeyer - Treasurer
transferring keys and duties

Dan Silanoff - VP of Operations
Committee forming 
Dan will help with sign ups for fall

General Membership Meeting - May 2024

Josh DeMasi - President
Youth Sports Advisory Board Meeting - Meadow will have lights added and next grant will be for turf on Meadow
Trophies are ordered
School District is going to donate chalk
Nominations for Board positions
VP of Operations - Nominate Dan Silanoff (by Dave Lichina) 
Duties include: open and close registration, order uniform, assist VPs, requests through School Districts for gym and field time
Upper Age Baseball - Nominate Mike Moser (by Josh DeMasi and second from Ian Cummings)
Rules and Umpires/Scheduling - Jason Barbeiux - Nominated by Josh DeMasi second by John Kohler
Lower Softball - Greg Holtz - Nominated by Josh DeMasi second by Steve Custer
Tresurer - Mitch Kampmeyer - Nominated by Corey Casper - second Dave Lichina 

Ian Cummings - VP of Operations 
Baseball Tournament team ratings are in except 9u Baseball
Sandlot league - decision to be mad
Pallet of top dressing 
Playoffs start June 3 - June 8
Shetland and Foul teams to have games on McCully, let us know if they were canceled and didn't get a chance to play

Steve Custer - Upper Age Baseball
Reached out to PR to make sure we don't owe anything for our kids participating
Need some baseballs
Ordered uniforms and hats

Dave Lichina - Lower Age Baseball
Shetland is good for McCully scheduling
8u rosters sent
10u tryouts in the fall
12u tryouts in the fall
11u tryout invites going out shortly
9u rescheduled because of weather
10 is the earliest for fall based on pitching - decision to be made on doing it at lower ages - Joel mentioned trying to do 8u/9u in the fall to remove scheduling constraints for spring
Scheduling is balanced and making sure we are getting reschedules

Joel Papcunik - Fields
Fields are good fighting rain

Greg Holtz - Lower age Softball
15u - games start May 16 - mid July
Playoffs scheduled for June 2nd

John Kohler - Tresurer 
Redoing the fields is budgeted for
If we were to redo the fields what would be the biggest benefit? Longevity and Drainage 

Julie Fritsch - VP of Fundraising 
Coaches, remind her of any cancelations 

Question - bat holders to be added to Meadow and Central

General Membership Meeting - April 2024

Josh DeMasi - President
Nominations for expiring board positions will be next month
VP of Operations - ordering jerseys and trophies and opening and closing 
Rules and Umpires
lower Softball
Weather - thank you for your patience - turf time and gym time was so important right
Consult with VPs to reschedule, do not just bump people without checking
Trying to share Meadow with soccer
Emailed Shaler for extra time for Ellen Hughes
I appreciate Joel and the field teams getting it ready
Had gift cards from Dicks purchases thanks to org to spend on new equipment
Baseball jerseys are ordered and distributed
AED kits are in field box
HAA medical awareness event April 17 at the Community Center
Concession stand - thank you to the volunteers who cleaned and offered time to make a wish list
Pat - looking into ideas for hot foods for busy times
Julie to find out if there's wifi or a connection

Ian Cummings - VP of Operations
Gym time worked out well and field time started earlier
Mules oils were changed and maintained 
Duraedge orders - weather is not good 
Will order more chalk
Summer registration set up will be up soon
Tournament team coaches have allotted times for Sunday - second 10u baseball would get off times on 2 or 3 or the earlier time or mid day at Central
Get applications in for field and gyms
Changes for games, 2 week rule - don't look further out than 2 weeks
Scheduling changes - if you had a game and the field is available but you can't play, delete the game, do not cancel the game
If you want to take a slot on a reschedule, reach out to Greg and Dave to take a slot that may be designated for softball or baseball specifically
Fall - looking to change allotment for softball to be on weekdays as well

Steve Custer - Upper Age Baseball
Reaching out for uniforms

Dave Lichina - VP for Lower Age Baseball
Is there an appetite for outfitting field 1 for all distance 
Call up lists ready for Pinto and Mustang - roster sizes good so may not use them a lot
Emails to grade levels for 1st - 5th grade for tournament teams for open practices and to go over try out info - make sure everyone is aware of the tryout process
Uniforms distributed - any size change for hats, let Dave know.
May 3rd is 2nd grade evaluation
May 5th - 3rd and 5th
Equipment swap went well - very successful, placing over 100 items - going to do it again in the fall
Let is know if there is any gear that is needed - we may be able to help!
Potential to have shared equipment in lower age bags

Jason Fritsch - Upper Age Softball
31 girls registered
Scheduling to take place at the end of the month

Greg Holtz - VP of Lower Age Softball
Schedules are set and teams are set
On second season with jersey design - reusing jerseys through fall
Tournament registration survey to come out in the next 2 weeks and see what tournaments and weekends are free

Mark Caderette - Rules and Umpires
Scheduled with Umpires

John Kohler - Tresurer 
We have money

Joel Papcunik - Fields 
Cage in field 1 looks really good, thank you for all of the assistance 
Banners are up
Numbers coming for cages to help when you reserve them
Pitchers pocket in field 2 dugout boxes 
New locks will be in this week

Julie Fritsch - VP of Fundraising 
Thank you Legal family for helping in the concession stand
Concession stand is the major fundraiser for the HAA
Sign up Genius is out for Concession stand - 1 shift per player or pay 250$
Please show up for shifts that you are scheduled for
20 sponsors this year
Dicks Sporting Goods coupon ongoing 10% off one items moving forward


General Membership Meeting - February 2024

Josh DeMasi - President
We have 397 Registrations for spring
We have secured Meadow Field for the season, but are down to 2 days at Ellen Hughes
Summer Boosters camp for Baseball has been released and we are managing registration
Opening day will be held April 13

Ian Cummings - VP of Operations

Working with Baseball and Softball to build out schedules in the system
Met with new AD and he was helpful and responsive
Softball senior night will be April 24 under the lights at McCully
We are starting at 6:30 the days that the school plays

Steve Custer - VP of Upper Age Baseball

We have 11 signups for colt and 8 for Pony. Looking to partner with Bauerstown for numbers

Dave Lichina - VP Lower Age Baseball

254 registrations for lower age
Have coaches and dates for drafts set
Tournament teams practices are underway
June 8th is Championship day

Jason Fritsch - VP of Upper Age Softball

1 - 12u team and 3 15/18u teams

Greg Holtz - VP of Lower age Softball

3 - 6u teams
4 - 8u teams
3 - 10u teams

Julie Fritsch - VP of Fundraising 

Dicks Sporting Goods coupon March 8-10
Looking for sponsors 
Looking for concession stand manager
Potentially thinking about free tuition for concession managers

John Kohler - Treasurer
Good financial standing
Ready to pay out for uniforms, lights and expenses 

General Membership Meeting - January 2024

Ian Cummings - VP of Operations
More gym time to come - will send out 
Meeting to discuss requirements for fields from school teams
Registration closes January 28
Opening day - April 13
Playoffs - Jume 10 - 15

Steve Custer - VP of Upper age baseball

Registration is low for Colt and Pony
Looking at cutting off registration in case we don't have enough kids to make sure they can get to another program if not

Dave Lichina - VP Lower Age Baseball
Enrollment is good and coaching is good as well
WIll get dates for drafts mid Feb
Have player ratings to use 
Get a date for coaching information session - hoping by end of January

Greg Holtz - VP of Lower Age Softball
Spring Registration is ok for spring - need 12u players and coach

Julie Fritsch - VP of Fundraising
Dicks Sporting Goods weekend - March 8-10 - 20% off

Josh DeMasi _ President

Field usage permits for McCully and Meadow are submitted - have permits for all school fields 
Ellen Hughes was approved for Mon and Friday only
New batting cage nets will be ordered by end of the month and whatever else we need
Checking with Mark on Jersey pricing
Trophies and rewards will be ordering 
HS Baseball Boosters are going to host a camp run by head coach - June 10 - 13 Pinto Age - Bronco Age - 125 a person

Mark Cadarette - Rules/Umpires
Rules committee invites have been sent out
Umpire clinic could take place in the spring/Summer time frame

John Kohler - Treasurer
Accounts are good

General Membership Meeting - December 2023

Josh DeMasi - President
Went to all club meetings, gym time to be prioritized for winter training - HAA will get time

Ian Cummings - VP of Operations
December 27 - registation opens for Early Bird

Dave Lichina - Lower Age VP
Using indoor time for tournament team conditioning

Julie Fritsh - VP of Fundraising
Dicks coupon did well for sales - next weekend is March 9th for Dicks sporting goods organizational coupon
Going to work on sponsorships

Joel Papcunik - VP of Fields

Looking at mounds for baseball and pitching mats for softball
Will gether a list of what needs to be ordered for fields

Josh DeMasi - President
Aiden Hanna Benefit was a nice profit for his charity, thank you to the HAA organization and the community
Tournament team guidelines send via email with expectations

Dave Lichina - Lower Age VP
Call ups for fall worked out well
Pitching modification was a nice addition and worked out well
Mustang ratings in from Spring
Will do another coaches meeting before spring
Going to do tee only for tball and pitching in the transition league

Greg Holtz - Lower age softball
Jersey reuse was good, will update language for fall
Had a good fall season splitting into 3 groups and combining 2 groups for each game

Ian Cummings - VP of Operations
Score boards are operational
Need some materials, top dressing and dura edge on Field 1
Waiting on gym time for winter training

Mark Cadarette - Rules/Umpires

No issues with Umps for fall
Looking at cost for next season
Will put together rules committee for winter

John Kohler - Treasurer
We have the cash for fields for spring

General Membership Meeting - August 2023

Josh DeMasi - President



Fields update



Ian Cummings - VP of Operations



Greg Holtz - VP of Lower Softball



Dave Lichina - VP of Lower Baseball



Treasurer - John Kohler



Julie Fritsch - VP of Fundraising 








General Membership Meeting - July 2023

Josh DeMasi - President 
Tournaments starting this weekend for:








Looking to do another Aiden's Helping Hands benefit this fall - end of sept/early oct
If anyone is interested in the Fields VP Board position, please reach out to Josh

Committee to change the rule for 50% attendance of spring season for tournament. Board voted to keep the Rule the SAME.

Ian - VP of Operations



Lower Age baseball - Mike Moser


Lower Age Softball - Greg Holtz


Treasurer - John Kohler





















































































































































































































































































































































































































General Membership Meeting - June 2023

Josh DeMasi - President
Wrapping up season
Aidens Helping Hands helped pay off the mortgage and taxes with funds raised for his charity 

Mark Cadarette
Umps going well, kid umps are going great, doing great in the community

Ian Cummings 
High Performance Camp and sandlot closing soon

Greg Holtz
HAA softball camp - closes today
Softball tournament July 20 - July 23

Julie Fritsch - Fundraising 
Reach out 2 weeks prior to running a tournament
Getting a Dicks sporting goods gift card

General Membership Meeting - May 2023

Josh DeMasi - President
All trophies are ordered and will be in June 1
Partnered with school district to upgrade score board - will run off of an app on the coaches phone.
Met with the other organizations over field time. HAA and Soccer have the most, the Township wants to Turf meadow and make it into a Multi purpose field.

Ian Cummings - Operations
Playoffs are the week of June 6.
Summer program launched this week.
Training camp will be a week after playoffs.

Steve - Upper Baseball
Pony/Cold - Starts the end of May

Mike Moser - Lower baseball
Season going well
Tournament Teams almost set
Call ups and call overs are working out with the lower numbers on Teams,

Julie Fritsch - Fundraising 
If you are in need of pics, please reach out.

Corey Casper - Fields
Pricing out a trailer to transport mule to other locations for grounds work
Central is in great shape
MuCully foul lines need some work
Need to address side skirts, potentially do a fundraiser 

Board Nominations
President - Josh Demasi
VP Lower Age Baseball - Mike Moser/Dave Lichina
VP Upper Age Softball - Paul DeSabato/Jason Fritsch
VP Fundraising - Julie Fritsch
Secretary - Jason Barbieux/Christina Carlin

General Membership Meeting - March 2023

Josh DeMasi - President
Met with Township officials, Hampton soccer and HYLAX in regard to Meadow Field. All organizations want time at meadow. We (HAA) have put money into that field and have the permit. We offered Sunday as an option, but that day didn't really work for the other orgs. If Soccer/LAX are on the field at the same time as us, they understand that they have to stay back from the infield. The gap in the fence at the third base line is our line of separation.

Walked the grounds at McCully complex (with the help of Joel Papcunick) with Township officials and discussed the following issues:
       Fencing repairs and painting
Finishing the concrete in the dugouts
Creating a gravel driveway from the culled sac towards concession stand
Fixing the water issues around the cages
Concrete or gravel under spectator benches
Adding a new water fountain that refills bottles

They seemed to be willing to do a lot of this work with TWP resources and labor and they are aware of when our seasons start

With the help of Dave Lichina we were able to hold our first "coaching informational session". It was designed for newer coaches that may be on the fence about coaching and help them feel more confident in volunteering. The following was discussed:
Website, Team pages and Game Changer app
Practice plans
Line of communications
Game day expectations 

All uniforms are ordered for lower age baseball/softball

Corey is sending a quote for insurance - Treasurer and President to discuss the best option

General Membership Meeting - February 2023

President - Josh DeMasi
Spring Registration is closed
Positions coming available in May - President, Lower Age Baseball, Upper Age Softball, Secretary and Fundraising 

VP of Operations - Ian Cummings
Have coaches for missing age groups - Thank you to the coaches who are helping give us extra teams
Practices for Foul age at Poff and Wyland and Foul (4 Teams) will be on Field 1 in the outfield
Shetland will mostly play at Meadow
Opening day on April 22
Playoffs June 5 - 10
Poff will have a Monday 630 start due to HYLAX. Every other start is 6

Steve - Upper Age Baseball
1 Colt
1 Pony Team

Lower Age Baseball - Mike Moser
Thanks to all of the coaches who responded and are helping coach!
Mustang is good for coaches and getting ready to pick teams
Pinto and Mustang can be drafted together
Good amount of coaches for Pinto, maybe move some coaches to Bronco and pair some up

Upper Age softball - Jason Fritsch
1 !2u Team
2 15u Team

Lower Age Softball - Greg Holtz 
Playing in GPGSL
3 - 6u Teams
3- 8u Teams
4 -10u Teams
Drafts are upcoming 

Fields - Corey Casper 
Quotes for top soil 

Treasurer - John Kohler
Expenses haven't hit yet but still in good financial standing 

Fundraising - Julie Fritsch
Homerun Sponsorship - 925 if you don't have a banner - 800 if you do
Dicks Shopping weekend - March 25 weekend

Rules and Umpires - Mark Cadarette
Rules committee for softball taking place next week
Umps are lined up 

Bronco has 4 teams, are we playing other townships? Deer Lakes
Other townships have eliminated 50% play for spring 

General Membership Meeting Notes- January 2023

Josh Demasi 
Rules meeting went very well with Rules committee 
Spring registration is open - good numbers
Field permits are secured and so is Ellen Hughes
Every team from 10u softball, and Bronco baseball and lower will have 3 indoor practices before the season starts - 3 weeks in a row, 1 practice a week.
Registration closes the 29th of January

Steve - Upper age Baseball
1 colt team, possibly a Pony

Greg Holtz - lower softball
Great numbers so far
May need coaches for 8u

Mike Moser - lower age baseball
26 Foul - need coaches
23 Shetland - need coaches
48 Pinto - good with coaches
45 Mustang - good with coaches 
32 Bronco 
Will document process around wait list

Jason Fritsch - Upper Age Softball
Winter training going on, tracking great numbers and hanging on to jerseys longer

Corey Casper - Fields
Getting quotes for field work and side squirts
Field 3 needs some work

Mark Cadarette - Rules and Umpires
Rules for votes
Tball - refining rules 3/4 t- ball and move 5 to Shetland and beginners have the option- advertise t-ball 3/4/5 - motion passes
50% eligibility - compromise on minimum 5 games to be able to play summer - rules committee to come back with a plan

Julie Fritsch - Fundraising 
Applied for Dicks sporting goods sponsorship - doing a 20% weekend in March
Cleaning up Website

John Kohler - Treasurer 
Accounts in good shape

General Membership Meeting Notes- October 2022

Josh DeMasi
Fundraiser went awesome, fields were great, Thank you to everyone!
Fall ball has 2 weeks left
Last 2 weeks of October has field time if you need makeups
Working with NP sports complex for all teams at the beginning of Spring

Ian Cummings - VP of Operations 
Winter training registration is launching October 15 to begin in late 2022 and early 2023

Steve - Upper age Baseball
Wrapping up next week

Mike Moser - Lower age Baseball
Competitive with local competition 

Julie Fritsch - VP of Fundraising
All is good 

John Kohler - Treasurer
Great, successful fundraiser 

Mark Cadarette - Rules and Umps
Moving forward, younger umps will work out for weekends or on occasion and Greg and umps for Spring and HS kids for Fall
Rules committees to meet before January meeting in case there is anything to change

Corey Casper - Fields
New Bases on order
Good on supplies
Central is complete - field surface 
After the last game, put bags in the shed and text Corey so we know what we have and can inventory for winter and spring


General Membership Meeting Notes - July 2022

Greg Holtz 
Softball camp coming up - registration closes the day 
12u Tournament Team - 2 Tournaments
10u - 3 Tournaments
8u - 5 Tournaments
Coaching clinic for softball/baseball in January - potential to have coaches go

Steve - Upper Age
Almost complete for Pony
Colt is almost complete 

Mark - Rules and Umpires
Going to get rules committees together

Corey - Fields
Fields are super dry - going to limit dragging for now, maybe add a brush.
Top dressing on at meadow field
New home plates for 2 and 3

Julie - Fundraising 
Needs concession leads for Summer sandlot league
Dicks shopping day is Aug 12 - 15

John - Treasurer
Good financial standing

Josh - President
Want to get Cage 1 done

Mike - Lower age baseball
Good spring season - lots of compliments 

Ian - VP of Operations
New tarps for fields? 
Baseball camp canceled - not enough registration 
High Performance camp went well, kids did great.
Summer league - record registration - almost 150 kids

General Membership Meeting Notes - June 2022

Josh DeMasi - President

Board membership voted on and stays the same.
Board of directors names and emails to be posted on board next to concession stand - current events as well
Sent a message about softball camp to Coach Fidell. Want to try for mid July again.
High Performance Camp is full for first week
8u softball season is complete and went great
Lower age baseball playoffs going right now
Devise expectation of lower age softball and baseball - clear expectations

Steve - Upper baseball
Colt and pony season going on now - going to mid July

Upper age baseball -
going well

Lower Age Softball -
8u done - 10u going to GPGSL playoffs

Fundraising - Julie Fritsch 
Pics will be in this weekend

Fields - Corey Casper
Top dressing done at meadow
Foul lines painted for playoffs 

Treasurer - John Kohler
Money ready for fields if needed

Ian Cummings - VP Operations 
Softball - come out and play in the sandlot league in the summer
Meeting adjourned 

General Membership Meeting Notes - April 2022

Josh DeMasi - President

Lights should be good now
Possibly look into indoor facility for next spring

Steve – VP Upper Age Baseball: 
[email protected]

  • Numbers for fall are low, making a final push this second week in August
  • Aidens Helping Hands benefit to take place September 17 - all day
  • New sports committee was formed with the township and other youth organizations in Hampton, Josh and Julie attended to represent the HAA
  • looking into turf for the side strips
  • Potentially plant trees behind back stop of fields 2 and 3 - possibly a township effort?
  • Looking into dirt paths to fields and to batters box
  • Order seed and get assistance from the township
  • Working on the fall schedule with coaches at each age group
  • Tournament season went well
  • Have good numbers for fall
  • Have coaches lined up for fall
  • Moving forward with modified kid pitch for 3rd graders in Mustang
  • The 8u tournament that was to be hosted by Hampton was canceled due to the lack of availability from other teams
  • Field and concession stand accounts in good shape after the spring season
  • Made great money in concession stand in the spring
  • Fall season will start Aug 26 for volunteers 
  • 9u baseball
  • Softball
  • 8u Baseball
  • Score boxes are in and hung at each field
  • No Meadow field for Sundays in the fall, but will have it all day on Saturdays.
  • 120 kids for Summer Sandlot League
  • Fall Registration opens Sat Aug 12 - games start the week of Labor Day
  • Callup program went well for: Shetland, Mustang, Pinto and Bronco - good reps at every level
  • Player ratings: field ratings for all age groups, have for spring and summer and ready for the next level.
  • Adding a coaches meeting to nail down the player scoring
  • Coach development seminar for fall time frame again
  • Any questions on summer tournament selection will look to get board member validation 
  • Mustang, going to do modified kid pitch to keep kids engaged
  • Home Pl8 training ran a very well received camp
  • We are hosting the Summer Tourney at the end of July - 8u/10u/12u
  • Jerseys for fall will be reused from the Spring
  • General Fund in good shape
  • Concession account - 10k
  • Field maintenance account in good shape
  • Our organization fronts the cost for all tournaments then splits profits with the teams

Colt scheduling meeting next week
Starting up as soon as JV HS season is over

Core Casper – VP of Fields: Fields VP [email protected]
Fields are good,
Equipment distributed to fields  

Ian Cummings – VP of Operations: [email protected]
Meadow will close for a few days end of April to fix fencing.  Will move games to Ellen Hughes

Greg Holtz - VP Lower Softball
Equipment is in
Ellen Hughes is good to go and was good -field equipment is there
8u/10u/12u girls registration to be opened soon - tryouts in a few weeks

Mark Caderette - Rules 
Possibly update rules 

General Membership Meeting Notes –March 2022

Josh DeMasi – President [email protected]

Tournament Baseball registration is open!
Email from a company assisting the township to help develop a rec space for the future,
Stregths to build on facilities?
Equipment needed - motion to spend on field passes

Steve – VP Upper Age Baseball: [email protected]
1 colt 
2 pony
Scheduling meeting coming up

Core Casper – VP of Fields: Fields VP [email protected]
Fields need some work
Batting cage for field 1 - getting quote
Big equipment order spread out 

Julie Fritsch – VP of Fundraising: 
[email protected]

John Kohler – Treasurer: [email protected]

Ian Cummings – VP of Operations: [email protected]
-Met with the township and went over scheduling permits and parking.  Have use of McCully 1, 2, 3 and Meadow. 
-Opening Day - 4/2 - using pavilions and road behind the fields 
-Lights are set and will repaired if needed.
-May 14 - no games 
-Wednesdays in June starts farmers market
-No parking on the road outside of field 1 outfield.
-Repaving to take place 
-Talk to school about scoreboards? 
-Foul game info forthcoming
-Sunday times for tournament - times coming from Ian 
Top Dressing being derived April 18

Mike Moser: - VP of Lower Age Baseball – [email protected]
Lower age baseball

Mark Cadarette – VP of Rules and Umpires: [email protected]

Christina Carlin – Secretary: [email protected]

Greg Holtz – VP of Lower Age Softball: [email protected]
-Coaches are assigned
-Indoor practices are taking place
-6u and 8u scheduling meeting next week

Jason Fritsch – VP of Upper Age Softball: [email protected]

General Membership Meeting Notes –February 2022

Josh DeMasi – President [email protected]

  • All field permits have been submitted
  • Secured Duncan and Ellen Hughs park (lower age)
  • Getting signs made for parking (losing parking due to HS construction 
  •  Trying to leave the road behind fields for coaches only
  • Games to start April 4th
  • NOTE: VPs of all Teams: please separate Tournament players
  • Opening day - tentatively April 2nd - no games 

Steve – VP Upper Age Baseball: [email protected]

  • 3 Teams - 2 Colt - 1 Pony
  • Reaching out to umpires
  • Games to begin Mid May

Core Casper – VP of Fields: Fields VP [email protected]

  • Sending email for more volunteers for spring
  • Upgrades to MCCully and Meadow are coming
  • looking to spray Central
  • cage 1 to be fixed

Julie Fritsch – VP of Fundraising: [email protected]

  • Ordering a banner - secured some new sponsors
  • Dicks sporting good Shopping weekend in March

John Kohler – Treasurer: [email protected]

  • Have money in field account for upgrades

Ian Cummings – VP of Operations: [email protected]

  • 95% of the schedule is built out
  • Looking to add clinics

Mike Moser: - VP of Lower Age Baseball – [email protected]

  • 6 Teams
  • Looking to schedule draft very soon
  • Ratings are assembled

Mark Cadarette – VP of Rules and Umpires: [email protected]

  • Looking to get more HS kids for umpires for lower age
  • Potentially set up classes to help

Christina Carlin – Secretary: [email protected]

  • Over communicate parking at pool and to leave back road for coaches

Greg Holtz – VP of Lower Age Softball: [email protected]

  • 2 - 6u
  • 4 - 8u
  • 2- 10u
  • 6u/8u will play in the Pine Richland league with 5 townships
  • Scheduling meeting in March - drafts soon!

Jason Fritsch – VP of Upper Age Softball: [email protected]

1- 18u
2- 15u
2- 12u

General Membership Meeting Notes – September 7, 2021

Josh DeMasi – President [email protected]

  • Working with the HTSD to get some time at Central on Saturdays from Club slow pitch.
  • ACTION: Need feedback from Softball on any scheduling requests for Central on Saturdays.
  • Submitted final edits for contract with the township. Prepared to sign pending 1 more change.  It’s a fair deal.
  • IMPORTANT: Parking update: Losing the gravel lot across from McCully fields starting Monday, September 13. Please keep handicapped spots accessible for parking for those in need of them.
    • This could go as long as a year due to the HS renovations.
    • NOTE: this lot is school district property, so we have to respect it.
    • Parking behind field 1 or by the pool, community center or tennis courts
    • Please refer to an email sent from Josh DeMasi sent on September 7th for more details.
    • Looking into signage for Drop offs

Steve – VP Upper Age Baseball: [email protected]

  • Season has started
  • 1 Colt Team
    • 3 Pods (17 kids)
  • 2 Pony Teams
  • Gave out some field time to T- Ball – for outfield use

Core Casper – VP of Fields: Fields VP [email protected]

  • Getting quotes on edging
  • Send email for any equipment requests
  • Some planning for top dressing next year once we can control the gravel
  • Need some top soil in outfield
  • Communications to come for field maintenance volunteers for Fall Ball
  • Need a Plan for spring on edging
  • Need a plan for closing the fields for the season
  • ACTION: Corey to come up with a wish list of items for next meeting on field repairs so we can budget for them and prioritize

Julie Fritsch – VP of Fundraising: [email protected]

  • Concession stand sign ups is open and rolling for Fall Ball
  • ACTION: Coaches and VPs – Please text or call Julie if a game is cancel so we can close and adjust the concession stand crew. Same with when you add a game.

John Kohler – Treasurer: [email protected]

  • Concession stand and field maintenance accounts look great for updates and future items needed.
  • As we look towards potential field maintenance costs for next year, items that are being considered:
    • Fencing
    • Field Surfacing
    • Other field items from wish list to be discussed next meeting

Ian Cummings – VP of Operations: [email protected]

  • Clearance updates: still need some, communicating with coaches to get them updated
  • Schedule ends 10/23 to give a week for rain outs and reschedules
  • ACTION: Follow up with Mike Moser to see who is running baseball clinics

Mike Moser: - VP of Lower Age Baseball – [email protected]

  • ACTION: Mike M to Follow up on ratings for last spring/summer from coaches

Mark Cadarette – VP of Rules and Umpires: [email protected]

  • Schedule sent for Umpires

Christina Carlin – Secretary: [email protected]

  • Continue to send social media or agenda items to secretary email

Greg Holtz – VP of Lower Age Softball: [email protected]

  • N/A

Jason Fritsch – VP of Upper Age Softball: [email protected]

  • N/A

General Membership Meeting – Board minutes –8/10/2021

Josh DeMasi – President - [email protected]

  • Josh to email School District in regards to Central for Club Softball

Steve Custer - Upper age Baseball - [email protected]

  • Upper age will keep registration open for 1 additional week
  • Will keep 20 jerseys on hand
  • Scheduling meeting to take place at the end of August
  • Donate a Registration to HAEE for basket
  • Starting Middle School Baseball workouts

Jason Fritsch – Upper Age Softball – [email protected]

  • GPGSL  meeting – August 22

Ian Cummings – VP of Operations - [email protected]

  • Make sure coaches have clearances before assigning coaches
  • Discussed fall numbers
  • Got Top dressing pricing – will complete in the next 2 weeks
  • Volunteers need clearances and background checks
  • Jersey pricing – got some competitive numbers

Corey Casper – VP of Fields – [email protected]

  • Completed Meadow field and put a digging tool up there
  • Need some equipment, will gather for an order
  • Mike M to reach out to get equipment back
  • Email to be sent to Learn to play camp to encourage registration – COMPLETED
  • Email reminder to all for registration to include possible conflict with soccer and to encourage registration for coaches to work with players to do both.

Christina Carlin – Secretary – [email protected]

  • Continue to send social media content to secretary email

VP Of Fundraising – Julie Fritsch - [email protected]

  • Dicks Sporting Goods coupon LIVE – August 13 – 16

VP of umps and rules – Mark Cadarette – N/A - [email protected]

  • Mark to explore the option of rules change of returning to USSSA bats for baseball

VP of Lower age softball – Greg Holtz – N/A - [email protected]

VP of Lower age baseball – Mike Moser – N/A – [email protected]


General Membership Meeting – Board minutes – 7/13/2021

Josh - President

  • Josh and Julie met with the Township on proposed changes to the contract.
  • Softball camp was very successful with 52 Participants
  • Learn to play camp is scheduled for first week in August
  • Fall ball registration to open August 1st.
  • Spoke with Kellen (HS baseball coach) about a camp to benefits HS boosters next year.


Ian – VP of Operations

  • Fall ball registration
  • Looking to rename Shetland (Transition)
  • Summer Sandlot pickup baseball is going very well with great feedback
  • Making a wish list of capital expenditures


Mike – VP of Lower age baseball

  • Rating materials have been sent out for Spring.  Will smooth out ratings and get ready for discussion


Greg – VP of Lower age softball

  • Season went well, tournament season is rolling.
  • Looking for an app to use for our tournament


Mark C – VP of Rules and Umpires – NEW

  • Will look for umps for the baseball tournament for the end of August


Corey – VP of Fields

  • Will take 2-3 weeks in the fall to plant grass
  • Potentially look for quotes on Edges
  • Conversation about different ways to improve fields and field maintenance
  • Potentially fence Meadow Fields
  • Discussion around coming up with a plan for kids who would like to leave to go play somewhere else (better competition).


Julie – VP of Fundraising

  • Madia – spring photo fundraiser
  • Brusters – spring evening at the fields
  • Dicks shopping event coming soon
  • Need to get name plates for ‘homerun’ sponsors
  • Sponsor logos to go on Website
  • Need a concession stand plan – conversation and potential solutions discussed including it being a potential fundraiser for tournament teams where teams get a % of profits.


John – Treasurer

  • Funds available for field maintenance and from concession stand


Christina – Secretary


Open Discussion

  • Try to retain and develop talent
  • Help develop at a younger age and stay and compete at a high level
  • We offer tournaments for tournament teams



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