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Woodland JR Wolves


If you don't find the question and answer you are looking for here please submit it to and we will get it answered and added to the list. 

*Does my child(ren) have to participate in the mandatory fundraiser?
– Yes, when you signed your child(ren) up you could not continue unless you "read and click to agree" on “Mandatory Participation Agreement” which states “every athlete is required to participate in the mandatory fundraiser “. “ I understand that I am required to participate in the mandatory fundraiser, and agree to fulfill this requirement in full for each of my registered participants.”


* What are benefits of mandatory fundraiser? – In order to keep a non-profit running we need to have a source of funding our top funding is fundraising these funds help pay for field usage for both practice and game day, practice field lights, restrooms, league insurance, helmet replacements and certification, shoulder pad replacement and certification, background checks for board members and coaching staff, game day refs, game day announcers. The list goes on to help insure we are running smooth.


* How many parent task/hours are required per registered athlete? – Each athlete agreed to 10 task per athlete.


*What is the touchdown can and what is it used for? – Touchdown can is donations every time an athlete makes a touchdown or field goal the touchdown can volunteer goes around with the can and a bell to receive donations from parents, family and friends in the stands. These funds are used to help pay for Homecoming expenses such as nomination sashes, crowns, field decorations, half time presentations, homecoming dance decorations, DJ, and homecoming location. If in the event we have any remaining funds these are used to help with the purchase of coaches gifts.


*Who else can volunteer? – All parent task volunteers must be over the age of 16


* How will my time be tracked? – You must sign in for your task to get credit of completion and all tasks completed are tracked on a tracking spreadsheet and updated on a weekly basis.


* I signed up for a volunteer position date and time but can’t make it because of a conflict. – You are responsible to finding a replacement or switching with someone else. It is not the leagues, coaches or team parents to find a replacement for you.


*How do I sign up for parent tasks?- Under our parent task section of our website as well as via email from league and team parents.


*Football age limit?- Our 8U start at age 5 and 14U are up to age 14.


*Cheer age limit? – Mascots start at age 3 to age 14


*How do I become a Team Parent? – You can express interest during player registration or contact the parent volunteer coordinator by sending an email to [email protected]


*How do I become a Cheer/Football coach? - You can express interest during player registration or contact the cheer/football coordinator by sending an email to [email protected]


*What equipment is needed for cheer and football? – For football you need extra mouth guard, cleats, white socks, and water jug. For Cheer you need white socks, and water jug.


*What equipment is provided by the league? – For football the league provides rental of equipment bag, shoulder pads, helmet, practice jersey, practice pants, and game day pants to be returned at end of season as well as game day jersey to keep, in 2024 a game day mask/gator, October pink socks and one mouth guard to keep at end of season. For cheer in 2024 season we provide mask/gator to keep and included in registration is fee of skirt, shell, poms, bows(game, comp, October), shoes, spanks, liner, October pink ribbon socks, and jamboree wear.


*Who do I contact if my child will miss practice? – Head coach or team parent not assistant, HS volunteers or team mates


*Can I sit and watch practice? – Yes, but you must stay along the fence on the lee side of the football field only and along he track but off the track in cheer area.


*How can I do more to help our league ? – We are always looking for ideas and more volunteers on game days for both home and away as well as business sponsors. Business sponsor form is located under the form section of or website.


*What is the league concussion protocol? – If a player gets a concussion during a game or practice they are examined and parents are notified. Head coach is to complete an incident report an parents are to receive a copy. The athlete is to sit out of all games and practices until a doctor medical clearance is turned into the head coach and received and approved to return by the President or Vice President.


*Is medical clearance mandatory for all registered athletes? – Yes to insure player safety for all a medical physician must give clearance of no underline condition that can harm the athlete. 

*What is Chain Gang? – Is 3 volunteers who hold the down markers on the field to insure the movement of the ball and measurement is accurate.


*What league is our organization in? – We are currently part of ISYF

*What happens if football equipment is not returned at the end of season? – Your account is charged for the full price all rented equipment. If equipment is eventually returned but late you are charged a late fee and partial certification fee including the additional shipment fee of items.

*What happens if all my fees are not paid by the end of the season? –Woodland Jr Wolves has the right to send you to collections to receive those fees.

*Are individual athlete sponsor funds tax deductible for the sponsors? – Yes as long as the individual sponsorship form is turned into the treasurer for tax purposes. This form is located under our forms section of the website.


*How does my High School student become a trainer/cadet? – They can reach out to the cheer/football coordinator via email at [email protected] or express interest at online registration.


*What are training requirements for coaches? – All coaches must complete background check, COVID training, Concussion training, Mandated reporter, Football Tackle training, Sportsmanship as well as attend several coaches meetings.


*What is the protocol for athletes who come in contact with someone who test positive? – They are to notify the head coach and sit out for 72 hours along with provide a negative test result.


*What happens if an athlete test positive for COVID- Athlete can not return for 5 days and must provide a negative test or medical clearance to head coach before returning to practice or games.


*When can an athlete who tested positive for COVID return to practice?- After 5days upon presentation of negative test result or medical clearance.

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