Minor League (ages 5-11) Click link for additional Division details
Divisions may be established within the Minor League for “machine pitch,” “coach-pitch” or “player-pitch.” By local option, a player who is league-age 5 or 6 (use the Little League Age Calculator to determine your child’s League Age for the current year) for the current season and has played a year in Tee Ball is eligible to participate in a coach-pitch division.
A local league might have its 5-8-year-olds in the Minor League Coach Pitch Division, while its 9-10-year-olds are in the Minor League Player-Pitch Division. However, by local option, some of the 9-year-olds could “play down” in the coach-pitch division, and some of the 8-year-olds could “play up.” This is entirely the choice of the local league Board of Directors. League-age 12-year-olds may participate per Regulation V(a).