2025 Fall Registration (NOW OPEN!)
Volunteer Opportunities
We're excited to offer a Spring cheerleading program as well as Flag Football. Stay tuned for more details and information!
Our 2021 Football & Cheer season will be here before you know it! Online registration is still open!
Registration is open! It's that time of the year! Registration is open for Fall Tackle Football and Cheer. We hope to see you this...
Flag Football starts Sunday, September 20th!
Due to the restrictions surrounding the COVID- 19 pandemic, RISMA has decided to cancel the Fall 2020 season for both Tackle Footb...
Congrats to our $25 gift card winners!
Based on the latest guidelines released from the CDC, National Pop Warner, and State and Town governments, we do plan to have fo...
We remain hopeful that our upcoming season will start on time and serve as a memorable opportunity for our communities to come tog...
If you want to play, please sign up before May 1st.
Spring football season is just around the corner! Registration is now open for the Spring 2020 season. Just log in and register — ...
Barrington Pop Warner P.O. Box 192 Barrington, Rhode Island 02806
Phone: 401-474-4060 Email: [email protected]