Mr. Josh Bryant
[email protected]
661.477.3230Apart from all other considerations, sound leadership, couched in knowledge, experience and common sense, is the greatest requirement and most exemplary qualification of the man or woman selected as president of a Little League.
While efficient organizational and administrative abilities are desirable credentials, the search for good leadership must transcend all other attributes in the adult who gives direction to the Little League movement in the local community. Dedication to the goals and purpose of Little League is inherent in the volunteer aspect of those who serve, but not everyone who serves is gifted with the quality of leadership. Presidents must reflect these qualities if they are to be of benefit to children.
The president has many responsibilities in the administration of the league. Each President is elected by, and is accountable to, the local league board of directors. Duties of a president are described within the limits of the rules and regulations, and within the local league constitution, giving each president the ability to oversee the affairs of all elements of the league.
As the chief administrator, the president selects and appoints managers, coaches, umpires and committees. As such, no person becomes a manager, coach, umpire or committee member without the approval of the president. However, all appointments are subject to final approval by the local league's board of directors.
Importantly, the president is the officer with whom Little League International maintains contact. The president also represents the league in the District organization.
The president should be the most informed officer of the league. Each president must know the regulations under which Little League operates and in authorizing the annual application for charter, binds all members of the league to faithfully observe the regulations. Little League Baseball International Headquarters reserves the right to require a league to remove any officer who does not carry out the terms of charter application. Serious violation can result in loss of the league's charter by action of the Charter Committee in Williamsport, Pennsylvania.
Beyond the requirements of league administration, the president should personify the best public image in reflection to the community at large. Each president should take an active role in gaining support and winning friends for the league program.
The president presides at league meetings, and assumes full responsibility for the operation of the local league. The president receives all mail, supplies and other communications from the Little League Headquarters. A president may manage, coach or umpire, provided he/she does not serve on the protest committee, nor serve as tournament team manager or coach.