While our Board of Directors does not meet on an established schedule (such as the first Tuesday of the month), they do meet regularly and formally. Meetings are advertised, noticed, agendized, and conducted in open forum (unless otherwise explicitly stated and noticed) and our Board welcomes any and all interested parties to attend.
Below is a listing of meeting agendas (and, where approved, the associated meeting minutes).
Tuesday, January 24, 2017 - Agenda - 01-24-2017Monday, January 9, 2017 - Agenda & Minutes - 01-09-2017 (Minutes Approved 01-24-2017)Monday, December 19, 2016 - No agenda, no official business conducted; Information onlyMonday, November 28, 2016 - Agenda & Minutes - 11-28-2016 (Minutes Approved 01-09-2017)Monday, November 14, 2016 - Agenda & Minutes - 11-14-2016 (Minutes Approved 11-28-2016)
Friday, October 14, 2016 - Agenda & Minutes - 10-14-2016 (Minutes Approved 11-14-2016)