General Info
Focus is on teaching fundamentals and having fun
Previous baseball experience is not required
Typical skill level includes players who:
Can make contact with a pitched ball some of the time
Can throw and catch the ball, but only inconsistently
Understand basic baseball rules and positioning
Noncompetitive games (no scoring)
60 minute games
No umpires
Team formation is made by league, open to requests to play with friends (no draft)
Roster size is 9-12 players, depending on sufficient volunteer Managers/Head Coach and Assistant Coaches
RDLL provides: Jersey, hat, socks. Each team will have shared batting helmets, bats, balls and catcher’s gear
Families provide baseball gloves
Typically have one evening practice per week during the season (days and times are determined based on coach preference and will be communicated after teams are formed)
Typically have one game on Saturdays (there may be some exceptions to this)
Although there is a designated manager, EVERY parent is a “coach” and is expected to help out
Batting Order
All players bat each inning
The batting order shall be continuous and include all players on the team roster present for the game batting in order. Each player is required to bat in their respective spot in the batting order
It is encouraged to field all of your players while on defense and rotate positions each inning
Defensive positions are more defined. Some defensive outs are made, but not consistently
Coaches discuss before the game if teams should play with outs. The full roster will still bat regardless if playing with “outs” unless agreed upon by coaches prior to the start of the game
Base Running
Coach Pitch Registration is $115