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Registration FAQ

Q: Is my kid eligible to play in Rainier District Little League?
Verify you live or your kid attends school within the Rainier District Little League Boundary 

Q: How do I sign up?

A: Go to  

If you are new, click on “Register” in the upper right hand corner of the RDLL Website. You will be directed to the Sports Connect Website to create your user account.

If you are a returning user, then click on “Log In” in the upper right hand corner. 

Q: Do you offer scholarships to help cover the costs of registration?

A: Yes, please email [email protected] for more information.

Q: I’d like to volunteer but I only have little bit of time to offer.  Is there anything I can do to help?

A: Absolutely, there are variety of different roles that you can help out with.  You will see several of them as part of the registration process and we would encourage you to select them during registration.  You can also email [email protected] if you have any questions.  

We are a 100% volunteer run organization.  This means that everyone from the board to coaches to umpires to scorekeeper to snack shack workers to field maintenance is done by a volunteer.  

An area that we are constantly in need of help with is umpiring and coaching.  We provide training for both of these positions so no prior experience is required!

Q: I don’t remember my username or password, what do I do?

A: On the log in page, you can click on the appropriate links to get your username or password.  You will be asked to enter the email address associated with your account. 

 If after doing this you are still not able to log in, then please contact [email protected]

Q: When I try to register my child, I don’t see the division that I want to sign up for.

A: Registration by division, is based off of little league age as defined here.  At the younger divisions, Tee Ball, TnToss, and Coach Pitch, there are some exceptions we can make based off of extenuating circumstances specific to individuals. 

However, in the majority of cases, we must follow the little league rules and guidelines that dictate age requirements for each division.  

If you have questions, you can email [email protected] but please be aware of the rules and age requirements as set by Little League Baseball.

Q: When I try to register my child, I see more than one division option.  Which one do I choose?

A: Registration into divisions, is based off of little league age as defined here. This means that there are some cases where a players is an age that qualifies them for more than one division.  For example a 6 year old could be eligible for both TeeBall/TnToss and Coach Pitch.  In these cases, correct division placement is specific to the player in question.  

For players age 8-12, there will be a Skills Day where we assess each player's skill level. The league can provide some guidance on which league best matches your child’s skill level after the skills assessment. 

The Divisions page has some more details on each of the leagues and expectations for players to help choose the best division. 

Here are some general guidelines to consider:

  • Experience - If this is the first year playing baseball, it may be beneficial for them to start in the lower division to build up fundamental baseball skills.  If the player has played for several years, then they may benefit from playing in the next higher division.
  • Overall physical size and Athletic ability – If your child is physically larger compared to other kids or more generally athletically inclined their age then playing in the higher division may be a better placement.  Conversely, if your child is smaller or still developing athletically, then playing in the lower division may not only be a better experience for them but also a safer environment to play in as well.

  •  Attention Span – As we all know, kids at this age can have very different attention spans.  As a result, this is also a consideration when trying to determine the correct division placement.  In general, higher divisions will expect players to have a longer attention span than lower divisions. This is not only a key factor in making sure that it is an enjoyable experience but also an issue from a player safety perspective.  The higher divisions will have older kids and the ball will be moving faster.  Sometimes, ball players need an extra year at a lower division to let their attention spans mature.

  • Baseball Skill Set – Overall, baseball skill set is certainly a factor but one that should probably be considered last after the above points. 

Obviously, if a player is very strong at all aspects of baseball (hitting, throwing, and catching) then playing at a higher level may be a good option.  However, this should be done only after ruling out any player safety concerns due to size or attention span.

If you have specific questions, please feel free to reach out to [email protected].

Q: My ball player really, really wants to play in a specific league (e.g. Majors vs. Minors) but the registration only says “Kid Pitch Baseball.”  How do I make sure that they get in the right league?

A:  For all of our kid pitch divisions (both baseball and softball), teams are formed using a draft.  Coaches draft players based on previous experience with players and based on assessments that are made at Skills Day.  As a result, we cannot guarantee placement on a specific team, with specific other players, or specific leagues within the Kid Pitch Divisions.

Q: My ball player wants to play in a kid pitch division and wants to play with a specific coach or with specific friends.  Is this possible?

A:  For all of our kid pitch divisions (both baseball and softball), teams are formed using a draft.  Coaches draft players based on previous experience with players and based on assessments that are made at skills day.  As a result, we cannot guarantee placement on a specific team, with specific other players, or specific leagues within the Kid Pitch Divisions (Ages 8-12).

Q: My ball player wants to sign up to play in TeeBall ( or Coach Pitch) and wants to play with a specific coach or with specific friends.  Is this possible?

A: In our non-kid pitch divisions (e.g. TeeBall, TnToss, and Coach Pitch — Ages 4-8), we will do our best to place kids on teams that are requested.  During registration please specify your request in the “Coach, Friends, Siblings request” field.  Again, we will try our very best to honor these requests but please also be aware that there are constraints anytime we are dealing with 200-300 players across over 30 teams and we are not always able to fulfill all requests.  However, we will get every kid on a team so they can play ball.

Q: What is Skills Day and do I need to go to it?  Do I need to go to both days?

A: Skills Day is for all players that are planning to play in our kid pitch divisions, Ages 8-12,  for both baseball and softball. Please go to to see specific information on dates, times, and locations for skills day.  All players planning to participate in kid pitch divisions should plan to attend skills day on one of the days during the appropriate time slot.  It generally takes 30-40 minutes to get through the various skills day sessions.  Players should bring their glove and be dressed appropriately to run through some baseball/softball drills.

Q: What days of the week will practice be and when will games be?

A: Until teams are formed, we will not know the specifics of practice times or game times. Teams will be formed in early to late march depending on division with the kid pitch divisions forming first. To get a sense of time commitments, here are some general guidelines:

  • Tee Ball/ TnToss – Teams will practice one week night a week for about an hour and will have games on Saturday for about an hour.
  • Coach Pitch – Teams will practice 2 week nights a week for about an hour and will have games on Saturday for about an hour and a half.
  • Kid Pitch Divisions – Teams will practice or have a game 2 week nights a week for about 1.5-2 hours.  There will also be a game on Saturday for 2 hours.

Q: When will I hear from my coaches and find out about practice times?

A: You will hear from your coach as soon as teams are formed.  Teams will be formed in early to mid March depending on division with the kid pitch divisions forming first.

Q: What equipment do I need to acquire for my ball player?

A: RDLL provides the majority of gear needed to play.  Each player is expected to come to the first practice with a ball glove, appropriate footwear, a protective cup, and appropriate clothing for outdoor practices. Due to COVID, for the 2024 Season, we recommend that players bring a Little League approved helmet(has NOCSE logo) and bat (Make sure your bat has the USA BAT logo).  RDLL will provide jerseys/shirts for games.  It is recommended that players also get a pair of baseball pants to wear at games.  RDLL will provide each team with balls and any other required gear.

Q: I am trying to sign up for 50/70 intermediates or Juniors and it is asking me to join the waitlist.  Why?

A: We received some early reports that we may not have enough players to form a 50/70 or Juniors teams.   

As a result, we opted to open registrations with a waitlist to gauge interest and not collect payment until we knew we were going to form a team.   

However, we would very much like to form a team. So, please do join our waitlist and ask anyone else that may be interested to join as well.  We will make a determination on if we will be able to form a team by the middle for February.

Q: I have a question that you didn’t answer here.  What should I do?

A: Email [email protected] with your question and we will get back to you.


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