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Rainier District Little League Code of Conduct

The Rainier District Little League's (RDLL) Code of Conduct is for Parents, Players and Managers/Coaches and Umpires. It is provided to ensure all participants understand and practice principles of behavior that support the purpose of Little League baseball as identified by Headquarters National Little League Baseball, Williamsport, Pennsylvania:

Little League is a program of service to youth. It is geared to provide an outlet of healthful activity and training under good leadership in the atmosphere of wholesome community participation. The movement is dedicated to helping children become good and decent citizens. It strives to inspire them with a goal and to enrich their lives towards the day when they must take their places in the world. It establishes the values of teamwork, sportsmanship and fair play.

In light of this, the Code of Conduct is designed to instill and maintain the highest level of sportsmanship, integrity, fairness and professionalism in the RDLL program. All Parents, Players and Managers/Coaches accept responsibility for adhering to the Code of Conduct upon registration into Rainier District Little League.


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