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Safety Info

2019 Injury reporting form

Concussion Information

Concussion and head injuries are a very real risk in sports.  It is crucial to know the symptoms of a concussion, how to treat it, when to seek help from a doctor or ER, and how to prevent them.  

California law requires all coaches to be certified and complete a concussion training similar to the one linked below. All parents also must acknowledge the risks and a form has been embedded in the registration.  During registration, the link was provided and you were required to acknowledge the risk of concussions. If you have any questions regarding safety or concussions, you should email [email protected]. If your player was injured and requires medical attention, you must also email our safety officer at the above email. Little League provides supplemental insurance where necessary.  

If you suspect a concussion or see symptoms, seek medical attention right away.

Abuse Training

According to California law, managers and coaches are named as "mandated reporters." This is true for all youth sports programs, not only baseball.  Livermore Little League supports this and has a zero tolerance for abuse of any kind toward any youth in our league.

What does this mean? - It means if a child discloses or you have a reasonable suspicion of abuse (physical or sexual), you have a legal obligation to report that information within 24 hours of knowing. 

How do I report this? - Call CPS (Child Protective Services) or visit the website on how to file a written report. 

For more information: 


4435 First Street, 348
Livermore, California 94551

Email: [email protected]

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