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League Update

Spring 2021 Season Update (2/13/21)

Happy New Year! First, we want to thank all of our generous sponsors and community members for their support of our League this past season. It was a difficult year, but we are hopeful for what is ahead.

On 12/14/20, California Department of Public Health released guidelines for Youth Sports that detail when return to play can commence. Thankfully, Baseball is considered a Tier 2 sport, and competition is allowed once our county is in the "Red" metrics. In the meantime, outdoor practices and conditioning is allowed for youth ages 18 years old and younger.

This season will look different from year's past, it will be flexible, and it will be 
adhering to city/county/state regulations, but we will have Baseball! Here is what our upcoming season will most likely look like...

  • Tryouts, Practices and Games - It was our hope and intention to hold tryouts in-person this season. However, in order to comply with the LARPD and city/county guidelines, we will be unable to hold tryouts in an effective and efficient manner given the number of participants we have registered for this season. Since Little League International is not requiring tryouts, we have decided to forgo tryouts and go directly to drafting our teams and getting ready for the season. The draft and team formation process will be held over the next three weeks. After completion of the draft you will be notified by your manager regarding team details. Teams will be created based on the players league age, experience and skill level for the AA Division through the Majors Division. At the T-ball/Farm and Single A Divisions, it will be by what school they attend, whenever possible. Practices will begin no later than March 15th for these divisions (team practices will only be allowed until Alameda County moves into the "red" tier, which would then allow games). For T-ball and Farm Division Registration - These registrations will remain open until March 15th, and teams will be formed no later than March 30th. Our League Opening Day will be on April 12th, with games for all divisions beginning this week as long as we are in the "Red" tier (more details will follow in the coming weeks regarding our game schedule timeline). We may end up playing fewer games overall this season, and our Spring Season will most likely end in mid-late June.
  • Refund Policy - At registration, you will be asked to pay a $25 non-refundable fee (this goes towards upfront costs the League has to pay for which includes field fees and costs associated with tryouts). Your remaining registration balance will not be due until the season starts. Currently, the remaining balance is scheduled to process on 4/1/2021. If we do not end up playing any games this season, but you have paid your registration balance in full, you will be refunded any fees you have paid, with the exception of the $25 non-refundable registration fee. You may also opt-in this season to protect your registration fees by purchasing RegSaver at the registration checkout (see terms and exclusions for more information).
  • Our Emphasis for this season:
  1) Player Development - Refinement of baseball fundamentals and knowledge of the game.
2) Socialize outside of zoom and increase physical activity, (less video games, and screen time, yay!).
3) To have fun!! - We are committed to making this the best season yet.
  •  Safety - Livermore Little League will adhere to city, county, and state mandates for safe returning to play. The League is requiring that managers, players, and family members adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Participants and Coaches should cohort by team, and refrain from participating with more than one team over the same season or time period (notwithstanding competitions as permitted).
  • Immediate family members of youth participants may observe, as long as they wear a mask and practice social distancing from others of different households.
  • Dugouts will be used sparingly and team equipment will be stored outside of the dugout. 
  • Sunflower seeds are not allowed this season.
  • Sharing of food is not allowed this season.
  • All baseballs will be sanitized after each practice or game.
  •  Managers will be required to: Make sure hand sanitizer is readily available, ensure that equipment is not shared between players, encourage frequent hand sanitizing throughout practices and games, and report any team COVID-19 positive cases immediately to the LLL Board. 
  • Participants should wear masks during practices, and games, even with heavy exertion as tolerated, (unless the face covering could become a hazard), and masks must be worn when not participating in the activity (in or around the dugout).
  • Each player must have their own water bottle.
  • Participants should avoid giving high fives or fist bumps.
  • Social distancing will be practiced to the maximum extent possible.
  • Temperatures will be taken upon arrival to tryouts, practices, and games. 
  • Every player will be required to use hand sanitizer when entering and exiting the field.
  • Frequent hand sanitizing will be encouraged throughout tryouts, practices, and games.
  • Each player must have their own equipment. Such as: batting helmet, glove, and bat. The league can help provide catcher's equipment for your catcher, if they do not have their own equipment. 

COVID-19 Specific Protocol - Any child, parent or volunteer who has any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 must stay home and follow care instructions from their healthcare provider, and the local health department.

Every participant must report any COVID-19 related symptom to their respective Coach immediately, and must not attend practices or games if any of the following questions are answered "Yes":

  • In the last 10 days have you been sick?
  • In the last 10 days were your diagnosed with COVID-19?
  • In the last 14 days were you in close contact with ANYONE who was COVID-19 positive? (Close contact is defined as being within 6 feet of distance from someone for greater than 15 minutes of cumulative time in a 24 hour time period.)
  • Do you have any of the following symptoms that are NEW, DIFFERENT, or UNEXPLAINED? (for example not related to a known chronic condition).
  • Fever (100.0 or greater) or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

If a player or one of their family members test positive for COVID-19, or are having symptoms of COVID-19, or are being quarantined by a physician for COVID-19, please adhere to the following protocol:

- Notify your Coach as soon as the first symptoms or notification arises. The Coach will be responsible for notifying the LLL Board.
- Please follow care instructions from your healthcare provider and local health department regarding protocol related to notifying individuals that you or your family has been in close contact with, as well as home isolation/quarantining guidelines for your family.

Field Closure or Team Quarantine Procedure: In the event a team needs to be quarantined, we will follow the below procedure:

- All coaches and parents of players of the affected team(s) will be notified by email, and via phone number listed on their roster.
- All practices and/or games scheduled for the team will be cancelled or postponed and team members will be asked to follow care instructions from their healthcare provider regarding home isolation/quarantine protocol. No team member will be allowed to attend practices/games until released by their healthcare provider and/or once the 14 day quarantine has been completed. 
- Team members will be asked to disinfect any personal equipment.
- During this time, team members are asked to self observe for symptoms of COVID-19 and contact their healthcare provider if any symptoms have developed.

Please understand that this guideline will be updated over time to reflect the most up to date information from Alameda County as well as the CDPH. Information regarding Youth Sports is rapidly changing and we will make changes accordingly. 




4435 First Street, 348
Livermore, California 94551

Email: [email protected]

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