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"Your willingness to work outside of your comfort zone sets a solid example for the league’s children, whose development as players and people depends on their ability to expand their comfort zones."

We Need Umpires!!!  

We need you!  All games, Single A through Seniors must have an umpire in order to be played. Your UIC (Umpire In Chief) and Umpire Development Officer work very hard to ensure all games have umpires who are trained, professional, and fair.  This year, Single A will be staffed with umpires from parents on both teams. Occasionally a 3rd umpire will be available for the game, this will be only a junior umpire. We want to get the parents involved in the games and see that umpiring is not only easier than expected, but also fun!  More details to come on this.

We get our umpires in two ways.  

  1. Parent volunteers
    1. They are very important to ensuring we have reliable umpires to watch over our games. 
    2. Many parents have given us the feedback that while originally intimidated to start, once they were so happy they did.  Additionally, parents who are able to umpire with their kids, say it's the greatest feeling and bonding to be able to umpire together.
  2. Junior Umpires
    1. Junior umpires are critical to our future.  They provide umpiring of games, learn important life skills, and get to do something they enjoy, all while getting paid.  Development of our junior umpires provides a future of reliable umpires in future years.

Umpire Training Clinics

We have a full training program to ensure that brand new parents and juniors wanting to umpire, feel comfortable, confident, and ready before they are left to umpire their own games. 

We will review the Little League green book and local rules during the classroom training, (Date/Time TBD).  The field mechanics training will be on (Date/Time TBD).  Managers and coaches should attend the classroom training. Managers, coaches, parents and youths wanting to umpire must attend both classroom and field mechanics training. Even the experienced umpires will find value in attending these training classes.  Please see the calendar on the homepage for location info and most up to date info for any changes.

Steps to becoming an umpire:

1) You must be at least 11 years old
2) Attend the class room training and the field mechanics training per above
3) After attending the rules clinic and mechanics training, pick up your umpire gear and supplies on opening day.
4) You will receive an email with instructions on how to log into Arbiter, our scheduling software
5) Self-assign to your desired games

2020 Pay for Junior umpires: 

ABase$ 15.00
AAPlate$ 25.00
AABase$ 20.00
AAAPlate$ 30.00
AAABase$ 25.00
MajorsPlate$ 30.00
MajorsBase$ 25.00
IntermediatePlate$ 35.00
IntermediateBase$ 30.00
JuniorsPlate$ 35.00
JuniorsBase$ 30.00

Ask the Ump!  

Have a question?  In a dispute about a ruling?  Or just want to win a friendly bet among friends?  Ask an Ump!  Email the Ump, ask the question and we'll respond and post it to this page. 


Q.  I want to umpire!  Where do I start?
Q.  Question on AA rules. Ball 4, ball passes catcher, time for coach pitch but runner on base steals second. Does he stay at second or go back? This play keeps coming up and coaches continue to dispute. What is the correct rule?
Q.  If the batter "breaks his wrists" when swinging, is it a strike?
Q.  If a batted ball hits the plate first, is it immediately a foul ball?
Q.  Is the batter considered "out" if he/she starts for the dugout before going to first base after an uncaught third strike?
Q.  Is the batter who batted out of order the person declared out?
Q.  If a batter swings at a pitch and the pitch hits the batter in the batter's box, does the batter get awarded first base?
Q.  If a batter walks, can he steal additional bases in the same play?  What if the pitcher already has the ball and is standing on the pitching rubber?
Q.  If there's a close play, does the runner have to slide?
Q.  In AA if the pitcher throws the ball and the ball bounces in the dirt in front of home plate, then hits the batter is the batter awarded first base?
Q.  Can a pinch runner be used for a catcher so he can put his gear on?
Q.  What is the proper way to intentionally walk a player?
Q.  Question on overthrows in AA league:
Scenario 1: Runner on 2nd, batter hits ball to pitcher who makes overthrow on play at third. Local rules say runner can not score due to overthrow at third base but batter can try for second. yes/no?

Scenario 2: Runner on 2nd, batter hits to pitcher who makes play at first but overthrows. Runner from 2nd is allowed to try for home and batter can try for 2nd. yes/no?
Q.  Bases loaded.  Short stop and 3rd baseman are both playing in for a play at home.  Outfielders are playing normal depth.  Ground ball is hit to the 3rd baseman and it goes through cleanly between his legs.  No other fielder is in the area to make a play.  The ball then takes a funny bounce and hits the runner while he's running between 2nd to 3rd base. Is the runner out?
Q.  The runner at first base is standing directly on top of the base.  The first baseman is playing deep.  The batter hits the ball and it hits the runner standing directly on top of first base.  What's the call?


4435 First Street, 348
Livermore, California 94551

Email: [email protected]

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