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Our League Bylaws




This document contains the local rules and regulations of the Sarasota Little League (SLL). The purpose of these bylaws is to provide operational rules for

the Sarasota Little League that are not prescribed by the SLL constitution or by Little League.


Section 1 – Duties and Powers of the Board


Appointments     The Board of Directors shall elect officers to coordinate and conduct the activities of Sarasota Little League.  The following elected positions shall be maintained by the Members of the Board of Directors at all times:


President     The President shall:

a.     Conduct the affairs of the appointed Local League and execute the policies established by the Board of Directors.

b.    Present a report of the condition of the SLL at the Annual Meeting.

c.     Communicate to the Board of Directors, such matters as deemed appropriate, and make such suggestions as may tend to promote the welfare of SLL.

d.    Be responsible for the conduct of SLL in strict conformity to the policies, principles, Rules and Regulations of Little League Baseball, Inc., as agreed to under the conditions of the charter issued by Little League Baseball to SLL.

e.     Designate in writing, other officers, if necessary, to have the power to make and execute for/and in the name of the SLL such contracts and leases they may receive and which have had prior approval of the Board.

f.     Investigate complaints, irregularities and conditions detrimental to SLL and report thereon to the Board of Executive Committee as circumstances warrant.

g.    With the assistance of the Player Agent, examine the proof of age documentation of every All Star candidate and to certify to residence and age eligibility before the player maybe accepted for team selection.


Vice President, Director of Baseball Operations     The Vice President shall:

In case of the absence of disability of the President and provided he/she is authorized by the President of Board to so act, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President, and when so acting, shall have all the powers of that office, and shall have such other duties as from time to time maybe assigned by the Board of Directors or by the President.  The Vice President is an ex-officio member of all committees.


Additionally, the Vice President fulfills the role of Director of Baseball Operations and he/she chairs the Baseball Operations Committee.


Secretary     The Secretary shall:

a.     Be responsible for recording the activities of SLL and maintain appropriate files, mailing lists and necessary records.

b.    Perform such duties as are herein set forth, in addition to such other duties as are customarily incident to the office of Secretary or as may be assigned by the Board of Directors.

c.     Maintain a list of all Regular, Sustaining and Honorary Members, Directors and Committee Members and give notice of all meetings of the SLL, the Board of Directors and Committees.

d.    Keep the minutes of the meetings of the Members, the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, and cause them to be recorded in a book kept for that purpose.

e.     Conduct all correspondence not otherwise specifically delegated in connection with said meeting and shall be responsible for carrying out all orders, votes, and resolutions not otherwise committed.

f.     Notify Members, Directors, Officers and Committee Members of their election of appointment.


Treasurer, Chair – Finance and Budget Committee     The Treasurer shall:

a.     Perform such duties as are herein set forth and such other as are customarily incident to the Office of Treasurer or may be assigned by the Board of Directors.

b.    Receive all monies and securities, and deposit same in a depository approved by the Board of Directors.

c.     Keep records for the receipt and disbursement of all monies and securities of SLL, including Auxiliary, approve all payments from allotted funds and draw checks therefore in agreement with the policies established in advanced of such actions by the Board of Directors.  Any disbursements by check of $5,000 must have dual signatures.  Electronic disbursements are authorized for reoccurring bills.

d.    Prepare a budget under the direction of the President for submission to the Board of Directors at the August Meeting.

e.     Prepare an annual financial report, under the direction of the President, for submission to the Membership and the Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting.


Player Agent(s)     The Player Agent shall:

a.     Record all player transactions/trades and maintain an accurate and up-to-date record thereof.

b.    Conduct the player draft and all-other player transactions or selection events and meetings with the President and/or Vice President.

c.     Prepare the “Player Agent’s list” of players eligible for the draft.

d.    Prepare for the President’s signature and submission to the Little League Headquarters, team rosters, including players’ claimed, and the tournament team eligibility affidavit.

e.     Notify Little League Headquarters of any subsequent player replacements or trades.

f.     Coordinate tryouts.

g.    Prepare the required All-Star player books for participation in the annual Little League All-Star tournaments.

h.    The Player Agent is an ex-officio member of the Baseball Operations Committee.


All Star Coordinator     the All Star Coordinator shall:

a.     Coordinate all activities of the Uniform Manager, the Player Agents, the Equipment Manager, the Manager Selection Committee, and the Baseball Operations Committee to ensure that all tasks related to fielding Sarasota Little League All Star teams are completed in a timely fashion.

b.    Coordinate with the Player Agents and the Baseball Operations Committee to ensure that the All Star Books are properly completed and signed by District.

c.     Work with the team Managers and Coaches to ensure that all notifications, team meetings, etc. are handled efficiently.  Report all progress to the Board of Directors on a regular basis, as required.


Safety Officer, Chair Grounds, Facilities and Safety Committee     The Safety Officer shall:

a.     Be responsible for the implementation of the A.S.A.P. (A Safety Awareness Program) at the local level.

b.    Be responsible to make all members aware of all safety procedures found in the Little League Safety Code.

c.     Annually, with the President, prior to the start of the season, audit the field lighting system(s) to insure it meets Little League minimum standards.  The lighting audit will be performed by a qualified technician.

d.    Frequently inspect all playing areas for holes, damage, glass and other foreign objects.

e.     Make certain all fences, screens and dugouts are in safe condition.

f.     Periodically inspect the stands or bleachers.

g.    Have arrangements in place in advance of all games and practices for emergency medical services.

h.    Arrange first aid training and CPR for all managers and coaches.

i.      Arrange with the President an annual training meeting for managers and coaches by implementing Little League’s “Prevention and Emergency Management Program”,

j.      Handle all accident claims promptly and shall maintain all records to all injuries and to include any claims for liability.

k.    Assign Director On Duty (DOD) personnel for each day when baseball games are scheduled.


League Information Officer     The League Information Officer shall:

a.     Set up and manage the league’s official website (site authorized by Little League International).

b.    Set up online registration and ensure the leagues rosters are uploaded to the Little League.  Present a report of the condition of SLL at the Annual Board Meeting.

c.     Assign online administrative rights to local volunteers.

d.    Encourage creation of team websites to manger, coaches and parents.

e.     Ensure that league news and scores are updated on a regular basis.

f.     Collect, post and distribute important information on league activities including direct dissemination of fund-raising and sponsor activities to Little League Baseball, Incorporated, the district, the public, league members and media.

g.    Service as primary contact person for Little League and Active Team Sports regarding optimizing use of the internet for league administration and for distributing information to league members and to Little League Baseball, Incorporated.


Coaching Coordinator     The Coaching Coordinator shall:

a.     Implement a league-wide training program.

b.    Order and distribute training materials to players, managers and coaches.

c.     Coordinate mini-clinics if necessary.

d.    Serve as contact person for SLL and its manger-coach education program for the league.

e.     The Coaching Coordinator is an ex-officio member of the Baseball Operations Committee.


Coach Pitch Commissioner     The Coach Pitch Commissioner shall:

a.     Coordinate all activities of the SLL Coach Pitch program.

b.    Coordinate any post-season tournaments with players and coaches.

c.     Interacts with Player Agents as necessary to move/trade players as required to ensure player safety.

d.    Be an ex-officio member of the Baseball Operations Committee.


T-Ball Commissioner     The T-Ball Commissioner shall:

a.     Coordinate all activities of the SLL T-Ball program(s).

b.    Coordinate any post-season tournaments with players and coaches.

c.     Interacts with Player Agents as necessary to move/trade players as required to ensure player safety.

d.    Be an ex-officio member of the Baseball Operations Committee.


Umpire In Chief     The Umpire In Chief shall:

a.     Responsible for selection and training of all umpires.

b.    Coordinates umpire schedules to ensure that all games have proper umpires present.

c.     Represents the umpire at any disciplinary meeting.

d.    Be an ex-officio member of the Baseball Operations Committee.


Chair – Manager Selection Committee     The Chair – Manager Selection Committee shall:

a.     Coordinate all activities of the Manager Selection Committee.

b.    Present a slate of managers to the President of the Board for approval each season.

c.     Be an ex-officio member of the Baseball Operations Committee.


Chair – Vendor and Government Relations Committee     The Chair – Vendor and Government Relations Committee shall:

a.     Coordinate all activities of the Vendor and Government Relations Committee.

b.    With the President, coordinate all activities with the Sarasota County Government.

c.     With the President, coordinate all activities with the Baltimore Orioles. 


Chair – Auxiliary Committee     The Chair – Auxiliary Committee shall:

a.     Coordinate all activities of the Auxiliary Committee.

b.    Coordinate all public relations activities.

c.     Work closely with the League Information Officer.


Chair – Opening Day Ceremonies Committee     The Chair – Opening Day Ceremonies Committee shall:

a.     Coordinate all activities of the Opening Day Ceremonies Committee.

b.    Coordinate all rewards ceremonies.

c.     Coordinate all purchases and distribution of season ending awards.


Schedule Manager     The Schedule Manager shall:

a.     Produce and coordinate baseball playing and practice schedules for all leagues/teams.

b.    With the League Information Officer, publish all schedules.

c.     Be an ex-officio member of the Baseball Operations Committee.


Equipment Manager     The Equipment Manager shall:

a.     Ensure that all equipment is in proper working order prior to the start of each season.

b.    Ensure that adequate equipment is available to all teams at the start of each season.

c.     Ensure an adequate supply of baseballs are available for games.

d.    Issue equipment to team mangers and retrieves equipment from managers at season’s end.

e.     Maintain a log of the disposition of all equipment.


Uniform Manager     The Uniform Manager shall:

a.     Secure bids for all uniform purchases prior to the start of each season.

b.    Recommend a vendor to the Board of Directors for approval.

c.     Coordinate the ordering, delivery, and distribution of all uniforms to teams.

d.    Coordinate the ordering and distribution of All Star uniforms.



Section 2 – Teams and Player Drafts


A. Teams & Rosters

The Board of Directors shall determine each year the number of teams in

each division (Senior League, Junior League, 50/70 League, Major League, AAA, AA, Coach Pitch, and T-Ball). The SLL board shall have discretion to set the roster size for teams within each division. Major League teams shall not have less than twelve (12) players during the spring season.


B. Draft Eligibility

All players of the playing ages 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 who wish to be considered for a Minor or Major League team shall try out by attending not less than 50% of all Sarasota Little League tryout sessions. The Baseball Operations Committee shall establish the number and the dates of the tryout sessions. The Player Agent shall determine which drills and methods will be used for player evaluation, however it is well understood that a player’s ability to play safely shall be a major focus of the tryout process. Every player eligible for the draft, must try out. Failure to tryout shall disqualify a player from the Little League draft, unless that player is of playing age 12. Players not chosen for a Major League team shall be drafted on a Minor League team.


C. Draft

Player selection will be done by Alternate Plan B of the Little League

Operating Manual.


D. Draft Order

Each year, the draft order for all divisions will be determined randomly

without regard to the final standings from the previous season.



Section 3 – Games & Local Rules


A. Rules of Play

All games shall adhere to the Little League Baseball Official Regulations and

Playing Rules also known as the “Green Book” and the following regulations.



 All managers are required to attend the fall coaching clinic and umpiring clinic. Assistant coaches and parent volunteers are strongly recommended to attend as well.

All AA, AAA, & Majors managers MUST report or designate someone to report the following to the information officer and scheduling coordinator within 36 hours of game completion…

o   Team Name

o   Game Result (win or loss)

Managers are responsible to designate someone to be in the press box to record the scorebook or pitch count at each of their games.

No buckets or other equipment allowed outside the concrete dugout area during the game.


A.   Coach Pitch

a.    Game & Time Limits

                                              i.     Tie games will be played until time limit expires.

                                              ii.     Time limit for all games is 1:30 minute during the weekday and 1:45 minutes on the weekend.

                                              iii.     No new inning will start after 7:00pm sharp.

                                              iv.     A new inning begins as soon as the last out is made of the prior inning. 

                                              v.     Weekday games are Monday-Friday, and weekend games are Saturday and Sunday. 

1.    If you start a weekday game after 5:30pm, no new inning starts after 7:00pm.

2.    If you start a weekday game before 5:30, (let’s say 5:20), no new inning starts after 6:50pm due to time limit.

b.    Game Play

                                              i.     Continuous Batting Order: Teams will bat all batters in a continuous lineup.

                                              ii.     Each team will bat through their entire line up, clearing the bases each time 3 outs are made until October 27th.

                                             iii.     On and after October 27th, each team will bat through their entire line up or until 3 outs are made, whichever comes first.

                                             iv.     Players cannot sit for consecutive innings. Players cannot sit twice until all players have sat once.


a.    Outfield Poistions

                                          i.     LF, LCF, RCF, RF, C

b.    Infield Positions

                                          i.     3B, SS, 2B, 1B, P

                                             v.     10 players on defense during each inning.

                                           vi.     Players MUST go from infield to outfield each inning on defense.  No one can play infield 2 consecutive innings!

                                         vii.     Outfielders must be 20 feet behind the infield dirt.

                                       viii.     Pitchers must have both feet on the dirt of the mound, within 4 feet of the pitcher’s plate, before the ball is hit

                                           ix.     Outfielders cannot run to the infield to record an out, they must throw the ball in to the infield.

                                             x.     Once the ball is heading into the infield, a base runner cannot advance.

                                           xi.     7 pitches are thrown to each batter if needed.  If the batter does not hit one of those 7 pitches fair, the coach can either soft toss the ball or put it on a tee for the player to hit.

                                         xii.     A batted ball must go 15 feet into fair territory to be fair.

                                       xiii.     Coaching on Defense: A coach can be out in the field, behind the infielders, helping instruct his or her defense.

                                       xiv.     There is no keeping score in coach pitch during the regular season.


B.   AA

a.    Game & Time Limits

                                              i.     Tie games will be played until time limit expires.

                                            ii.     Time limit for all games is 1:30 minute during the weekday and 1:45 minutes on the weekend.

                                          iii.     No new inning will start after 7:00pm sharp.

                                           iv.     A new inning begins as soon as the last out is made of the prior inning. 

                                             v.     Home plate umpire is responsible for keeping time, but will announce the start time to the booth. 

                                           vi.     Weekday games are Monday-Friday, and weekend games are Saturday and Sunday. 

1.    If you start a weekday game after 5:30pm, no new inning starts after 7:00pm.

2.    If you start a weekday game before 5:30, (let’s say 5:20), no new inning starts after 6:50pm due to time limit.


b.    Game Play

                                              i.     The first 3 innings will continue until the offense has scored 5 runs or the defense has recorded 3 outs. The 4th inning and on will be unlimited runs or the game reaches the time limit.

                                            ii.     Each batter will be given a total of 5 good pitches, 3 swings or 1 fair hit ball. If the last pitch is fouled off, the batter will be given another pitch. This will continue until the batter hits a fair ball or strikes out. (Good pitches are hittable pitches and will be a judgment call by the umpire.)

                                          iii.     If the batter, on the sixth pitch, does not swing, it will be considered a strikeout.

                                           iv.     If a batter swings at a pitch and misses, that is considered a pitch and counts towards the batters pitch count. If a batter does not swing and the pitch is declared ‘bad’, it will not count towards the batter’s pitch count. If a batter swings at a ‘bad’ pitch (declared by the umpire), it will be considered a strike. Pitch cannot be declared bad until the ball is past the plate.

                                             v.     If a batted ball goes under, over, around, hits the machine or operator of the machine and leaves the area of the machine, then the ball shall be considered a live ball.

                                           vi.     Under no circumstances will a player reach under, through or into the machine to retrieve a ball in the area the machine occupies. If a batted ball comes to rest under the machine, gets stuck in the machine, or any circumstances that appears that the player could be in danger, the operator should yell “Time, Dead Ball” and remove the ball himself. The batter will be awarded first base and the runners will advance 1 base.

                                         vii.     Bunting is NOT allowed.

                                       viii.     Pitcher must occupy the mound with one foot in the clay on either side of the machine but not in front of the pitching rubber or machine. Pitchers may not leave the mound until the hitter has made contact.

                                           ix.     There will be stealing of 2nd and 3rd bases only during the first 3 innings of play. After the 3rd inning, there will be no stealing of bases. Stealing may occur once the ball has crossed the plate. If a runner leaves early and successfully steals a base, he will be sent back. If tagged before reaching safely he will be called out. If runner attempts to steal home and is off the base and tagged out runner will be called out. There will be no delayed stealing.

                                             x.     Play stops when the ball in the position of an infielder. Once the infielder has possession the runner cannot proceed the next base.



                                              i.     Runners WILL NOT be allowed to take extra bases on overthrows that occur during an attempted steal. The base stealer may not advance another base but can be tagged out if off the base. On a pitch that is declared ‘bad’, a base stealer will be required to return to the previous base occupied.

                                            ii.     Runners may not leave the bag until the ball reaches the batter.

                                          iii.     There is no infield fly rule.

                                           iv.     A courtesy runner for catcher of record only the previous inning may be used. The courtesy runner shall be the player that made the previous out. If no outs have been recorded in the game, the courtesy runner shall be the previous batter not on base.

                                             v.     All other rules of baseball apply.

d.    Umpires/Scorekeeping

                                              i.     There will be one umpire per game.

                                            ii.     Pitching Machine / Scorekeeping - The pitching machine will be set to 34-38 mph using the Blue Flame Pitching Machine. The Double A commissioner has the discretion to increase or lower the pitching machine’s velocity. The velocity set by the Double A commissioner will be followed by ALL Double A teams. The home team will be responsible for the scorekeeper.


C.   AAA & Majors

a.    Game & Time Limits

                                              i.     Tie games will be played until time limit expires.

                                            ii.     Time limit for all games is 1:30 minutes during the weekday and 1:45 minutes on the weekend.

                                          iii.     No new inning will start after 7:00pm sharp for AAA.

                                           iv.     A new inning begins as soon as the last out is made of the prior inning. 

                                             v.     Home plate umpire is responsible for keeping time, but will announce the start time to the booth. 

                                           vi.     Weekday games are Monday-Friday, and weekend games are Saturday and Sunday. 

1.    AAA - If you start a weekday game after 5:30pm, no new inning starts after 7:00pm.

2.    AAA - If you start a weekday game before 5:30pm, (let’s say 5:20pm), no new inning starts after 6:50pm due to time limit.

b.    Game Play

                                              i.     Continuous Batting Order: Teams will bat all batters in a continuous lineup.

                                            ii.     Players cannot sit for consecutive innings.

                                          iii.     Players cannot sit twice until all players have sat once.......with the exception of the starting pitcher, provided he has not been substituted from the pitching position and he has not reached his pitch count limit for the day or week.


Once a manager takes the starting pitcher out of the pitching position, he must go directly to the bench and sit a complete inning, provided he is the only player that has not sat an inning or there is one player that has sat twice. A complete inning consists of the start of an inning before warm up pitches are thrown, until the 3rd out of that inning is made.


If the manager takes the starting pitcher out of the game in the middle of an inning, and he is the only player that has not sat once or with one other player sitting twice, that starting pitcher must sit the remainder of the inning he was taken out plus the next complete inning.


                                           iv.     Coaching on Defense: Coaches can coach in an imaginary box that extends 4 ft in front of their own dugout or in the imaginary box right outside the entrance of the dugout.  These imaginary boxes will be illustrated in the coaching clinic and discussed by the coaching coordinator.

                                         v.     The first 3 innings will continue until the offense has scored 5 runs or the defense has recorded 3 outs.

                                         vi.     The 4th inning and on will be played with unlimited runs or until the game reaches the designated time limit.

                                         vii.     A complete game consists of 4 innings or 3 ½ innings with the home team ahead.

                                         viii.     10 run rule is in effect from the 4th inning on


c.     Pitch Count Rules

                                          i.     100 pitches Max per calendar week (Monday-Sunday)

                                          ii.      9/23 – 10/13          à      40 pitches max (no threshold)

                                          iii.     10/14 – 10/28         à      55 pitches max (with threshold)

                                          iv.     10/29 – end            à      GREEN BOOK

                                          v.     Days of rest apply - GREEN BOOK (page 42)

                                          vi.     You must announce threshold!!




A.   The manager of the team scheduled to umpire will be responsible for providing a home plate and base umpire for the playoff game.

B.   If the manager has exhausted every resource to try to find umpires for his or her shift, then the manager must contact the UIC for assistance within 36 hours of the scheduled game time.




A.   The end of the season tournament will be a single elimination tournament for Coach Pitch, AA (machine pitch), AAA and Majors that must be scheduled to end on the Saturday before Thanksgiving to plan for a possible rain out.

a.    Coach Pitch teams will be seeded in a tournament bracket by drawing each teams name out of a hat

b.    AA (machine pitch), AAA, and Majors teams will be seeded in a tournament bracket according to their regular season winning percentage.

                                              i.     If two teams end the season with the same winning percentage, the higher seed will be determined by a coin flip done by a board member.

                                            ii.     If more than two teams end the season with the same winning percentage, each of the teams’ names will be put into a hat. A board member will draw each name out of the hat. The first team drawn out of the hat is the higher seed. The second name drawn out of the hat will be the second highest seed, and so forth.

c.     The home team will be the higher seeded team throughout the playoffs until the Championship.  The home team in the Championship game will be determined by a coin flip.

d.    During the playoffs, the manager of the team scheduled to umpire will be responsible for providing a home plate and base umpire for the playoff game.

e.     All Championship games will be umpired by board members or board approved umpires that have no relationship to any families participating in the Championship game.






·      All managers are required to attend the spring coaching clinic and umpiring clinic. Assistant coaches and parent volunteers are strongly recommended to attend as well.

·      All AA, AAA, & Majors managers MUST report or designate someone to report the following to the information officer and scheduling coordinator within 36 hours of game completion…

o   Team Name

o   Game Result (win or loss)

o   Any home runs hit and the player(s) name(s)

·      Managers are responsible to designate someone to be in the press box to record the scorebook or pitch count at each of their games.

·      No buckets or other equipment allowed outside the concrete dugout area during the game.


A.   Coach Pitch

d.    Game Time Limits

                                              i.     Tie games will be played until time limit expires.

                                            ii.     Time limit for all games is 1:30 minute during the weekday and 1:45 minutes on the weekend.

                                          iii.     No new inning will start after 7:00pm sharp.

                                           iv.     A new inning begins as soon as the last out is made of the prior inning. 

                                             v.     Weekday games are Monday-Friday, and weekend games are Saturday and Sunday. 

1.    If you start a weekday game after 5:30pm, no new inning starts after 7:00pm.

2.    If you start a weekday game before 5:30, (let’s say 5:20), no new inning starts after 6:50pm due to time limit.

e.     Game Play

                                              i.     Continuous Batting Order: Teams will bat all batters in a continuous lineup.

                                            ii.     Each team will bat through their entire line up, clearing the bases each time 3 outs are made until April 8th.

                                          iii.     On and after April 8th, each team will bat through their entire line up or until 3 outs are made, whichever comes first.

                                           iv.     Players cannot sit for consecutive innings. Players cannot sit twice until all players have sat once.


a.    Outfield Poistions

                                                                                                    i.     LF, LCF, RCF, RF, C

b.    Infield Positions

                                                                                                    i.     3B, SS, 2B, 1B, P

                                         v.     10 players on defense during each inning.

                                         vi.     Players MUST go from infield to outfield each inning on defense.  No one can play infield 2 consecutive innings!

                                         vii.     Outfielders must be 20 feet behind the infield dirt.

                                         viii.     Pitchers must have both feet on the dirt of the mound, within 4 feet of the pitcher’s plate, before the ball is hit

                                         ix.     Outfielders cannot run to the infield to record an out, they must throw the ball in to the infield.

                                         x.     Once the ball is heading into the infield, a base runner cannot advance.

                                         xi.     7 pitches are thrown to each batter if needed.  If the batter does not hit one of those 7 pitches fair, the coach can                                                       either soft toss the ball or put it on a tee for the player to hit.

                                         xii.     A batted ball must go 15 feet into fair territory to be fair.

                                         xiii.     Coaching on Defense: A coach can be out in the field, behind the infielders, helping instruct his or her defense.

                                         xiv.     There is no keeping score in coach pitch during the regular season.



f.     Game Time Limits

                                          i.     Tie games will be played until time limit expires.

                                          ii.     Time limit for all games is 1:30 minute during the weekday and 1:45 minutes on the weekend.

                                          iii.     No new inning will start after 7:00pm sharp.

                                          iv.     A new inning begins as soon as the last out is made of the prior inning. 

                                          v.     Home plate umpire is responsible for keeping time, but will announce the start time to the booth. 

                                          vi.     Weekday games are Monday-Friday, and weekend games are Saturday and Sunday. 

1.    If you start a weekday game after 5:30pm, no new inning starts after 7:00pm.

2.    If you start a weekday game before 5:30, (let’s say 5:20), no new inning starts after 6:50pm due to time limit.


g.    Game Play

                                           i.     The first 3 innings will continue until the offense has scored 5 runs or the defense has recorded 3 outs. The 4th inning and on will be unlimited runs or the game reaches the time limit.

                                          ii.     Each batter will be given a total of 5 good pitches, 3 swings or 1 fair hit ball. If the last pitch is fouled off, the batter will be given another pitch. This will continue until the batter hits a fair ball or strikes out. (Good pitches are hittable pitches and will be a judgment call by the umpire.)

                                          iii.     If the batter, on the sixth pitch, does not swing, it will be considered a strikeout.

                                          iv.     If a batter swings at a pitch and misses, that is considered a pitch and counts towards the batters pitch count. If a batter does not swing and the pitch is declared ‘bad’, it will not count towards the batter’s pitch count. If a batter swings at a ‘bad’ pitch (declared by the umpire), it will be considered a strike. Pitch cannot be declared bad until the ball is past the plate.

                                          v.     If a batted ball goes under, over, around, hits the machine or operator of the machine and leaves the area of the machine, then the ball shall be considered a live ball.

                                          vi.     Under no circumstances will a player reach under, through or into the machine to retrieve a ball in the area the machine occupies. If a batted ball comes to rest under the machine, gets stuck in the machine, or any circumstances that appears that the player could be in danger, the operator should yell “Time, Dead Ball” and remove the ball himself. The batter will be awarded first base and the runners will advance 1 base.

                                          vii.     Bunting is NOT allowed.

                                          viii.     Pitcher must occupy the mound with one foot in the clay on either side of the machine but not in front of the pitching rubber or machine. Pitchers may not leave the mound until the hitter has made contact.

                                           ix.     There will be stealing of 2nd and 3rd bases only during the first 3 innings of play. After the 3rd inning, there will be no stealing of bases. Stealing may occur once the ball has crossed the plate. If a runner leaves early and successfully steals a base, he will be sent back. If tagged before reaching safely he will be called out. If runner attempts to steal home and is off the base and tagged out runner will be called out. There will be no delayed stealing.

                                            x.     Play stops when the ball in the position of an infielder. Once the infielder has possession the runner cannot proceed the next base.



                                            i.     Runners WILL NOT be allowed to take extra bases on overthrows that occur during an attempted steal. The base stealer may not advance another base but can be tagged out if off the base. On a pitch that is declared ‘bad’, a base stealer will be required to return to the previous base occupied.

                                            ii.     Runners may not leave the bag until the ball reaches the batter.

                                          iii.     There is no infield fly rule.

                                           iv.     A courtesy runner for catcher of record only the previous inning may be used. The courtesy runner shall be the player that made the previous out. If no outs have been recorded in the game, the courtesy runner shall be the previous batter not on base.

                                             v.     All other rules of baseball apply.


i.      Umpires/Scorekeeping

                                              i.     There will be one umpire per game.

                                            ii.     Pitching Machine / Scorekeeping - The pitching machine will be set to 34-38 mph using the Blue Flame Pitching Machine. The Double A commissioner has the discretion to increase or lower the pitching machine’s velocity. The velocity set by the Double A commissioner will be followed by ALL Double A teams. The home team will be responsible for the scorekeeper.


j.     Kid Pitch

                                              i.     Kids will eventually pitch in the spring season only!  Kid pitch begins after (2/3) of the season has been played. Teams should work with their pitchers every practice to prepare them for kid pitch games. Machine pitch will consist of 12 games and kid pitch will consist of 6 games.

                                            ii.     Pitching distance will be 42 feet.

                                          iii.     Each pitcher can throw a max of 25 pitches per game or 50 pitches per week. A pitcher can exceed the pitch count of 25 to finish a batter. If the pitcher exceeds the 25 pitches to finish the batter, the pitcher pitch count is adjusted to the 50 pitches per week max. For instance, a pitcher throws 30 pitches on Monday, the pitcher can only throw 20 pitches for the next game that takes place during the same week.


D.   AAA

a.    Game Time Limits

                                              i.     Tie games will be played until time limit expires.

                                            ii.     Time limit for all games is 1:30 minutes during the weekday and 1:45 minutes on the weekend.

                                          iii.     No new inning will start after 7:00pm sharp for AAA.

                                           iv.     A new inning begins as soon as the last out is made of the prior inning. 

                                             v.     Home plate umpire is responsible for keeping time, but will announce the start time to the booth. 

                                           vi.     Weekday games are Monday-Friday, and weekend games are Saturday and Sunday. 

1.    If you start a weekday game after 5:30pm, no new inning starts after 7:00pm.

2.    If you start a weekday game before 5:30pm, (let’s say 5:20pm), no new inning starts after 6:50pm due to time limit.


b.    Game Play

                                              i.     Continuous Batting Order: Teams will bat all batters in a continuous lineup.

                                            ii.     Players cannot sit for consecutive innings.

                                          iii.     Players cannot sit twice until all players have sat once.......with the exception of the starting pitcher, provided he has not been substituted from the pitching position and he has not reached his pitch count limit for the day or week.


Once a manager takes the starting pitcher out of the pitching position, he must go directly to the bench and sit a complete inning, provided he is the only player that has not sat an inning or there is one player that has sat twice. A complete inning consists of the start of an inning before warm up pitches are thrown, until the 3rd out of that inning is made.


If the manager takes the starting pitcher out of the game in the middle of an inning, and he is the only player that has not sat once or with one other player sitting twice, that starting pitcher must sit the remainder of the inning he was taken out plus the next complete inning.


                                           iv.     Coaching on Defense: Coaches can coach in an imaginary box that extends 4 ft in front of their own dugout or in the imaginary box right outside the entrance of the dugout.  These imaginary boxes will be illustrated in the coaching clinic and discussed by the coaching coordinator.

                                       v.     The first 3 innings will continue until the offense has scored 5 runs or the defense has recorded 3 outs.

                                       vi.     The 4th inning and on will be played with unlimited runs or until the game reaches the designated time limit.

                                       vii.     A complete game consists of 4 innings or 3 ½ innings with the home team ahead.

                                       viii.     10 run rule is in effect from the 4th inning on


c.     Pitch Count Rules

                                         i.     100 pitches MAX per calendar week (Monday-Sunday)

                                         ii.     2/24 – 3/16  ---   40 pitches max (no threshold)

                                         iii.     3/17 – 4/15  ---   55 pitches max (with threshold)

                                         iv.     4/16 – 4/29  ---   65 pitches (with threshold)

                                         v.     4/30 – end   ---   GREEN BOOK

                                         vi.     Days of rest apply – GREEN BOOK (page 42)

                                         vii.     You must announce threshold!!


E.   Majors


b.    No ties or time limit – 10 run rule in affect after 4 innings or 3 ½ if the home team is ahead.

c.     Coaching on Defense: Coaches can coach in an imaginary box right outside the entrance of the dugout.  This imaginary box will be illustrated in the coaching clinic and discussed by the coaching coordinator.

d.    No inning may start after 10:00 pm.

e.     Pitch Count Rules

                                           i.     100 pitches Max per calendar week (Monday-Sunday)

                                           ii.     2/24 – 3/16  ---   40 pitches max (no threshold)

                                           iii.     3/17 – 4/15  ---   55 pitches max (with threshold)

                                           iv.     4/16 – 4/29  ---   65 pitches max (with threshold)

                                           v.     4/30 – end    ---   GREEN BOOK

                                           vi.     Days of rest apply - GREEN BOOK (page 42)

                                           vii.     You must announce threshold!!

f.    Pool Players
1.  Definition 
i.  A pool player is a Majors rostered player that is eligible to play in a Majors game for another team, provided that team does not have enough players to participate.

2.  Formation of Pool Players

i.  At the conclusion of the Spring Majors draft, both the American and National player agents will classify each player on the majors teams to make them eligible to be a pool player.
ii.  Players will be classified and designated as "A", "B", or "C" based on their skill level from the tryout.
iii.  All Majors players on a roster will be eligible to be a pool player but are not required to participate as a pool player.

3.  Procedure and Rules

i.  Pool player(s) can only be requested by the Manager of a team that will have 8 or less players anticipated to show up for a scheduled game.
ii.  The Manager must request pool player(s) to the designated player agent.
iii.  The Manager will list his/her rostered players to the player agent that will not be present at the game for which he/she is requesting pool player(s).  Majors rosters must be 12 players, so all of the players must be accounted for on the list.
iv.  It is the player agents responsibility to find, confirm and approve a pool player for the Manger requesting a pool player.
v.  The player agent will take the list provided by the manager of players that will not be present and contact pool players with the same classification. 
Example:  A manager has been informed that he/she will only have 8 players showing up to the next game.  The manager emails the player agent requesting 1 pool player and lists the four players that will not be in attendance.  The player agent looks at the list of players from the manager and sees that the manager will be missing three "B" players and one "C" player.  The player agent ONLY contacts pool players that are on his/her "B" and/or "C" list to be a pool player.
vi.  Pool players cannot pitch or catch during the game at all.
vii.  Pool players cannot play while they have their own scheduled game in progress.
viii.  If, before or during the plate meeting prior to the sart of the game, 9 or more rostered players show up late and are in attendance ready to play, then any pool players that were designated to play will be ineligible and cannot participate in the game they were designated to play. 
ix.  If the plate meeting has concluded and players show up from the team that did not have enough to participate, the pool player that was designated to play shall remain in the lineup and CAN ONLY play the minimum required amount according to the Green Book (6 consecutive defensive outs and 1 at bat).




A.   All AA managers that are scheduled to umpire will be responsible for providing one (1) umpire for the game.

B.   A home plate umpire will be supplied by SLL for each AAA and Majors game during the Spring season.

C.   The manager of the AAA or Majors team scheduled to umpire will be responsible for providing one (1) base umpire for the game on their schedule.

D.   If any manager scheduled to umpire has exhausted every resource to try to find umpires for his or her shift, then the manager must contact the UIC for assistance within 36 hours of the scheduled game time. Remember that the responsibility still falls back on the manager, no matter what.




A.   The end of the season tournament will be a single elimination tournament for Coach Pitch and AA (kid pitch), and a double elimination tournament for AAA and Majors that will be scheduled one week after the end of the regular spring season.

a.    Coach Pitch teams will be seeded in a tournament bracket by drawing each teams name out of a hat

b.    AA (kid pitch), AAA, and Majors teams will be seeded in a tournament bracket according to their regular season winning percentage.

                                              i.     If two teams end the season with the same winning percentage, the higher seed will be determined by a coin flip done by a board member with a manager or coach present from each team at the coin flip.

                                            ii.     If more than two teams end the season with the same winning percentage, each of the teams’ names will be put into a hat. With a manager or coach from each team present, a board member will draw each name out of the hat. The first team drawn out of the hat is the higher seed. The second name drawn out of the hat will be the second highest seed, and so forth.

c.     The home team will be the higher seeded team throughout the playoffs until the Championship.  The home team in the Championship game will be determined by a coin flip.

d.    During the playoffs, the manager of the Coach Pitch, AA or AAA team scheduled to umpire will be responsible for providing a home plate and base umpire for the playoff game.

e.     All Championship games will be umpired by board members or board approved umpires that have no relationship to any families participating in the Championship game.

f.     The Little League board will make the final decision on whether to hire umpires for the AAA or Majors division throughout the playoffs or not.



Section 4 – Tournament (All-Star) teams


A.   Teams & Rosters

a.     Each year, in addition to Green Book Rules and regulations for tournament play, the Board of Directors shall decide the number of tournament teams that will represent SLL in All-Star competition.

b.    For each team, the manager of the All-Star team will set the roster size between 11 and 14 players, which must be approved by the SLL board.


B.   Manager Selection

a.     The manager of each tournament team shall be selected by the Manager Selection Committee after he or she has been interviewed by the committee and approved by the President.

b.    There must be a minimum of three (3) of the Manager Selection Committee members present at each interview.

c.     Assistant coaches shall then be selected by the elected manager from within their division.

d.    Each manager and coach who desires to be considered for selection must submit written notice or an email to the Chair of the Manager Selection Committee prior to the selection process.

e.     The entire slate of managers and assistant coaches must get final approval by a majority vote from the SLL board.


C.   Player Selection

a.     During the last two weeks of the regular season, all players on the roster of a Major League team shall be provided ballots to elect up to 12 players to each of the 10-11-12 year old tournament teams.

b.    Process: Each player shall vote for a maximum of 12 players for each of the two 10-11-12 tournament teams (American & National).

c.     The ballots shall be tallied by board members and the results shall be passed on to the managers in the all-star selection meeting.

d.    No player may be elected to more than one all-star team.

e.     The remaining players for each of the tournament teams shall be selected by vote of team managers only, in the presence of the player agent and one additional board member.


D.   All-Star Uniforms

a.     Families of the all-star players will be responsible for the cost of the all-star uniforms.

b.    All-star uniforms include: one pair of pants, one game shirt, one belt, & one game hat


E.   Sarasota Little League All-Star Contribution

a.     Sarasota Little League will provide and pay for practice shirts for all All-Star players, provided the SLL has approved the expense.

b.    Sarasota Little League will provide and pay for practice shirts, game shirts and hats for all managers and coaches, provided the SLL board has approved the expense.

c.     Sarasota Little League will have discretionary funds available for every all-star team to use for indoor batting cages or facilities, should the Twin Lakes fields or batting cages be unavailable during all-star season.

d.    All spending of discretionary funds must be voted on by a majority of the Sarasota Little League board.

e.     The Sarasota Little League board will decide on a contribution made to any tournament team that makes it to the State Tournament.

f.     Contributions will be discussed in the board meeting and a majority vote passes said contribution(s).


Section 5 - Player registration fees


The board shall establish player registration fees on an annual basis.


Section 6 - Sponsor Fees


The Board shall establish the annual sponsor fees for Major and Minor

League teams uniforms and sign sponsors. The fees may be adjusted yearly as

directed by the board of directors.


Section 7 – Managers, Coaches, and Volunteers


A. Required Background Checks

In order to participate in any program where contact with children is likely to

occur, the participant shall have undergone a national background check as

required by Little League on an annual basis.


B. Managers

Individuals must apply annually for a manager’s positions by submitting a volunteer coaching form to be given to the Chair of the Manager Selection Committee. 

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