Mandatory Play-Time/Rotations –
Teams will bat all rostered, present players in a continuous batting order.
Defense will play 8-10 players in the field (discretion of the manager)
Players cannot sit consecutive innings.
No player may sit TWICE before every rostered, present player has sat ONCE (circumstances such as bathroom breaks, player preference, etc are exceptions and acceptable).
o Recommended: players alternating outfield to infield every inning
• Time Limits –
o Saturday: 3 innings or 1 hr 30 min
o Weekday: 3 innings or 1 hr 30 min
• Other rules –
For Entire Season:
All batters hit from the tee; all batters reach 1st base and remain on the base even if an out is made; base runners advance one base at a time.
No Coach Pitching for Fall Season
No removing batters off the base (in the event of an out) for Fall Season