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AA - Fall

• Mandatory Play-Time/Rotations – 


o Teams will bat all rostered, present players in a continuous batting order. o Each batter will be given a total of 6 good pitches, 3 swings or 1 fair hit ball. If  the last pitch is fouled off, the batter will be given another pitch. This will  continue until the batter hits a fair ball or strikes out. (Good pitches are hittable  pitches and will be a judgment call by the umpire.) 

o If the batter, on the sixth hittable pitch, does not swing, it will be considered a  strikeout. 

o If a batter swings at a pitch and misses that is considered a pitch and counts  towards the batter’s pitch count. If a batter does not swing and the pitch is  declared ‘bad’, it will not count towards the batter’s pitch count. If a batter  swings at a ‘bad’ pitch (declared by the umpire), it will be considered a strike. A  pitch cannot be declared bad until the ball is past the plate. 

o Coaching on Offense: 1 coach may occupy the coach’s box at first and another  at third, while 1 coach operates the pitching machine. When players are in the  dugout 1 coach must be present 


o A maximum of 10 players will be on the field for defense. If 10 are used, 4 must  take positions in the outfield grass area. Players can rotate between any  positions. 

o Each player must play 1 inning in the infield and 1 inning in the outfield within the 1st 4 innings. The  catcher position is considered an outfield position.  

o No player shall play the same infield position in consecutive innings.  o No player may sit TWICE before every rostered, present player has sat ONCE

Coaching on Defense: Coaches must remain in or just outside the dugout. 


• Time Limits – 

o Saturday: 1 hr 45 min 

o Weekday: 1 hr 30 min; cannot start a new inning after 7pm 

o A complete game is 6 innings 

• Game Play – 

o The first 3 innings will continue until the offense has scored 5 runs or the  defense has recorded 3 outs. The 4th inning and on will be unlimited runs (or  until 3 outs) or the game reaches the time limit.

o Games can end in a tie 

o If a batted ball goes under, over, around, hits the machine or operator of the  machine and leaves the area of the machine, then the ball shall be considered a  live ball. 

  • On balls batted to the infield, play stops at the earliest of the infielder possessing the ball and deciding NOT to make a play on a runner/batter OR when the infielders’ play on a runner/batter has been completed. 

○ Scenario 1: For example, with a runner on 2nd, if the 2nd baseman fields the ball and holds it without making any play, the runner on 2nd must stop at 3rd base and cannot continue home, and the batter must stop at 1st base. 

○ Scenario 2: Similarly, in the scenario above, if the 2nd baseman throws the ball to 1st base to try and get the batter out, the runner from 2nd may only continue home if the play at 1st base has not been completed before the runner passes 3rd base…if it’s close we will err on the side of the runner being able to continue, but if the play at 1st had obviously been completed prior to the runner reaching 3rd base (say the runner is only ⅔ of the way to 3rd) the umpire should note that any further advancement by the runner is at their own risk unless Scenario 3 below applies. If the runner makes it safely home, they will be sent back to 3rd. If they are tagged out between bases they will be out. 

○ Scenario 3: Finally, in Scenario 2 above, if the play at 1st base has been completed and the defensive player then attempts to throw the runner out going to 3rd, this allows the play to continue (i.e. the runner may then advance past 3rd and score). In this scenario, if the defensive player does not attempt to get the runner out but then the runner continues past 3rd, Scenario 2 above applies. 

  • In the first three (3) innings, runners may advance one (1) base on an infield overthrow per play.  

    • These overthrows would first require that an infield player had possession in the infield, threw to a base and then that throw passed the fielder covering that base.  

    • A ball merely dropped by the fielder covering the base that remains in close proximity to the fielder (3 ft in any direction) shall not be considered an overthrow.  

    • An infielder throwing the ball back to their teammate playing pitcher shall also not be considered an overthrow.  

    • This rule does not limit the number of bases runners may advance if an infielder has yet to possess the ball within the infield.

    • There is no advancing on these overthrows after the 3rd inning.  

● On balls batted to the outfield, play stops when the ball is in possession of an infielder in the infield. Once the infielder has possession in the infield (i.e. inside the outfield grass), the runner may only proceed to a base they are already advancing to (i.e. they must have surpassed the previous base prior to the infielder possessing the ball) but may not advance beyond that base; except.

  • If the infielder attempts to make a play on an advancing runner after receiving the ball from the outfield by throwing to a base, other runners may advance on the throw, but only one (1) time per play (i.e. a second throw to another base shall not allow runners to advance again.  If the first attempted throw results in an overthrow, the infield overthrow rules listed above shall apply. 

  • In the event of a suspended game (weather, lights, etc): a complete game is 4 innings (3 ½ innings if the home team is ahead after the top of the 4th) & there would be no make-up/continuation of the game. If less than 4 innings, then the game is continued as stated in the Rule Book. All info in Rule Book: Rule 4:10 a.-e. & 4.12



  • Pitching Machine - The pitching machine will be set to 36 mph using the Blue Flame Pitching Machine. Speed will be 4 in the back & 7 at the bottom.  

  • The AA commissioner has the discretion to increase or lower the pitching  machine’s velocity. The velocity set by the AA commissioner will be followed  by ALL AA teams. 

  • Under no circumstances will a player reach under, through or into the machine  to retrieve a ball in the area the machine occupies. If a batted ball comes to rest  under the machine, gets stuck in the machine, or any circumstances that appears  that the player could be in danger, the operator should yell “Time, Dead Ball”  and remove the ball himself. The batter will be awarded first base and the  runners will advance 1 base. 

  • Bunting is NOT allowed.  

  • Pitcher must occupy the mound with one foot in the clay on either side of the  machine but not in front of the pitching rubber or machine. Pitchers may not  leave the mound until the hitter has made contact. 

  • There will be stealing of 2nd and 3rd bases only during the first 3 innings of  play. After the 3rd inning, there will be no stealing of bases. Stealing may occur once the ball has crossed the plate. If a runner leaves early and  successfully steals a base, he will be sent back. If tagged before reaching safely  he will be called out. If a runner attempts to steal home and is off the base and  tagged out, the runner will be called out. There will be no delayed stealing. 

  • o Runners WILL NOT be allowed to take extra bases on overthrows that occur  during an attempted steal. The base stealer may not advance another base but can be tagged out if off the base. On a pitch that is declared ‘bad’, a base stealer  will be required to return to the previous base occupied. 

  • o Runners may not leave the bag until the ball reaches the batter. 

  • o There is no infield fly rule. 

  • o All other rules of baseball apply. 


Run Rules – 

o Summary: 15 runs after 3 innings; 10 runs after 4 innings

▪ Rule Book: Rule 4.10(e) :

▪ “If after three (3) innings, two and one-half innings if the home team is  ahead, one team has a lead of fifteen (15) runs or more, the manager of the  team with the least runs shall concede the victory to the opponent. If after  four (4), three and one-half if the home team is ahead, one team has a lead  of ten (10) runs or more, the manager of the team with the least runs shall  concede the victory to the opponent.  If after  five (5), four and one-half if the home team is ahead, one team has a lead  of eight (8) runs or more, the manager of the team with the least runs shall  concede the victory to the opponent.”  

o Run Rules will be observed for AA games. If a Run Rule determines a game  result (W/L), the result will be recorded and acknowledged by both managers.  Then, the scoreboard will be turned off, and teams will continue to play until the  time limit expires.  

• Pitching, Pitch Counts (per game/outing), Days Rest – 

o NO Kid pitch for the entire Fall Season 

  • Rule Book: 7.14(b)

    • Courtesy Runner: A local league may permit a “courtesy runner” for the catcher and/or pitcher of record when there are two (2) outs…. A courtesy runner must be reported to the plate umpire. ...If the continuous batting order is used, the “courtesy runner” may be in the team’s batting order and must be the player in the batting order who made the last out” 

• Umpires – 

  • One umpire per game 

  • AA Teams will umpire each other’s games. Umpire will stand in foul territory,  behind the hitter (near on-deck circle). Umpiring schedule will be released at  time of regular schedule. If a AA team is scheduled to umpire and unable to, it is  their responsibility to find a replacement. 

  • Field umpire will be provided by another AA team (manager/coach volunteer OR UIC/league approved umpire)

  • Teams will be responsible for checking their schedule for ump duties

  • If a no-show for Ump Duty, then the team will acquire an additional “loss” in standings

  • Board Room/Upstairs/ScoreBooths:

    • Upstairs & score booths will be unlocked at the start of duty. 

    • No one besides the scorekeepers (+ DOD) upstairs.  

    • Digital ScoreBoard & Paper Pitch Count will be done upstairs by Visitors. Please return pitch count sheets to the designated bin upstairs. 

    • Scorekeeping will be kept on the GameChanger app - by SLL provided iPad by the Home team. Log-in will be SLL admin log-in. Gamechanger can be done upstairs or downstairs - at Home team preference. For the game to go “Live” (for others to follow along online), the ipad must be upstairs near wifi - or scorekeeper can use his/her phone as a hotspot.

• Other rules – 

  • Standings (W/L %) will be kept throughout the season and will be used for  seeding for playoffs 

  • Pool Players: See section on rules for All Majors/Minors Drafted Divisions

  • Playoff Rules: see Playoff Addendum (TBD)

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