Southington South Baseball: Parents
The Southington South prides itself with having an active league and works hard to create a positive experience for everyone involved. If you're new to the League, welcome. If you're a returning player/family/fan, Welcome back!
Our success is due to the families in our league, and your help is both needed and appreciated.
We have monthly meetings at Spartan II on Meriden-Waterbury Turnpike. These are typically held the first Monday of each month from 8:00-9:00 p.m. in the back room. Minutes are posted on the website. Check the website or our Facebook page for details. All are welcome and are encouraged to attend.
We have several positions available if you are interested in volunteering some time. We need individuals to help with field maintenance, to help with the concession stand (openers/closers), Fundraising or you might even want to help out your child's Coach. If you would like to work on field maintenance or as a Coach's assistant, you will need to fill out the VOLUNTEER section [can be done during registration or afterwards-but we need all of your information for background checks as per LL rules]. This is required by Little League and serves as a safety precaution for the children. Your information is reviewed by our Safety Officer, Vice President and or League President.
Additionally, as a parent/guardian of a player/players in the league, there is mandatory concession duty. Please read the following for information regarding the expectations for concessions. We typically have parents/guardians volunteer for Concession Stand duty starting from the T-Ball level through Junior/Senior league at Southington South in order for us to raise additional monies we need for things such as field repairs, equipment, material, fencing, safety supplies, training, etc. The expectation is (1) shift [typically 3 hrs. per child that you have in the league. Additional hours are required from parents/guardians during District/Tournament or Summer baseball teams in order to offset some of the expenses incurred from those teams participating in regional events after our regular season ends.
If you have a concern, it is usually best to start with your child's Coach. Sometimes situations are easily fixed. If you need further assistance, check with the Coordinators for your child's division as we will have every contact's information posted on our website once the season begins.
Please note there is no parking along Maxwell Noble Drive alongside Fields 1 or 2 on either side of the street. There is also no parking inside the gated area -- whether or not it’s open -- by Field 4 (AA field) and batting cages. This is a safety issue. Also, please abide by the posted speed limits within the park. There have been several close calls with kids and adults almost getting hit by cars. Thank you for your cooperation. (See "Map of Fields.")
There is also a Code of Conduct for all players and families. Please make sure you read, understand, and sign this document, and return it to your child's coach.
Finally, the Southington Board of Park Commissioners and the Southington Parks and Recreation Department, along with Southington South, all want to keep our young athletes safe. There will be times, however, when injuries are inevitable. Should you believe your child might have a concussion, or if your child has been formally diagnosed with having a concussion, we want you to have information about this potentially serious injury. Click on this link for the Concussion Education Plan listed on our website should your player suffer a concussion at some point during the season.