· I understand that the main purpose of this league is recreational and instructional. We want the participants to learn how to play the game, to have fun playing it and to develop a sense of teamwork and community spirit. The program is not intended to be highly competitive in nature. · I understand that all league officials, managers, and coaches are volunteers. The program could not exist if they did not volunteer their time and efforts to benefit the participants. · I will adhere to the applicable League Rules issued by Longwood Baseball/Softball. · I understand that the umpires are community youth who have undergone basic umpire training and are trying to do their best. There may be times where mistakes are made or poor judgment is used. I will do my best to encourage them and assist them whenever necessary. · I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, managers, coaches, and umpires. · I will place the emotional and physical well-being of any participant ahead of a personal desire to win. · I will not use foul language or profanity. · I will not physically or mentally abuse another individual. · I understand that the use of any illegal drugs or alcohol is prohibited at any Longwood sport activity. · Smoking is prohibited on school property. · Dogs are not allowed on school property. · I will not allow any controversy to escalate into a worse situation. I understand that all problems will be addressed by the managers, coaches and umpires. · I will remember that the game is for our youth -- not adults. · I will do my very best to make youth sports fun and instructional for all participants. · I will treat all players, coaches, parents, fans, and umpires with respect regardless of race sex, creed, or ability. · I understand that winning is not of the utmost importance. I understand it is ONLY a game! · I will do my best to make this an enjoyable experience for all. IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT THAT ALL ADULTS SET A GOOD EXAMPLE FOR OUR YOUTH. |