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Family Participation

Livermore Little League Family Participation 

At Livermore Little League, families are a part of the Team.  The League is run solely on volunteers and we need all of our families to get involved. Throughout the season, there are a variety of opportunities for everyone to participate and contribute to the success of our Teams and the entire League.

What is the expectation?

Each family is expected to participate in an approved volunteer activity per child playing in LLL. If a family is unable or unwilling to participate in an approved activity, they may pay an opt out fee of $95 per family at the time of registration.  If a family does not complete this participation requirement by the end of the season, families will be charged $150.

Note: not all activities require the same amount of time - the variety of opportunities allow for everyone to contribute in ways that best meet the abilities/interest/skills/schedule for our diverse families.  

How will the participation requirement be tracked?

Participation activities will be tracked by the Team Parent and/or the LLL Volunteer Coordinator.  At the end of the season, the Volunteer Coordinator will identify which families did not fulfill the requirement.  If the participation requirement has not been met, a $150 fee may be assessed at the end of the season.  Please note all fees must be paid before the family may register for the following season.

What opportunities will be available for the participation requirement?

The following list provides examples of approved participation opportunities - please contact your Team Manager or the LLL Volunteer Coordinator if you would like to participate in other ways.

Team Functions, may include but are not limited to: 

  • Manager
  • Coach
  • Assistant Coach
  • Team Parent
  • Scorekeeper
  • Umpire, parent volunteer (insert age levels)
  • Field Prep
  • Field Clean-Up
  • Additional Positions As Identified by Team Manager and/or Team Parent

League Events, may include but are not limited to:

  • Field clean-up day
  • Equipment/Uniform distribution, collection, and inventory
  • Tournament activities (Various)
  • Snack Shack Shift (8 hours total, includes 2 hours of online training)
  • Snack Shack Golf Cart (must be 18 years old)
  • Special Events: Spring Tryouts, Opening Day, Closing Ceremonies
  • Fundraising
  • Used Gear/Donation Swap (during Spring Tryouts)



4435 First Street, 348
Livermore, California 94551

Email: [email protected]

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