Obtaining a sanction for a VYSA event that involves children playing soccer with paid referees will insure that those who participate are not taken advantage of. With a sanction, referees will be certified, the money collected will be spent for the event and rules will be written that will insure equality for each team that pays and participates in the event. Deciding on what is a game and what is a tournament was tasked to a Board committee at a VYSA Board of Directors meeting.
In order to set some guidelines for tournaments held in VYSA with only VYSA members participating, the following has been approved as policy of VYSA and has been added to the tournament information sent to our members.
For the purpose of this sanction, the event or games may be called scrimmage, festival, friendlies, games or by any other creative name. The length of the playing periods for these games may be any number of minutes as defined by those holding the event.
An event will be termed a tournament or games and require sanctioning if a group of teams, clubs, leagues, or any members of VYSA come together to play and any one (1) of the following is part of the event:
- More than 16 teams are involved
- Fees are collected and are over and above the actual cost of the referees and the facility
- T-shirts or tournament souvenirs are available (whether gift or sold)
- A hotel booking service is used for the event
- There is an official recognition of standing or awards are given
If none of these items apply, sanctioning is not required, however, any rules already in place in the US Youth Soccer Travel and Tournament Manual will continue to apply. Please note: Sanctioning is always required if any of the teams participating are from another State Association.