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Rutherford Little

League Baseball

Rutherford Little League Baseball


Rutherford Little League follows Little League International guidelines as a governing body for baseball operations. Please find both our Constitution, and Local Rules, which provide additional clarity for volunteers, members, and families. 

Rutherford Little League Constitution
Rutherford Little League Local Rules 

Linked below is the proposed draft of Amended Constitution and bylaws, which will be considered by the general members of the local league for approval at a meeting to be noticed in the near future. The linked drafts remain subject to local league, and ultimately Little League International review and, the Board of Directors reserves the right to make any further amendments and / or updates to same prior to any formal vote of the league membership to approve or adopt either document. In the event that further updates or revisions are made, the local league will use its best efforts to post updated versions of said documents here prior to the vote of the local league membership.

  1. Proposed Amended Constitution February 2024 - Draft


Rutherford Little League
PO Box 427 
Rutherford, New Jersey 07070

Email: [email protected]
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