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Rutherford Little

League Baseball

Rutherford Little League Baseball

Local Rules

Amended February 2024

0. Definitions
0.1 "The League" refers to Rutherford Little League, Inc. 
0.2 "Local Rule" refers to these rules.
0.3 "Playing Rule" refers to the Playing Rules of Little League Baseball, as published by Little League Baseball, Inc., in "Official Regulations and Playing Rules".
0.4 "Regulation" refers to the Regulations of Little League Baseball, as published by Little League Baseball, Inc., in "Official Regulations and Playing Rules".

1. Programs and Management

1.1 The League shall draw from a common pool, consisting of eligible children living within the Borough of Rutherford, Bergen County, New Jersey, and those children who may be included under the provisions of Regulation II (d) and/or IV (h), per annual approval from Little League headquarters.

1.2 The League shall offer the following baseball programs to eligible children:

  1. Major League, for players of League Age 9 through 12.

  2.  Triple-A Minor League, for players of League Age 8 through 10 who are not selected to Major League and players of League Age 7 with two seasons played in Double-A Minor League.

  3. Double-A Minor League, for players of League Age 5 and 6 who have played at least one season of Tee Ball and players of League Age 7.

  4. Tee Ball, for players of League Age 4 and 6. NOTE: Players of League Age 7 and 8 may be placed in Tee Ball upon recommendation of the child’s parent(s) and approval of the board of directors.

1.3 The League does not offer baseball programs for players younger than League Age 4 or older than League Age 12. League Age is the player’s age, in full years, on August 31st of the current year. (A player whose 12th birthday is August 31 is considered League Age 12; a player whose 12th birthday is September 1 is considered League Age 11.) 

1.4 Inter-league practice and official games are permitted, per annual approval from Little League headquarters. Players may not participate in a team practice or game unless they are on the roster of the specific team. For example, a rostered Minor League player may not participate in a Major League team practice.

1.5 Player Agent(s) and Vice President(s) will be permitted to manage or coach given approval by Little League International 

2. Membership Rules

2.1 League membership is open to all interested parties. Coaching is not a requisite.

2.2 Prospective members must submit an application to the board of directors for review.

2.3 In order for a member to be eligible to vote at the annual September meeting, the member must be a member in good standing, and have attended any combination of at least five (5) league meetings and/or volunteer events, including the September meeting.

2.4 In order for a member to be eligible to manage, coach, or assist a team, all coaching volunteers are required to take the Rutgers Certification Course. This is a lifetime certification and mandatory for all Recreation Coaches in the town of Rutherford. All new members must be certified before the start of the season, and send proof of certification to The League. All coaches and managers must also complete any other training and/or safety courses, certifications or evaluations required by Little League Baseball, Inc. from time to timeAll managers and coaches must be members in good standing.

2.5 All managers and coaches must be approved annually by the board of directors.

2.6 Managers, coaches, and members who do not participate in League functions, such as league meetings, volunteer events, committees, fundraisers, or other such functions designated by the board of directors, shall be subject to a change in status by the board of directors.

2.7 Parents of Major League players who become managers or coaches (meeting all coaching requirements) after their children have been selected by a Major League team may not automatically claim their child, but may trade for them at the proper time (see Local Rule 3.8).

3. Draft Rules

3.1 Each Major League team shall maintain a roster of up to 12 players. The draft shall be conducted using the Little League Draft Selection System, as modified by Local Rules 3.2 through 3.8. In case of the release of a player, selection of a replacement shall be governed by Local Rule 3.9.

3.2 Each teams draft position will be determined by the record of the previous season (ie. last place picks first, town champion picks last).  Based on the final standings, each team will be ranked according to their record, and the team with the least amount of wins shall pick first, next least amount of wins picks second, and so on until every team is ranked.  The town series champion shall pick last (regardless of wins).

3.3 If teams have identical records in the previous season, the teams shall be seeded into the draft in accordance with the tie-breaker procedure of Local Rule 8.2. The team with the worst record shall have the option of selecting ahead of the other team in odd or even rounds in the draft. The other team will then draft ahead in the opposite rounds. In case of identical head-to-head records, a coin toss shall determine the option.

For instance: Teams A and B are tied and will draft 4th and 5th. Team A has the option and elects to draft ahead in odd rounds. Therefore, Team A drafts 4th in rounds 1, 3, 5, 7, while Team B drafts 5th; Team B drafts 4th in rounds 2, 4, 6, 8, while Team A drafts 5th.

In the case of a three-way tie, once the tie-breakers are applied, the manager with highest preference will choose first from among the available slots in the first round, and so forth in order of preference. In subsequent rounds, the teams shall rotate draft positions so that the team filling the second slot makes the first selection among the tied teams in the second round, etc.

For instance: Teams A, B, and C are tied and will draft 4th, 5th, and 6th. Team A has first preference and chooses the earliest pick in the first round, followed by Teams B and C.

3.4 A team may exercise an option to select the manager’s child prior to teams with earlier picks. In case of multiple options on the same child, the manager option has preference.

3.5 A team may exercise an option to select a coach’s child prior to teams with earlier picks, provided:

  1. The coach has been an active member of the League for four consecutive years with the Major League team seeking to draft the child; or

  2. The coach has been an active member of the League for five consecutive years, the last season with the Major League team seeking to draft the child.

In either case, "active" membership shall be determined by the board of directors.

3.6 All options which may be exercised during the course of the draft must first be submitted in writing to the Player Agent at least 24 hours prior to the draft. Any child covered by an option under Local Rules 3.04 or 3.05 may be selected as an optioned player only when the optioning manager states the intention to exercise that option prior to the start of a draft round. Options may only be exercised in the first three rounds of the draft. It is not mandatory that an option be the team’s first pick(s) in that season’s draft. A child for whom an option is declared prior to the draft, but not exercised prior to the start of a round, is available to be selected by any team in that round.

3.7 Player Agent’s List.

  1. At least 24 hours prior to the draft, each manager and any independent evaluator shall submit an overall rating for each draft-eligible player candidate to the player agent. The player agent shall normalize these ratings to a 0-10 scale, aggregate them, and sort the aggregate ratings in order to produce the player agent’s list, which will define the players to be selected in the draft.

  2. The player agent’s list shall be in two parts:

    • The Mandatory List will include all 12 and 11-year-old players and as many of the highest-rated 9- to 10-year-old players (by aggregate rating) as needed to bring the Mandatory List to a total length of five (5) fewer than the total number of players to be selected. (For example, if the total number of players to be selected is 45, the length of the Mandatory List will be 40.)

    • The Secondary List will include: all players not on the Mandatory List for whom managers have submitted options under Local Rule 3.06; all players not on the Mandatory List who have siblings on the Mandatory List; and as many of the highest-rated players not on the Mandatory List as needed to bring the Secondary List to fifteen (15) players.

  3. The list distributed to managers will not include aggregate ratings or rankings. The sorted list will be retained by the player agent, who may refer to it at the player agent’s sole and exclusive discretion when asked about the status of a specific player. EXCEPTION: If a manager’s child is on the player agent’s list, the player agent will indicate the round (not the specific position) into which the child projects based on aggregate rating. No team other than that manager’s team may select that player prior to the indicated draft round.

  4. All submitted options will be indicated on the player agent’s list. A manager may remove a player for whom that manager has submitted an option from the Secondary List, in order to ensure that child’s placement at the Triple-A level. This retains that manager’s right to exercise an option on that player in a successive season.

  5. Following the third round of the draft, a 9-year-old player on the Secondary List may not be selected.

  6. At no time will a team be forced to select a player that will cause the team to exceed five (5) players of a given League Age (9 through 12).

    • The player agent will announce an increase in this limit only for 12 and 11 -year-olds in the case that enrollment in those age groups exceed 5 times the number of teams in Major Baseball.

    • If all 12 and 11-year-olds have not been selected near the end of the draft, this rule may mandate the selection of a 12 and 11-year-old by a team prior to the conclusion of the draft. The player agent will monitor this possibility and advise accordingly.

  7. At no time shall a Major Baseball team carry more than three (3) players of league age 9 on its roster.

  8. Once five (5) players have been selected from the Secondary List, all remaining selections must be from the Mandatory List. This applies regardless of available options (manager/coach option, sibling option, etc.). All Mandatory List players must be selected by the conclusion of the draft.

3.8 Following the draft, managers may, if they desire, trade players for up to one (1) hour (commencing at the completion of the draft). All trades shall be made with the approval of the Player Agent(s) and the League President.

3.9 After the draft, eligible players not selected for Major League shall be evenly split and placed in the Minor League. A team from which a player is removed after the draft must select a replacement player from among the eligible players remaining on the Secondary List as quickly as possible, subject to Local Rule 3.7(g). Selection of a replacement player is not required after the team has played 11 regular season games.

4. Scheduling and Other Regulations

4.1 Make-up games shall be re-scheduled on the first available OPEN DATE. Friday and Sunday slots labeled OPEN will be used. As a final choice a Minor League game could possibly be bumped from the Major League field to reschedule a Major League game. The list of OPEN dates will be verified and approved by the board of directors prior to the season. If multiple OPEN slots exist prior to a scheduled game on a given day, they will be filled in reverse order (latest to earliest).

4.2 For games in the last three weeks of the season, contending teams shall be given priority in the make-up schedule, and all such priorities must be approved by the League President.

4.3 No game shall be moved from a scheduled day or time without the consent of the board of directors.

4.4 No team shall be required to play more than three (3) games in a calendar week (Sunday through Saturday) or to play games on four (4) consecutive days, unless there is absolutely no other alternative.

4.5 Game and Practice Times

  1. On a night when school is scheduled to be in session the following day, a regular-season game must be called if the field cannot be made ready for play by 7:00 p.m. due to weather or field conditions. On any other night, a game must be called if it cannot be started by 8:00 p.m. The Little League curfew (Regulation X) will be strictly enforced. No inning may begin after 10:00 p.m. (An inning has begun the moment the third out is made by the home team ending the previous inning.) Under no circumstances will an exception be made to the Little League curfew.

  2. No team shall hold practice at a time announced by the League as conflicting with a major function, including but not limited to the Opening Day parade and the annual fund-raising canvass.

4.6 In the event a team cannot field nine players to start any game, the game will be forfeited; however, appeal to the board of directors is permitted. If an appeal is upheld, the game will be rescheduled at the earliest possible date. If the same team cannot field nine players at the start of the rescheduled game, it will then be considered a forfeit.
NOTE 1: This forfeiture procedure will apply to each scheduled game on an individual basis.
NOTE 2: If possible, the date of the rescheduled game will be during a week where the team not causing the delay has only one scheduled game.
NOTE 3: Effective with the 2008 season, the Major level will use the Alternate Player Pool described in Regulation V. If a team knows in advance that it cannot field nine players, a player will be contacted by the Player Agent using a random list. The Alternate Player Pool will consist of 9-year-olds on any team other than the one requesting the player. If the assignment is declined, the Player Agent will contact the next player on the list. The player who accepts the assignment will play (but may not pitch) for the team that would otherwise be shorthanded.

4.7 If a player does not meet the mandatory play requirement of Regulation IV (i) because a game was shortened due to the Ten-Run Rule (Playing Rule 4.10 (e)), that player must start the team’s following game.

5. Ground Rules

5.1 Major League field:

  1. A ball passing the line between the outside pole of the fence marking off the former on-deck circles and the nearest corner of the dugout is dead.

  2. The dugouts are dead-ball areas. A ball that touches the roof of the dugout or enters a dugout is dead.

  3. A ball passing under a fence or gate, or becoming lodged in a fence is dead.

  4. The tarpaulin along the right-field fence is alive and in play. However, a ball that becomes lodged in or under the tarpaulin is dead.

  5. Except when entering or leaving the dugout, no player shall stand in the alley between the curb of the dugout and the protective fence, or in the former on-deck circle area. Players may stand or sit on the top curb step of the dugout. A catcher may use the former on-deck circle area between innings to don or remove protective equipment.

5.2 Minor League fields:

  1. A ball passing the line between the end of the backstop and the protective fence is dead.

  2. A ball passing the line constituting the extension of the protective fence toward the outfield is dead.

5.3 A fielder may stand in a live-ball area and lean into a dead-ball area to attempt to catch a fly ball. If, on the momentum of the catch, the fielder falls into a dead-ball area, the batter is out but each base runner is awarded one base (Playing Rule 7.04). If a fielder gains possession of a thrown or batted ball and then enters a dead-ball area but does not fall, the ball remains alive and in play (Playing Rule 5.10). A foul fly touched when the fielder has one or both feet completely within a dead-ball area is a foul ball.

6. Minor League Rules

6.1 Each team shall employ a “bat-around” batting order, consisting of the names of all members present. Nine (9) players shall take the field. Each player must play at least two (2) defensive innings over the first four (4) innings of the game. Players should rotate throughout both infield and outfield positions, unless safety issues are present, and should not sit for 2 consecutive innings.  Free substitution of fielders is permitted. A player not listed on the original batting order who arrives after the game starts is to be added at the bottom of the order.

6.2 (Triple-A) A pitcher is limited to three (3) innings pitched in one game, and must abide by Little League International pitch count guidelines. All players will pitch from 46 feet, consistent with Majors and Little League International guidelines. 

(Double-A) No player pitching is permitted in the Double-A league. See Local Rule 6.07 (Double-A).

6.3 The Infield Fly rule is not used in the Minor League.

6.4 An advance of base is only permitted under the following circumstances (1) fair ball in play (2) hitter forcing runner to advance on walk or hit-by-pitch, (3) dead ball due to overthrow. Advancements based on fair ball in play will end once a defensive player has control of the ball. Advancement based on a dead ball will result in maximum 1 base. In both cases, any runner that has not reached the halfway mark between bases will at the time of (a) possession or (b) dead ball call will return to the original base.”

6.5 (Triple-A) Bunting is permitted, (Double-A) Bunting is not permitted.

6.6 The rule regarding sliding (Playing Rule 7.08 (a) (3)) shall be enforced.

6.7 (Triple-A) A team shall be limited to three passes (walks or hit batters) in an inning (regardless of the number of pitchers used in the inning). After the limit is reached, the pitcher will continue to pitch and the count will be kept as usual. However, upon ball four or a hit batter, the manager or a coach of the offensive team will enter and pitch to the batter. The count will reset once the manager or coach begins pitching, though no balls will be called, only strikes. If the batter takes 3 strikes, the at bat will result in a strikeout. If the batter hits a fair ball, the game pitcher is responsible for fielding the position. If another batter follows in the inning, the game pitcher then pitches to that batter subject to this rule. If a batter becomes incapacitated after the three-pass limit is reached, the batter is removed without an out being charged, and the next player in the batting order shall bat and be pitched to by the game pitcher, with a new count.

(Double-A) A coach of the offensive team shall deliver all pitches to batters of the offensive team. The defense shall station a player near the pitcher’s mound to field batted balls as a pitcher would field the position. There shall be no called balls or strikes. No batter will be awarded first base on a base on balls or by being hit by a pitch. NOTE: At the 2008 Annual Meeting, the League elected to allow 7-year-olds in Double-A to pitch. Implementation is to be determined prior to the 2009 season.

6.8 A team will be limited to five runs in an inning. This limit will be removed during the sixth inning or later of a Triple-A game. During the regular season, no inning may begin later than one hour thirty minutes (1:30) from the first pitch of the game (an inning has begun the moment the third out is made by the home team ending the previous inning); in addition, no pitch or play may occur later than two hours (2:00) from the first pitch of the game, or after 8:30 p.m. Playoff games will be played to a minimum of 4 full innings, or 2 hours and thirty minutes (2:30). 

6.9 (Triple-A) A regulation game that is called for weather, darkness or curfew with a tie score shall be entered as a tie game. However, if conditions permit and the score is tied after six (6) innings, as many extra innings as are necessary to break the tie shall be played (Playing Rule 4.10 (b)).
    (Double-A) A game shall consist of no more than five (5) innings, ending no later than one hour thirty minutes (1:30) after the scheduled starting time. Rained-out games shall not be rescheduled except as provided by the board of directors.

6.10 Two (2) adult base coaches will be permitted in Minor League games, provided at least one (1) coach remains on the bench.

6.11 One (1) coach of the defensive team is permitted to be in the field for instructional purposes during regular-season games. No coach is permitted in the field during playoff games. In Double-A only, a second coach is permitted in the field for instructional purposes, provided at least one (1) coach remains on the bench.

6.12 In Triple-A, one (1) manager or coach may go directly from the field or bench to the mound to make a charged visit to the pitcher. A third charged visit to the same pitcher during an inning or a fourth charged visit to the same pitcher during a game mandates the removal of that player as pitcher.

6.13 If a team’s catcher is on base with two out, the offensive team will substitute a “courtesy runner” in order to allow the catcher to don equipment and be ready to play the defensive position. It is encouraged that the player used as a “courtesy runner” be the player who batted last in the previous inning.

6.14 The Double-A league is a strictly instructional league. No scores will be reported to the League, no standings will be maintained, and no playoffs will be conducted.

7. Tee Ball Rules

7.1 No score or standings shall be kept in the Tee Ball program.

7.2 Each team shall employ a "bat-around" batting order, consisting of the names of all members present. All players shall take the field, but only five players shall take positions in the infield (first base, second base, shortstop, third base, and the pitcher’s position). No player may play in the infield (including the pitcher’s position) for more than two consecutive innings. The position of catcher is not used in Tee Ball. A player not listed on the original batting order who arrives after the game starts is to be added at the bottom of the order. NOTE: A player who has played two consecutive innings in the infield and refuses to assume an outfield position shall be removed from the game until the player agrees to assume an outfield position. If it becomes such removed player’s turn to bat, the turn will be skipped.

7.3 Each play will begin with the ball being pitched by an offensive coach or placed on the batting tee at home plate. If the ball is pitched, the defensive team shall station a coach to retrieve pitches not hit. The defense shall not use a player as catcher.

7.4 A ball is "foul" if it does not pass an arc line 15 feet from the point of home plate.

7.5 An inning shall consist of each player present on each team batting once.

7.6 A game is limited to four (4) innings or one (1) hour and may be shortened due to weather or light conditions. Unless the game is stopped for sudden weather conditions, the visiting and home teams shall have an equal number of innings at bat.

7.7 In no case, including the ball entering a dead-ball area, shall runners advance more than one (1) base as the result of a play.

7.8 Each team will receive one (1) Tee Ball bat. No player or parent may bring a bat to a Tee Ball game.

7.9 Two (2) adult base coaches will be permitted in Tee Ball games, provided at least one (1) coach remains on the bench.

7.10 The Tee Ball league is a strictly instructional league. Players on defense shall be instructed to make realistic baseball plays.

  • The position of catcher is not used; therefore, a fielder may not run to home base and make a force play.

  • An infielder may run to the nearest base to make a force play, or may throw the ball to a fielder at a base, but may not run to another base in order to make a play.

  • An outfielder may not run to a base in order to make a play.

PENALTY: The runner shall be called “Safe” even if such a play results in an apparent putout.

8. Post-season Playoff Rules

8.1 In the Major League, the teams will be ranked at the conclusion of the regular season. If two teams are tied, the record in head-to-head games between the tied teams shall determine the seed. If three or more teams are tied, the record in head-to-head games among the tied teams shall determine the seed. If a tie still results between three teams, the managers shall cast ballots to seed the playoff (see Local Rule 8.02). If, at any stage in the tie-breaking procedure, the number of teams in the tie is reduced, the tie-breaks are re-applied in order to the teams remaining in the tie. In the Minor League, the post-season playoffs will determine champions.

8.2 In the Major League, all teams shall qualify for the post-season playoffs. The playoffs will be conducted single elimination until 2 teams remain and then the final 2 play best of 3 series. All 8 teams will make the playoffs. There will be 2 single elimination rounds for playoffs, and 1 town championship series comprising 3 games. The first round, the 1 seed plays the 8 seed, 2 plays 7, 3 plays 6, and 4 plays 5. Winners of round 1 advance to round 2, where the winner of 1/8 plays the winner of  4/5, and the winner of 3/4 plays the winner of 2/7. The town championship series will consist of a best of 3 game series.

Ties for any playoff seed will be broken using the following criteria:

  1. Head-to-head record among the tied teams.

  2. Record in games against teams that finished higher in the standings

  3. If a tie still results between three or more teams, the managers shall cast lots to determine seedings.

If, at any stage in the tie-breaking procedure, the number of teams in the tie is reduced, the tie-breaks are re-applied in order to the teams remaining in the tie.

8.3 In the Triple-A Minor League, all teams shall qualify for the playoffs, which will be seeded in standard single-elimination format in order of regular-season record. Tied teams will be seeded according to the Major League tie-breaking format in Local Rule 8.02. In the Double-A Minor League, no playoffs will be conducted.

8.4 During playoffs, there will be no more than two (2) games scheduled to be played by a given team at each level in each of the Leagues in any one calendar week. In case of inclement weather, playoff games will be played in the exact order listed on the schedule.

8.5 In any seeded playoff, the team with the higher seed shall have the right to choose to be the home or visiting team. For the Major League town championship game, a coin flip shall determine the home team.

9. Tournament Team Selection Rules

9.1 Selection of Managers.The League will field as many as 5 teams for tournament play:  8, 9, 9-10, 11, 11-12.  All managers will be selected by the Board of Directors at its sole discretion.  Tournament team managers will be chosen first from a pool of major managers and coaches, then board members, then minor league coaches, then other interested persons.  Anyone who is interested in managing must submit an interest letter to the Board 2 weeks prior to the start of Playoffs.  The letter must contain names of proposed coaches. A Minor League manager may be named 8-year-old tournament team manager.  All tournament team managers and coaches must attend a meeting with the board of directors prior to tournament team selections.

9.2 Selection of Players

Major Leagues:  Little League managers will first assess players’ interest (and ability to abide by rules) in being considered for Tournament teams. Managers will then submit players to the Player Agent(s) to be invited to evaluations. There will be a manager and 2 coaches in the dugout (on the field) prior to the start of every game (minimum 12 players/team). 

  1. 11-12 year old tournament - Up to 1/2 of the team may be comprised of 11 y/o. The Board may add names to the evaluation list.

  2. 11 year old tournament team - any 11’s that are interested in playing on tournament teams that have not filled the 11-12 y/o team will be placed on the 11 y/o evaluation list.

  3. 9-10 team- same as 11-12

  4. 9 team-same as 11

  5. 8-Year-Old Tournament: Each Minor League manager will appoint 8-year-old players from that manager’s roster to the Evaluation Squad, the number to be determined by the board of directors.

9.3 Evaluation. The 12U team will be selected from the eligible player pool of 11/12 year old players.   The 11u team will be selected based on remaining eligible 11/10 year olds. The 10U team will be selected second from the eligible player pool of 9/10 year olds.The 9u team will be selected based on eligible 9 year old players. The pool for 10 and 9 year old players will come from Majors players first, only pulling from Minors if there are not enough Majors players to fill. 8 year olds may “play up” for the 9u team if there are not enough 9 y/o players to field a full 12 player roster. The tournament team manager will hold at least two evaluations with the Evaluation Squad, taking attendance at each. Any player who does not attend at least 50 percent of evaluations, and who did not play in 8 regular season games, shall not be eligible to participate on a tournament team.

9.4 Final Selection. The tournament team manager will select the 12 players comprising the team. These choices must be certified by the board of directors. EXCEPTION: Should exactly 13 players be eligible for selection to the tournament team, those 13 players shall constitute the tournament team. Season statistics for Evaluation Squad players will be made available to the tournament team manager after the final evaluation, but prior to final selection. NOTE: Season statistics are always available to the board of directors when considering discretionary selections to Evaluation Squads or rosters submitted by tournament team managers.

9.5 Notification. Evaluation Squad players will be notified by their regular season team manager as to whether or not they were selected for the tournament team. The board of directors, upon certification of the final roster but not before the regular season is completed, will advise the team managers of the results for Evaluation Squad players on their respective teams. Upon receipt of this information, the regular season team managers must notify their players immediately (with no later than a 24-hour delay). The League, upon notification that all Evaluation Squad players have been contacted, will then post the final teams.

9.6 Practice. Any player who misses more than one (1) tournament team practice, except for regular season team practice or game or for reason justified by the board of directors, in a calendar week (Sunday through Saturday) shall be subject to immediate removal from the tournament team. NOTE: A tournament team shall not conduct more than five (5) practices in a calendar week (Sunday through Saturday).

9.7 Games. Any player who misses a game, except for a Little League injury or reason justified by the board of directors, shall be subject to immediate removal from the team.

9.8 All players will wear helmets with face guards or C Extensions while batting, running the bases, or coaching the bases in any tournament game or practice.

9.9 Replacement of Removed Players. No "alternates" will be designated; however, replacement players must come from the roster of the Evaluation Squad unless no more eligible players remain from that squad. An Evaluation Squad player who did not attend 50% of evaluations remains ineligible for consideration. Replacement of removed player is mandatory prior to the district semifinal (winners or losers bracket). Following the district semifinal, replacement shall not be immediately required; however, if the roster drops to 10 players, the manager must then call up 2 replacement players.

9.10 Manager Responsibility for Adherence to Rules. A manager who violates the rules regarding conduct of tournament team practice and games (Local Rules 9.06 and 9.07) shall immediately be removed from the tournament team and will be disqualified from affiliation with a tournament team in the following season. A new manager will be appointed by the board of directors if the tournament team has not been eliminated from the current season’s competition. The violating manager may also be subject to removal from that manager’s regular-season team and/or removal as a Regular Member of the League, by action of the board of directors.

9.11 Outside Participation. Participation by Rutherford Little League players in outside programs or tournaments, before or after the Little League International Tournament, is permitted. However, the League does not sanction such programs or tournaments and will not pay entry fees or provide certificates of insurance, and players will not be covered by Little League Accident Insurance. Players or teams may not be identified as Rutherford Little League, or by any Little League Baseball registered trademark. No uniforms or equipment belonging to the League may be used in outside programs or tournaments.

10. Miscellaneous Local Rules

10.1 Protest committees shall consist of the president, the player agent, and at least one (1) member at large not affiliated with either team, or with the league of either team at the level at which the protest occurred. The protest must be reviewed and a decision made within one (1) week after the filing of the protest. Violation of any Regulation, Playing Rule, or Local Rule will not result in automatic forfeiture. All protests must be filed in accordance with Playing Rule 4.19 before any action will be taken. Notice of Playing Rule 4.19 (f), Note 2. When a known violation of the rules is brought to a manager’s attention during a game by the official scorer or a League official, and the manager refuses to correct it, the game will be halted at that point, and the manager will be under penalty of suspension, pending a hearing by the board of directors. Even if it is held that the protested decision violated the rules, no replay of a game will be ordered unless, in the opinion of the protest committee, the violation adversely affected the protesting team’s chances of winning the game.

10.2 The following rules supplement the protective equipment requirements of Playing Rule 1:

  1. All players must wear batting helmets with face guards while batting, running the bases, or coaching the bases.

  2. All pitchers must wear an approved form of heart protection while pitching to a batter in practice, a scrimmage, or a game.

  3. All Major Baseball players must wear an approved form of heart protection during all practices, scrimmages, and games.

10.3 A player shall not be permitted to participate unless a Medical History and Release Form has been submitted to the League for the current season. The manager shall retain copies of the form for players on the team. All injuries must be reported to the League immediately (within 48 hours) and an injury report must be filed.

10.4 The crew working the Kitchen (Should be home team) must supply adults to conduct the hat collection (or 50/50 drawing when the game is on the Major League field). All collection proceeds are to be brought to the concession stand by the end of the game.

10.5 All scheduled post-season all-star games, including Major League All-Star Game, Major League 9 & 10 Year Old Game, Minor League All-Star Game, and 8-Year-Old Tournament Team Game (not all of which may be scheduled in each season), shall be 6-inning contests using a bat-around order. All players shall play a minimum of three (3) innings on defense. Free defensive substitution is permitted, except that a pitcher once removed from the mound may not return to pitch. Pitchers may pitch a maximum of two (2) innings.

10.6 Selection of Tournament teams will be made on the first Tuesday of June of each season, in accordance with Local Rule 9.03. The time of selections will be determined by the board of directors.

10.7 The League shall assign two (2) umpires to all Major League games, and a minimum of one (1) to all Triple-A Minor League games. The policy for assignment and reimbursement of umpires shall be set by the board of directors, in accordance with Article XI, Section 5 of the League Constitution. The board of directors reserves the right to assign additional umpires to post-season playoff games. No umpires shall be assigned to Tee Ball or Double-A Minor League games.

10.8 All Team uniforms (shirts, pants, etc.) must be collected by the team’s manager immediately following the team’s last game. (Exception: Players will wear their team uniforms in town All-Star games.) Managers failing to do so will be subject to disciplinary action.

10.9 Teams whose players are entitled to receive jackets purchased by the League include the champions of the respective Major Leagues, the Major League town champion if not a league champion, and a Major League team that wins a district championship. The budget for jackets for any team that earns them is $100 per player. Managers and coaches are responsible for purchasing their own jackets if they so desire.

10.10 All players on a tournament team must get any awards (trophies, jackets, etc.) given to the rest of that team. If a player leaves a tournament team voluntarily, the board of directors will rule on whether that player may receive or forfeit any or all awards given to the rest of that team.

10.11 Any member who serves as League President giving up a place as a manager/coach on a Major League team, upon completion of presidency, has the right to resume the previous position on that team, with uninterrupted service.

10.12 Prior to all games on the Major League field, one (1) member from each team should be at the field at least forty-five (45) minutes before the scheduled start of that game to prepare the field, i.e. lining, raking, and any other duty necessary to start the game. If a practice precedes a game, members of the practicing team’s coaching staff are to assist the game coaches with raking.

10.13 For Major League games, the home team is responsible for assigning four (4) parents to staff the concession stand. For Minor League and Tee Ball games on the Major League field, the home team shall assign three (3) parents to the stand for the first half of the game, and the visiting team shall assign three (3) parents for the second half of the game. The board of directors will set the policy for staffing the stand for tournament games.

10.14 On all fields, each team is responsible for cleaning its own bench/dugout area and bleacher area after each game. Garbage cans around the Major field are Little League responsibility, including in center field (specifically assigned to the visiting team). The home team on the Major League field is responsible for concession stand garbage, which must be brought over to the Dumpster behind the Recreation building.

10.15 A copy of the original birth certificate must be provided at a player’s initial registration. This will be retained by the League’s player agent. Original birth certificate is required for tournament players.

10.16 If any manager feels that disciplinary action is necessary toward a team member, that manager may submit in writing to the board of directors the actions, events or conditions leading to the need for action. The manager and/or the player may be requested to appear before the board. The board will then take any appropriate action it feels necessary to correct the problem.

10.17 No tobacco or alcohol in any form, including smokeless tobacco, will be allowed on any field during any game or practice. Any person disregarding this rule will face disciplinary action. No smoking is permitted in the clubhouse. Food and gum are not permitted on the field or in the dugout at any time. Water and soft drinks are permitted in the dugout.

10.18 No League member may wear a garment at any League game or practice that advertises, depicts, or promotes a substance or act contradictory to the ideals of Little League Baseball, including but not limited to the use of tobacco or alcoholic beverages. Garments that contain indecent or offensive pictures or slogans are also prohibited. An offender must leave the field immediately.

10.19 The Local Rules may be changed by board of directors vote from the period immediately following the election of the new board of directors at the Annual Meeting and prior to March 1st of the upcoming seasons calendar year. No changes to the Local Rules will take place in between March 1st and the election of the following seasons board of directors at the Annual Meeting , with the following exceptions:

  1. Local Rules 6 and 7, Minor League and Tee Ball Rules, may be changed at any time by joint consent of the managers at the level in question and the board of directors.

  2. Local Rule 9, Tournament Team Selection Rules, may be changed at any time only by the board of directors.

  3. Any Local Rules that are in conflict with the Rules or Regulations of Little League Baseball, Inc., or any Local Rules involving safety of members and spectators, may be changed at any time by the board of directors.


Rutherford Little League
PO Box 427 
Rutherford, New Jersey 07070

Email: [email protected]
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