2025 Spring Speed and Power Club
Hawk School is for ALL student-athletes in ALL sports. Hawk School provides the boys and girls in our school community the opportunity to learn and improve their: Agility, Speed Development, Flexibility, Circuit Training, Proper Form Running, Plyometrics, Improved Balance, Core Muscular Development, Overall Athletic Performance, and Enhanced Self Esteem.
Session 1
Who: Boys and Girls Grades 1st-4th (2024-2025 school year)
When: Saturday March 22, 29th, April 19th, 26th and May 3rd and May 10th - 6 Sessions
What: All Sports Speed and Agility training
Time: 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Session 2
Who: Boys and Girls Grades 5th-8th (2024-2025 school year)
When: Saturday March 22, 29th, April 19th, 26th and May 3rd and May 10th - 6 Sessions
What: All Sports Speed and Agility training
Time: 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Cost: $50 - Registration is online only at link blow
Where: Hamilton High School Gym