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Division Information

Tee-Ball Division:
League age 4-6. Tee Ball Baseball is for boys and girls who want to learn the fundamentals of hitting and fielding. In Tee Ball, players hit a ball off a batting tee. The primary goals of Tee Ball are to instruct children in the fundamentals of baseball and to allow them to experience the value of teamwork. Players in this division may request to be with a specific coach, neighbor, best friend, etc. during the registration process, but no requests are guaranteed.

Coach Pitch Division:
Players with experience and league age  5, 6, and first year 7 year olds.  5 coach pitches, then a tee will allow for everyone to get a chance to hit the ball.  Outs will be recorded but score is not kept.

AA Division (formally Farm):
League age 7-8 with some 6 and 9 year olds who need more experience before moving up. AA baseball is for boys and girls.  A coach pitches with a small introduction of kid pitch, focused on fundamentals and mechanics of hitting, throwing and fielding, preparing kids for play in the higher division.

Minors-AAA Division (Baseball and Softball):
League age 9-10.  A more competitive division, focused on advancing skills of pitching, hitting, throwing and fielding with the goal of reaching a skill level that prepares them for the Majors division. Players pitch to hitters.

Majors Division  (Baseball and Softball):
League age 11-12. The most competitive division of Little League baseball, that continues to stress fundamental baseball and introduce more advance baseball techniques and strategies.

Juniors Division  (Baseball and Softball):
League age 13-14.  A continuation of Little League baseball for players who have aged out of Majors, games are played on a larger field which includes 90 foot bases and a 60 foot pitchers mound.  The season starts a little later for this age group so as not to compete with High School Baseball and Softball teams.

Seniors Division  (Baseball and Softball):
League age 15-16.  A continuation of Little League baseball for players who have aged out of Majors.  Field size is the same as in Juniors.  The Season starts a little later for this age group so as not to compete with High School Baseball and Softball teams.

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