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Ahwatukee (Phoenix) PONY Baseball

Ahwatukee (Phoenix) PONY Baseball


Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) along with their answers to ensure you have all the information you need to decide where to register your player!

Q: When are practices and games?

A: Prior to opening day, athletes in all divisions typically have two practices each week. After opening day, Shetland will have one practice per week, along with one game day per week. All upper divisions should expect three baseball events per week with accommodations for double headers scheduled throughout the season based on field availability or reschedules due to weather. Final schedules are contingent upon our final field assignments from the City of Phoenix and Kyrene School District, so we cannot publicize exact dates and times at this time.

Q: How many games will my athlete participate in? 

The 2024 season will run from 08/17/24 through 11/9/24. Playoffs for all divisions (outside of Shetland) are from 11/11/24 through 11/23/24. Depending upon division, your player will have a minimum of nine weeks of baseball games. Season length may be extended based on weather. 

Q: What PONY age division does my athlete qualify for?

A: The website automatically selects the programs your player is eligible for based on their age. We do allow players to play up one age group if their skill level allows it. The final determination is at the discretion of the league based on the results of the skills evaluation. Playing down a division is rare and typically due to a serious medical condition, determined at the league's discretion. View the current League Age Key.

Refer to our Division Breakdown for more information.

Q: Will my athlete be cut if they don’t do well in the skills evaluation?

A: Absolutely not! The skills evaluation is not a tryout, but a way for coaches to rate the skill levels of players and ensure parity among the league's teams.

Q: Can I request my athlete play with a friend or sibling?

A: Siblings within the same division are guaranteed, with the opportunity for younger siblings to play up. We do our best to accommodate requests for friends to be placed on the same team if they fall within the same division. Shetland players can request to be placed on a team with a friend, but we cannot guarantee placement together due to the complexity of roster balancing. Athletes in all other divisions will be drafted by coaches and placed on teams.

Q: What bat should my athlete use?
A: Please refer directly to the 2024 PONY Baseball Rulebook. Bats must be certified with the USABat licensing stamp for league play. 

Q: How can I guarantee my athlete is on a team with a friend for divisions that draft?

A: For Pinto, Mustang & Bronco we allow head coaches to bring three assistant coaches onto their team prior to the draft. This automatically guarantees those coaches to retain their athletes.

Q: I am on a waitlist. What happens?

A: If you are on a waitlist, it means we are waiting for enough players to round out another team or for a coach to volunteer. Once these conditions are met, you will be contacted to complete your registration.

Q: Can I volunteer?

A: Yes! We welcome volunteers. Coaches, board members, etc. If you're willing to help the league in any capacity, send an email to [email protected].

Q: Do you have a softball division? 

A: At this time, Ahwatukee Foothills Pony Baseball Association does not have a softball division. We are a co-ed league, welcoming all athletes for baseball only.

Q: Who are the umpires?
Our umpires are paid officials, which come out of the athletes dues. Parents are not expected to umpire, unless they so choose. 

Q: If I coach, do I have to set up the field?
A: No, unless you feel compelled to! 


Ahwatukee (Phoenix) PONY Baseball
PO Box 93565 
Phoenix, Arizona 85070

Email: [email protected]

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