Website Manager


Revised March 19, 2018


1.1     The name of this corporation is the Crown Colony Baseball Corporation.

1.2     The official address for the Corporation will be: PO Box 17688, SLC, UT  84117


2.1     The Crown Colony Baseball Corporation (“Corporation”) exists for the following purposes:

2.1.1   To serve as the governing body for the Crown Colony Baseball League (the “League;”)

2.1.2   To operate the League as a Cal Ripken league under a charter with Babe Ruth Baseball, Inc.

2.1.3   To advertise and promote the League and youth baseball within the geographical boundaries of the League (the “League Area”) as determined by the State Commissioners of Babe Ruth Baseball; and

2.1.4   To operate at all times and exclusively for charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All funds, whether income or principal, and whether acquired by gift or contribution or otherwise, shall be devoted to said purposes.


3.1     The Corporation shall have the right to exercise all powers granted to a non-profit corporation under the Utah Revised Non-Profit Corporation Act.


4.1     The Corporation shall not have members. However, Adult Members of the League under ARTICLE 7 shall be entitled to participate in the affairs of the Corporation as provided in these By-laws.


5.1     General

5.1.1   The Corporation shall be governed by a Board of Directors (the “Board,”) consisting of fifteen (15) members elected without regard to race, religion, national origin, or gender. No more than three Directors may be from the same extended family.

5.1.2   The Board of Directors shall have general responsibility to define the policies for carrying out the objectives and purposes of the Corporation, as set forth in its Articles of Incorporation and By-laws. In exercising its authority, the Board, shall approve and publish all League rules and regulations; establish the full season calendar including tryout dates and regular season scheduling; ensure proper supervision at all League functions; approve the League roster each year; appoint Team Managers, determine League Manager positions and their respective responsibilities; determine fees; ensure sufficient income (including private donations) to cover all expenses incurred during any given season; and establish such additional policies as may be essential to the proper functioning of the League.

5.1.3   In furtherance of these responsibilities, the Board may establish committees devoted to specific areas of responsibility.

5.1.4   A Chairman and Vice Chairman shall be elected by a majority vote of the Board. The Chairman, and in his/her absence, the Vice Chairman, shall preside over all meetings of the Board, and in the absence of both the Chairman and Vice Chairman, the members of the Board shall choose a presiding officer for the meeting by majority vote.

5.1.5   Directors shall serve for two year terms, from September 1 through September 30 two years later; provided, however, that seven Board positions elected during 2009 shall be for one year terms, from October 1, 2009 through September 30, 2010. Thereafter, all Board positions shall be for two year terms.

5.1.6   Directors shall receive no compensation for their services.

5.2     Board Elections
Board elections shall occur at the final Board Meeting of the year. Nominations for new Directors may be received from any existing Director, Officer, or Adult Member of the League. Each Director shall have one (1) vote for each seat. All votes must be cast and votes may not be cumulated. The voting rights of the Director may not be delegated to another Director nor may they be exercised by proxy or absentee ballot. The vote will be tabulated by the President and presented to the Board. The nominees receiving the highest number of votes will be elected to the Board.

5.3     Board Meetings
Regular meetings of the Board shall be held no less than four (4) times per calendar year. Notice and agenda shall be given to each Director not less than twenty four (24) hours before the meeting is held. Notice shall be effective if provided to each Director at the telephone number, email or mailing address provided, in writing by each Director to the President. Special meetings may be called by the President or at the request of a majority of the Directors. A special meeting maybe called with twenty four (24) hours notice. A majority of the Directors must be present at any meeting to constitute a quorum. One or more Directors may participate in the meeting by means of telephone or video hook-up which allows all Directors to hear and speak to one another.  If a Director is absent from two (2) consecutive meetings they shall have to be voted back in by a majority of the directors.

5.4     Committees

5.4.1   Executive Committee
An Executive Committee of seven Directors may be appointed by the Board to exercise the authority of the Board in all matters relating to the operation of the League under Article 7 of these By-laws, except as limited by Sections 5.5 and 5.6. Any action taken by the Executive Committee shall require a vote of at least four members of the Committee. All Executive Committee actions shall be reported to the Board at the next Board Meeting.  No more than two Executive Committee members may be from the same extended or immediate family.

5.5     Actions Requiring a Majority Vote of All Directors. The following actions by the Board shall require a vote of at least eight Directors:

5.5.1   Approval of League rules.

5.5.2   Approval of League registration fees.

5.5.3   A single expenditure between $1,000- $5,000 in value.

5.5.4   A sale of the Corporation’s assets in one calendar year exceeding $500 in value.

5.6     Actions Requiring Super-Majority Vote of All Directors. The following actions by the Board shall require a vote of at least twelve Directors:

5.6.1   Amendment of these By-laws.

5.6.2   A change in the use of the Crown Colony field.

5.6.3   A change in the affiliation with Babe Ruth Baseball.

5.6.4   A sale of the Corporation’s assets in one calendar year exceeding $5,000 in value.

5.6.5   A single capital expenditure exceeding $5,000.


6.1     Term of Office
Officers shall serve for a period of two years, from September 1 through September 30 two years later. Officers may be nominated by any member of the Board, Officer, or Adult Member of the League, and must be elected by the Board by a vote of two-thirds of all members of the Board as constituted at the final meeting of the year. Officers shall receive no compensation for their services.

6.2     Positions
The Officers of the Corporation are the President, Executive Vice President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

6.2.1   President
The President shall be the Chairman of the Board and shall be responsible for the implementation and operation of all directives, rules and regulations, policies of the Corporation, Crown Colony League, and Little League International. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board and shall prepare the agenda for Board meetings. The President shall act as League Liaison with Little League International and shall be responsible to file all applications and/or other necessary documents for the League’s Little League Charter.

6.2.2   Executive Vice President
The Executive Vice President shall be the Vice Chairman of the Board and shall serve as President/Chairman at any meeting of the Board that the President is unable to attend. Further, the Executive Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in the event of the absence, death or inability of the President to perform said responsibilities until such time as an election of a new President can be held.

6.2.3   Secretary
The Secretary shall keep or cause to be kept the minutes of Board meetings and any other League meetings and shall give proper notice of all such meetings. The Secretary will maintain the official record of all By-laws, minutes, rules and regulations, policies, player records, team rosters (including tournament teams), scheduling and all other official information necessary to the League. The Secretary shall receive and record all information pertaining to League volunteers and prepare and maintain all elections and election results of the Corporation.

6.2.4   Treasurer
The Treasurer shall have charge and custody of all funds of the Corporation and the League and shall keep complete and accurate books of account of all income, receipts, disbursements and all other financial transactions of the Corporation and the League. All checks issued by the corporation must be signed by the Treasurer and one other Officer of the Corporation who is not related to the Treasurer. The Treasurer will prepare the annual budget and report as requested on the League funds and financial standing. The Treasurer will work with the Fund Raising Manager and the Snack Bar Manager in order to accurately maintain moneys disbursed and received.


7.1     Location
The physical location of the League is the private baseball field at 1400 East Kings Row Drive (4925 South), Salt Lake City, Utah. The official address for the League will be  PO Box 17688, SLC, UT  84117

7.2     League Members

7.2.1   Player Members
The Player Members of the League shall consist of the boys and girls registered to play in the League and assigned to a team. Players will be selected on a first- come basis at the time selected each year for registration, although Player Members whose parents are designated as coaches prior to the commencement of registration will automatically be selected to play. Any interested player who does not register before the registration deadline will be allowed to have his or her name placed on a waiting list to fill any vacancies.

7.2.2   Adult Members
Adult Members of the League will consist of all parents, stepparents, or other legal guardians of Player Members, League Managers, Team Managers, and coaches. At the end of each baseball season, Adult Members may volunteer or nominate others for positions with the Corporation and the League for the following year. The names of the volunteers or nominees will be presented to the Board to be voted upon or approved at the final Board meeting of the year.

7.3     League Managers
League Managers may include a Field Manager, a Uniform Manager, an Equipment Manager, a Snack Bar Manager, a Scorekeeping Manager, and a Fund Raising Manager and other managers as may be approved by the Board from time to time. League Managers will serve for a term of one season, but may be reappointed for successive seasons at the Board’s discretion.

7.3.1   Field Manager
The Field Manager shall be responsible for the proper maintaining of the Crown Colony baseball field located at 1400 East Kings Row Drive (4925 South), Salt Lake City, Utah. The Field Manager shall insure that the grounds are kept well-groomed, watered, cut and otherwise maintained. The Field Manager shall insure that the field is properly prepared for every game. The Field Manager shall report on the condition of the field and submit any recommendations for special requirements to the Board. The Field Manager shall present to the Board, for approval, recommendations for the hiring of and payment to necessary personnel required to maintain the field.

7.3.2   Uniform Manager
The Uniform Manager shall be responsible for the distribution of all uniforms to the Team Managers at the beginning of each season. The Uniform Manager coordinates with the Team Managers to make sure the teams have the necessary uniforms (and also to collect uniforms as warranted at the end of the season.)  The Uniform Manager shall coordinate with the Managers of the tournament teams to insure proper distribution of tournament uniforms and also for the collection of tournament uniforms at the conclusion of the tournament participation. It is suggested that the Uniform Manager work closely with the Equipment Manager in the coordination of responsibilities.

7.3.3   Equipment Manager
The Equipment Manager shall be responsible for the distribution of all required equipment to the Team Managers at the beginning of each season. The Equipment Manager shall maintain such records as required to insure the timely retrievability of said equipment at the close of each season. The Equipment Manager shall coordinate with the Team Managers to make sure the teams have the necessary equipment (, for the purpose of playing baseball. All equipment shall be ready for distribution to the Team Managers  at team draft date each year. The Equipment Manager shall coordinate with the Tournament Team Managers to insure proper distribution of equipment for tournament games and collection of equipment at the conclusion of tournament play.

7.3.4   Snack Bar Manager
The Snack Bar Manager shall assume all responsibility for the income generated by the operation of the League snack bar. The Snack Bar Manager shall be responsible for the proper supervision and operation of the snack bar during games and other events and/or activities of Crown Colony League. The Snack Bar Manager shall present to the Board recommendations for the hiring of and payment to necessary personnel required for the proper supervision and staffing of the snack bar.he Snack Bar Manager shall be responsible to secure the necessary supplies for the operation of the snack bar and shall maintain complete and accurate records including receipts of all expenses and expenditures required for the operation of the snack bar as well as income generated through the sales in the snack bar. The Snack Bar Manager shall coordinate with the Treasurer in order to insure the proper accounting of the Corporation’s financial records.

7.3.5   Scorekeeping Manager
The Scorekeeping Manager will be responsible for training scorekeepers for League games, keeping records of League game statistics, and posting League rules at the Crown Colony field.

7.3.6   Fund Raising Manager
The Fund Raising Manager shall assume all responsibility for the generation of income to the Corporation and League outside the player fees charged and funds generated by the snack bar. The Fund Raising Manager shall present to the Board all information and recommendations relating to the selling and/or renewal price for billboards, cost of preparation and storage of billboards, and all other sources of income from fund raising projects. The Fund Raising Manager shall maintain complete and accurate records including receipts of all expenses and expenditures as well as income generated through the fund raising efforts. The Fund Raising Manager shall coordinate with the Treasurer in order to insure the proper accounting of the Corporation’s financial records.

7.3.7   League Manager Committees
Any League Manager (Field, Equipment, Uniform, Snack Bar, Fund Raising, or Board approved Manager), may establish a committee at large to assist the League Manager in carrying out the requirements of the particular position. Actions of the League Manager Committees should be reported to the Board.

7.4     Team Managers

7.4.1   Number of Managers
There will be one Team Manager for each team in the League.

7.4.2   Team Manager Selection
The Board will appoint Team Managers at the beginning of each season. Prospective Team Managers will be judged on experience and past performance, including player development, treatment of players, sportsmanship, handling of parents, and treatment of umpires. Special consideration may be given to returning Team Managers, Team Managers of a lower level moving to a higher level, and coaches seeking to move up to a Team Manager position.

7.4.3   Team Manager Responsibilities
Team Managers will assist in the supervision, observation and evaluation of players during tryouts. Following tryouts, Team Managers (or their assigned coaches) will participate in the team draft and will be responsible for making draft selections for their respective teams. Team Managers are responsible for scheduling and holding practices, and teaching sportsmanship, teamwork and baseball skills appropriate to League level play to all players on the team. Team Managers are responsible for the conduct of all team members and coaches during practices and games.

7.4.4   Assistant Coaches
Team Managers will select assistant team coaches subject to board approval. No more than three (3) coaches (including the Team Manager) may be on the field during games.

7.4.5   Coaching Certification
All Team Managers and coaches must receive a coaching certification from Babe Ruth Baseball before the season begins and pass a background check.

7.5     League Divisions
At a minimum, the League shall have three divisions: 1) Peewees (players age 7-8;) 2) Minors (players age 9-10;) and 3) Majors (players age 11-12.) Player ages and eligibility will be determined by the rules of Little League International.

7.5.1   Exceptions
Requests for players to play outside their age group shall be discouraged, but may be granted by the Board under special circumstances. A player playing above his or her age level may be considered for the Tournament Team of the player’s actual age level.

7.6     Tryouts and Draft
The Board, with the assistance of Team Managers and coaches, will conduct a tryout and draft for all divisions at the beginning of each baseball season. Teams will be drafted as soon as possible following the tryouts. Before starting the draft, the Board, with input from the Team Managers, will review all pre-assigned or protected players and will determine the order of selection with the goal of producing teams within each division that are as evenly matched as possible. Each Team Manager will make one selection in turn. Team Managers will notify all players they have selected as soon as possible after the draft. All discussions regarding players during the draft shall remain confidential.

7.7     Tournament Teams

7.7.1   Tournament Team Managers  Selection
The Board will select Tournament Team Managers based upon their performance over the course of the season. Factors to be considered will include player development, team results, treatment of players, sportsmanship, handling of parents, treatment of umpires and votes from coaches in their respective divisions  Responsibilities
Tournament Team Managers will each select two Tournament Team coaches, subject to Board approval. Tournament Team Managers will schedule and hold practices, and will teach sportsmanship, teamwork and baseball skills appropriate to tournament- level competition to all players on the team. Tournament Team Managers shall be responsible for the proper conduct of all team members and coaches during Tournament practices and games. Tournament Team Managers will secure and have with them at Tournament play all necessary documents, papers and forms required of Tournament teams by Babe Ruth Baseball. Tournament Team Managers will be responsible for the return of Tournament uniforms and equipment to the Uniform and Equipment Managers, respectively.

7.7.2   Tournament Team Players
Prior to the end of regular League play, each Team Manager will submit to the Board and to the other Team Managers the names of each player on his or her team recommended for consideration as a member of the Tournament Team, along. A committee of the Board and all Team Managers will meet to discuss and evaluate all players who have been recommended for the Tournament Team. The final selection of each Tournament Team will be made by Tournament Team Manager, approved by the Board, and certified by the President. Tournament Teams may include up to fifteen (15) players each. No Tournament Team player shall be notified of his or her selection until the entire team has been selected, approved and certified. All discussions regarding players during tournament team selection shall remain confidential.

7.8     League Rules
At the beginning of each season, the Board will approve and publish a set of League Rules governing tryouts, draft, season length and schedule, game play, expectations of managers, coaches, players and parents, Tournament Team selection, special league rules, and other appropriate subjects. All League Rules must be consistent with these By-laws and the rules and regulations of Babe Ruth Baseball.


8.1     Publication of By-Laws and League Rules
The Secretary shall publish a manual of these By-Laws and all League Rules. This manual shall be kept current and shall be readily available to all members of the League.

8.2     Vacancies
Any Director, Officer, League Manager or Team Manager may resign at any time. Vacancies occurring shall be filled as soon as a volunteer replacement can be found.

8.3     Removal
Any Director, Officer, League Manager, Team Manager or League Member may be removed from with or without cause by the Board pursuant to a vote a two/thirds (2/3) of all Directors.

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